Delegates elected from a congressional district shall be allocated among the presidential candidates and the uncommitted designation as proportionally as is mathematically possible to the number of votes received in the presidential preference election within such congressional district. If the votes received by a presidential candidate in any congressional district are less than fifteen percent (15%) of the votes cast in such district, no delegates shall be allocated to such candidate and such votes of less than fifteen percent (15%) shall be considered as votes for the uncommitted designation.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 13 - Political Parties and Primaries
Part 3 - Presidential Preference Primary and Convention Delegates
§ 2-13-302. Election of Delegates to National Convention
§ 2-13-306. Nominating Petitions — Form
§ 2-13-307. Declaration of Candidacy
§ 2-13-308. Indication of Commitment
§ 2-13-311. Order of Names on Ballot
§ 2-13-313. Allocation of Elected Delegates
§ 2-13-315. Certification of Political Party's Delegates
§ 2-13-316. Vacancies in Delegation
§ 2-13-317. Binding Effect of Presidential Primary
§ 2-13-318. Legislative Intent
§ 2-13-319. Conduct of Elections
§ 2-13-320. Election to Fill Vacancies in County Legislative Body — Date