2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - Financial Disclosure
§ 2-10-121. Registration Fee for Political Campaign Committees

No later than January 31 of each year, each multicandidate political campaign committee registered with the registry of election finance shall pay a registration fee to be determined by rule promulgated pursuant to § 4-55-103(1). Payment of the registration fee by one (1) affiliated political campaign committee includes any disclosed affiliated committees registering separately; payment of the registration fee by a statewide political party, as defined in § 2-1-104, includes any disclosed subsidiaries of the political party registering separately. For any multicandidate political campaign committee registering a new committee during any year, the committee shall pay the appropriate registration fee at the time that it certifies its political treasurer. All fees collected under this section shall be retained and used for expenses related to maintaining an electronic filing system.