The historic zoning commission or the regional historic zoning commission shall, within thirty (30) days following the availability of sufficient data, grant a certificate of appropriateness with or without attached conditions or deny the certificate, and shall state the grounds for denial in writing. In its review of any such work to be undertaken in a historic district or zone, the historic zoning commission or the regional historic zoning commission shall apply the applicable review guidelines and give prime consideration to:
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 13 - Public Planning and Housing
§ 13-7-404. “Historic District or Zone” Defined
§ 13-7-406. Review Guidelines — Public Hearing — Notice
§ 13-7-408. Issuance or Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness — Guidelines
§ 13-7-410. Applicability of Part Relative to Regional Historic Zoning Commissioners