The governing body of the municipality, or such public officer or public body as it may designate, is hereby authorized to prepare a workable program, which may include an official plan of action, as it exists from time to time for effectively dealing with the problem of urban slums and blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating areas within the community and for the establishment and preservation of a well-planned community with well-organized residential neighborhoods of decent homes and suitable living environment for adequate family life, for utilizing appropriate private and public resources to eliminate, and prevent the development or spread of, slums and urban blight and deterioration, to encourage needed urban rehabilitation, to provide for the redevelopment of blighted, deteriorated, or slum areas, or to undertake such of the aforementioned activities or other feasible activities as may be suitably employed to achieve the objectives of such a program.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 13 - Public Planning and Housing
Chapter 20 - Housing Authorities Law
§ 13-20-207. Bonds for Redevelopment Projects — Security for Public Deposits and Legal Investments
§ 13-20-208. Advisory Board — Personnel
§ 13-20-210. Urban Renewal Projects — Extent of Rehabilitation
§ 13-20-214. Development of Program by Municipality — Authorization
§ 13-20-215. Powers Are Supplemental
§ 13-20-216. Notice to Property Owner of Proposed Acquisition