With respect to any housing project which a housing authority has acquired or taken over from the federal government and which the housing authority by resolution has found and declared to have been constructed in a manner that will promote the public interest and afford necessary safety, sanitation and other protection, no municipality shall require any changes to be made in the housing project or the manner of its construction or take any other action relating to such construction.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 13 - Public Planning and Housing
Chapter 20 - Housing Authorities Law
§ 13-20-102. Chapter Definitions
§ 13-20-103. Meetings and Residence of Commissioners
§ 13-20-105. Private Property — Taking by Eminent Domain Restricted Under Certain Conditions
§ 13-20-106. Housing Research and Studies
§ 13-20-107. Cooperation of Authorities in Exercise of Powers
§ 13-20-109. Acquisition of Land for Government
§ 13-20-111. Federal Projects Acquired by Authority
§ 13-20-112. Zoning and Building Laws
§ 13-20-115. Reasons for Eviction
§ 13-20-116. Housing or Domiciliary Care for Aged Persons — Daily Contact and Care for Tenants