In the general direct indices of instruments relating to real estate, the register shall enter the name of the grantor or maker of each instrument recorded, alphabetically arranged, the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom made, the kind of instrument, its date and the date filed for record, each entry to be under the appropriate head title or column. In like manner, the register shall enter in each reverse index the name of the person, firm, or corporation to whom each conveyance or grant is made, alphabetically arranged, the name of the person, firm, or corporation or other maker by whom executed or made, the character and date of the instrument, and the date filed for record, each entry under its appropriate column or head title. In each book the register shall also enter the book and page in which each respective instrument is recorded in the appropriate column and under the appropriate heading therefor.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 10 - Public Libraries, Archives and Records
Part 2 - Index of Public Records
§ 10-7-201. Clerks, Registers, and Other Officers to Index Records
§ 10-7-203. Names in Deeds of Realty to Be Entered Alphabetically in the Direct and Reverse Indices — Other Facts to Be Shown
§ 10-7-204. Direct and Reverse Indices to Personalty — Manner of Making
§ 10-7-205. Time of Making Indices — One or More Indices — Mortgages and Deeds of Trust
§ 10-7-206. Former Indices May Be Made in Addition to Required Indices
§ 10-7-207. Failure to Make Index — Forfeiture — Qui Tam Action
§ 10-7-208. Penalty for Failure to Index Records
§ 10-7-209. Cross Index as to All Parties in Minute Books and Execution Dockets