2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 09 - Education and Culture
Chapter 360 - (Former Provisions)

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 326 - State Administration of Education

Chapter 327 - State Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education

Chapter 328 - Local Financing of Education

Chapter 329 - Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century; Educational Improvement and Reform

Chapter 329A - Child Care

Chapter 330 - Boundary Changes; Mergers

Chapter 331 - (Former Provisions)

Chapter 332 - Local Administration of Education

Chapter 333 - (Former Provisions)

Chapter 334 - Education Service Districts

Chapter 335 - High Schools

Chapter 336 - Conduct of Schools Generally

Chapter 337 - Books and Instructional Materials

Chapter 338 - Public Charter Schools

Chapter 339 - School Attendance; Admission; Discipline; Safety

Chapter 340 - College Credit Earned in High School

Chapter 341 - Community Colleges

Chapter 342 - Teachers and Other School Personnel

Chapter 343 - Special Education and Other Specialized Education Services

Chapter 344 - Career and Technical Education; Education Related to Employment

Chapter 345 - Career Schools

Chapter 346 - Programs for Persons Who Are Blind or Deaf

Chapter 348 - Student Aid; Education Stability Fund; Planning

Chapter 350 - Statewide Coordination of Higher Education

Chapter 351 - (Former Provisions)

Chapter 352 - Public Universities

Chapter 353 - Oregon Health and Science University

Chapter 354 - Educational Television and Radio; Distance Learning; Translator Districts

Chapter 357 - Libraries; State Archivist; Poet Laureate

Chapter 358 - Oregon Historical and Heritage Agencies, Programs and Tax Provisions; Museums; Local Symphonies and Bands; Archaeological Objects and Sites

Chapter 359 - Art and Culture

Chapter 360 - (Former Provisions)