2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 823 - Carrier Regulation Generally
Section 823.101 - Duty of carrier to issue bill of lading on intrastate shipments; liability of carrier to holder for damage to shipment.

(2) Any for-hire carrier, railroad or transportation company so receiving property for transportation wholly within this state shall be liable to the lawful holder of such receipt or bill of lading, or to any party entitled to recover thereon, whether such receipt or bill of lading has been issued or not, for the full actual loss, damage or injury to such property caused by it, or by any common carrier to which such property may be delivered, or over whose line such property may pass when transported on a through bill of lading, notwithstanding any limitation of liability or limitation of the amount of recovery, or representation or agreement as to value in any such receipt or bill of lading, or in any contract, rule or regulation, or in any tariff filed with the Department of Transportation; and any such limitation, irrespective of the manner or form in which it is sought to be made, is unlawful and void.
(3) The provisions of subsection (2) of this section respecting liability for full actual loss, damage or injury, shall not apply:
(a) To baggage carried on passenger trains or boats, or trains or boats carrying passengers.
(b) To property, except ordinary livestock, concerning which the carrier is expressly authorized or required by order of the Department of Transportation to establish and maintain rates dependent upon the value declared in writing by the shipper or agreed upon in writing as the released value of the property. "Ordinary livestock" includes all cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses and mules, except such as are chiefly used for breeding, racing, show purposes or other special uses.
(4) The Department of Transportation may make the order referred to in subsection (3)(b) of this section in cases where rates dependent upon and varying with declared or agreed values would, in the opinion of the department, be just and reasonable under the circumstances and conditions surrounding the transportation. Any tariff schedule filed with the department pursuant to such order shall contain specific reference thereto and may establish rates varying with the value so declared and agreed upon. [Formerly 771.010; 1997 c.249 §241]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 19 - Utilities, Vehicle Code, Watercraft, Aviation

Chapter 823 - Carrier Regulation Generally

Section 823.005 - Definitions for ORS chapters 823 to 826.

Section 823.007 - Employee statements of pecuniary interests in motor carriers; rules.

Section 823.009 - General powers of department regarding motor carriers and railroads.

Section 823.012 - Suspension of laws during emergency.

Section 823.013 - Validity of rules, orders, acts and regulations of department; construction of laws.

Section 823.023 - Right of entry onto premises of any carrier or of business tendering hazardous materials for shipment.

Section 823.025 - Maintaining and producing records; expenses incurred in out-of-state examinations; rules.

Section 823.027 - Duty to furnish information to department.

Section 823.029 - Failure to furnish requested information.

Section 823.031 - Investigating complaints against carriers.

Section 823.033 - Investigations and orders on department’s own motion; request for hearing by aggrieved party.

Section 823.035 - Representation by non-attorney.

Section 823.063 - Notice and opportunity to correct hazardous material violations.

Section 823.071 - Definitions for ORS 823.073 and 823.075.

Section 823.075 - Petitioning department for authority to abandon agency or withdraw agent.

Section 823.081 - Enforcement of laws relating to carriers.

Section 823.083 - Enjoining violation of carrier laws.

Section 823.085 - Liability for damages to injured person.

Section 823.087 - Effect of carrier laws on common law and other statutory rights of action, duties and liabilities.

Section 823.101 - Duty of carrier to issue bill of lading on intrastate shipments; liability of carrier to holder for damage to shipment.

Section 823.103 - Limitations on carrier’s power to set time for filing of claim or starting action.

Section 823.991 - Penalties.