2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 008 - Court Officers and District Attorneys
Section 8.225 - Duties of trial court administrator; delegation; transcript coordinator.

(2) A trial court administrator shall, for each court served by the officer:
(a) Keep the seal of the court, and affix it in all cases required by law.
(b) Record the proceedings of the court.
(c) Maintain the records, files, books and other documents pertaining to the court.
(d) File all documents delivered to the trial court administrator in any action or proceeding in the court.
(e) Attend the court, administer oaths and receive the verdict of a jury in any action or proceeding therein, in the presence and under the direction of the court.
(f) Under the direction of the court enter its orders and judgments.
(g) Authenticate, by certificate or transcript, as may be required, the records, files or proceedings of the court, or any document pertaining thereto, and filed with the officer.
(h) In the performance of duties pertaining to the court, conform to the direction of the court.
(3) A trial court administrator may take and certify the proof and acknowledgment of a conveyance of real property or any other written instrument authorized or required to be proved or acknowledged.
(4) A trial court administrator may delegate powers of the office of trial court administrator to employees of the trial court administrator.
(5) A trial court administrator shall designate a person to act as transcript coordinator for the court. [1981 s.s. c.3 §12; 1985 c.540 §22; 1993 c.223 §1; 1995 c.273 §4; 1997 c.801 §§117,117a; 2007 c.129 §8; 2015 c.212 §13]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure

Chapter 008 - Court Officers and District Attorneys

Section 8.100 - Authority of Judicial Department to require fingerprints; rules.

Section 8.105 - Submission of proposed change to legislative committee.

Section 8.110 - State Court Administrator; appointment; term; duties.

Section 8.120 - Duties as court administrator for Supreme Court and Court of Appeals; Central Violations Bureau; delegation.

Section 8.125 - Duties to assist Chief Justice and other courts.

Section 8.155 - Bailiffs of higher courts.

Section 8.195 - Appointment of trial court administrators; removal.

Section 8.225 - Duties of trial court administrator; delegation; transcript coordinator.

Section 8.255 - Agreement between state and county to provide services with county employees; payment to county; supervision of employees.

Section 8.340 - Reporter’s duties.

Section 8.360 - Certified report as prima facie correct; reading as deposition; proceedings where reporter has ceased to be official reporter.

Section 8.415 - Definitions for ORS 8.415 to 8.455.

Section 8.420 - Qualifications and certification of shorthand reporters.

Section 8.435 - Certificate of certified shorthand reporter; prohibition on use of title "certified shorthand reporter" unless certified.

Section 8.440 - Grounds for revocation, suspension or refusal to issue certificate.

Section 8.445 - Fees.

Section 8.455 - Advisory committee, membership; terms.

Section 8.660 - Attending court and prosecuting offenses.

Section 8.685 - Assisting juvenile court; right to appear.

Section 8.705 - Written office policies.

Section 8.726 - District attorneys and deputies prohibited from engaging in private practice of law; exception.