2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 822 - Regulation of Vehicle Related Businesses
Section 822.045 - Vehicle dealer offenses; penalties.

(a) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to obtain a supplemental vehicle dealer certificate if the vehicle dealer opens any additional place of business using the same business name as a place of business approved under a vehicle dealer certificate without first obtaining a supplemental dealer certificate under ORS 822.040.
(b) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to obtain a corrected vehicle dealer certificate if the dealer moves a place of business or changes the business name without first obtaining a corrected dealer certificate under ORS 822.040.
(c) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to maintain proper vehicle dealer records if the dealer does not keep records or books with all of the following information concerning any used or secondhand vehicles or campers the dealer deals with:
(A) A record of the purchase, sale or exchange or of the dealer’s receipt for purpose of sale.
(B) A description of the vehicle or camper.
(C) The name and address of the seller, the purchaser and the alleged owner or other person from whom the vehicle or camper was purchased or received or to whom it was sold or delivered.
(D) For motor vehicles, the vehicle identification number and any other numbers or identification marks as may be thereon and a statement that a number has been obliterated, defaced or changed, if such is a fact.
(E) For trailers and campers, the vehicle identification number and any other numbers or identification marks as may be thereon.
(F) A duly assigned certificate of title or other primary ownership record or a bill of sale from the registered owner of the vehicle or camper from the time of delivery to the dealer until the dealer disposes of the vehicle or camper. If title is issued for the vehicle in a form other than a certificate, or if the primary ownership record is in a form other than a document, a dealer shall keep records in accordance with rules adopted by the Department of Transportation for the purpose of complying with this subparagraph.
(d) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to allow administrative inspection if the dealer refuses to allow the department to conduct an inspection under ORS 822.035 at any time during normal business hours.
(e) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to allow police inspection if the dealer refuses to allow any police officer to conduct an inspection under ORS 810.480 at any time during normal business hours.
(f) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of illegal use of dealer vehicle for hire if the dealer allows any vehicle operated under vehicle dealer registration to be loaned or rented with or without driver for hire or direct compensation.
(g) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of improper use of dealer plates or devices if the dealer or employee of the dealer causes or permits the display or use of any special vehicle dealer registration plate or device on any vehicle not owned or controlled by the dealer.
(h) A person commits the offense of improper display of dealer plates if the person operates over and along the highways of this state any unregistered vehicle owned or controlled by the dealer and any dealer plates issued are not displayed in the manner provided in ORS 803.540 for the display of registration plates.
(i) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to exhibit the dealer certificate if the dealer fails to permanently exhibit the certificate at the place of business of the person at all times while the certificate is in force.
(j) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to provide clear title if:
(A) Within 15 days of transfer of any interest in a vehicle or camper to the dealer by a consumer, the dealer fails to satisfy:
(i) The interest of any person from whom the dealer purchased or obtained the vehicle or camper;
(ii) The interest of any person from whom the person described in sub-subparagraph (i) of this subparagraph leased the vehicle or camper; and
(iii) All security interests in the vehicle or camper entered into prior to the time of transfer.
(B) Within 15 days of receiving clear title to a vehicle or camper from another dealer, the purchasing dealer fails to satisfy the interest of the dealer from which the purchasing dealer received the certificate of title or other primary ownership document. For purposes of this subparagraph, a purchasing dealer receives a certificate of title or other primary ownership document from a dealer on the date:
(i) The purchasing dealer or the Department of Transportation takes physical possession of the certificate or document; or
(ii) A written notice is mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the purchasing dealer from the dealer, stating that the certificate or document is available to be picked up at a place and time prearranged by both parties. The written notice must be mailed to a business address of the purchasing dealer that is on file with the department. Service by mail under this sub-subparagraph is effective on the date of mailing.
(k) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to furnish certificate of title or application for title if, within 90 calendar days of transfer of any interest in a vehicle or camper by the dealer, the dealer has failed to:
(A) Furnish the certificate of title or other primary ownership record for the vehicle or camper and any release thereon or, if title has been issued or is to be issued in a form other than a certificate, any information or documents required by rule of the department, to the security interest holder next named, if any, otherwise to the lessor or, if none, to the purchaser; or
(B) Submit to the department in a manner that complies with any applicable statutes and rules, an application for title on behalf of the person to whom the title is to be furnished or whose name is to be shown on the title record.
(L) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of failure to maintain bond or letter of credit coverage if the dealer permits a bond or letter of credit to lapse during the period that the bond or letter of credit is required under ORS 822.020 or 822.040 or if the dealer fails to purchase a bond or letter of credit required by ORS 822.030.
(m) A person commits the offense of acting as a vehicle dealer while under revocation, cancellation or suspension if the person conducts business as a vehicle dealer in this state and the person’s vehicle dealer certificate is revoked, canceled or suspended, regardless of whether the person is licensed as a vehicle dealer in another jurisdiction. This paragraph does not apply if the person has other current, valid dealer certificates issued in this state.
(n) A vehicle dealer commits the offense of improper display of a vehicle for advertising purposes if the dealer displays a vehicle at a location other than the dealer’s place of business for the purpose of advertising and the dealer does not comply with the provisions of ORS 822.040 (4).
(2) A dealer is not considered to have committed the offense described in subsection (1)(j)(A) of this section if the dealer fails to satisfy an interest in a vehicle or camper that arises from an inventory financing security interest for which the dealer is the debtor.
(3) A dealer is not considered to have committed the offense described in subsection (1)(k) of this section if the dealer demonstrates that:
(a) The dealer has made a good faith effort to comply; and
(b) The dealer’s inability to provide title is due to circumstances beyond the dealer’s control.
(4) The offenses described in this section are subject to the following penalties:
(a) The offense described in this section, failure to obtain a supplemental vehicle dealer certificate, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(b) The offense described in this section, failure to obtain a corrected vehicle dealer certificate, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(c) The offense described in this section, failure to maintain proper vehicle dealer records, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) The offense described in this section, failure to allow administrative inspection, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(e) The offense described in this section, failure to allow police inspection, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(f) The offense described in this section, illegal use of dealer vehicle for hire, is a Class B traffic violation.
(g) The offense described in this section, improper use of dealer plates or devices, is a Class D traffic violation.
(h) The offense described in this section, improper display of dealer plates, is a Class B traffic violation.
(i) The offense described in this section, failure to exhibit the dealer certificate, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(j) The offense described in this section, failure to provide clear title, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(k) The offense described in this section, failure to furnish certificate of title or application for title, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(L) The offense described in this section, failure to maintain bond or letter of credit coverage, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(m) The offense described in this section, acting as a vehicle dealer while under revocation, cancellation or suspension, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(n) The offense described in this section, improper display of a vehicle for advertising purposes, is a Class A misdemeanor. [1983 c.338 §797; 1985 c.16 §395; 1985 c.598 §8; 1987 c.261 §8; 1989 c.452 §3; 1991 c.873 §45; 1993 c.233 §72; 1993 c.741 §142; 1995 c.383 §114; 1997 c.469 §7; 1999 c.593 §4; 2001 c.682 §1; 2003 c.332 §1; 2003 c.655 §131; 2005 c.133 §§3,4; 2014 c.21 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 19 - Utilities, Vehicle Code, Watercraft, Aviation

Chapter 822 - Regulation of Vehicle Related Businesses

Section 822.005 - Acting as vehicle dealer without certificate; penalty.

Section 822.007 - Injunction against person acting as vehicle dealer in violation of vehicle code or rule; court-imposed monetary penalties.

Section 822.009 - Civil penalties for violations of statutes or rules.

Section 822.015 - Exemptions from vehicle dealer certification requirement; rules.

Section 822.020 - Issuance of certificate; fee.

Section 822.022 - Restrictions on issuing certificates.

Section 822.025 - Application contents.

Section 822.027 - Education requirements for vehicle dealers.

Section 822.030 - Bond or letter of credit requirements; rights of action.

Section 822.033 - Requirements for certificate of insurance; exemptions.

Section 822.035 - Investigation of application; dealer number; rules; records inspection; dealer plates and identification card; effect of revocation or suspension in another jurisdiction.

Section 822.040 - Privileges granted by certificate; taxes; supplemental or corrected certificate; duration; renewal; rules.

Section 822.042 - Procedures for transfer of interest in vehicle by vehicle dealer.

Section 822.043 - Dealer preparation and submission of documents; privilege tax.

Section 822.045 - Vehicle dealer offenses; penalties.

Section 822.046 - Vehicle dealer’s duty to inform potential buyer if vehicle used for manufacture of controlled substances.

Section 822.047 - Brokerage services.

Section 822.048 - Remedy for failure to submit title.

Section 822.050 - Revocation, cancellation or suspension of certificate.

Section 822.055 - Failure to return revoked, canceled or suspended certificate; penalty.

Section 822.060 - Illegal consignment practices; exception; penalty; rules.

Section 822.065 - Violation of consigned vehicle transfer; penalty.

Section 822.070 - Conducting illegal vehicle rebuilding business; penalty.

Section 822.080 - Procedures for civil penalties imposed under ORS 822.009; disposition of moneys.

Section 822.082 - "Recreational vehicle service facility" defined; display of location.

Section 822.083 - "Show" defined; conditions for participation in show.

Section 822.084 - Show license; fee; rules.

Section 822.086 - New recreational vehicle sales; warranty statement.

Section 822.090 - Unlawful subleasing of motor vehicle; penalty.

Section 822.093 - Sale of vehicles involving possessory liens; records; rules; penalty.

Section 822.100 - Conducting a motor vehicle dismantling business without a certificate; penalties.

Section 822.105 - Exemption from certificate requirement.

Section 822.110 - Dismantler certificate; refusal to issue; duplicate certificate.

Section 822.115 - Application contents.

Section 822.120 - Bond or letter of credit requirements; action against certificate holder and surety.

Section 822.125 - Privileges granted by certificate; supplemental certificate; duration; renewal; identification cards; rules.

Section 822.130 - Inspection of books, records, inventory and premises.

Section 822.133 - Requirements of dismantler operating motor vehicle dismantling business.

Section 822.135 - Improperly conducting motor vehicle dismantling business; penalty.

Section 822.137 - Dismantler conduct resulting in civil penalty; rules.

Section 822.140 - Local government approval requirements.

Section 822.145 - Imposition of sanctions; rules.

Section 822.150 - Failure to return revoked, canceled or suspended certificate or identification card; penalty.

Section 822.200 - Operating illegal towing business; exceptions; penalties.

Section 822.205 - Certificate; qualifications; fee.

Section 822.210 - Privileges granted by certificate; duration; renewal; regulation of holder.

Section 822.213 - Transporting property for hire.

Section 822.215 - Grounds for denial, suspension, revocation or refusal of certificate; disciplinary action.

Section 822.217 - Proportional registration for tow vehicles; rules.

Section 822.218 - Cancellation of identification device for proportionally registered tow vehicle.

Section 822.220 - Authorization to obstruct traffic; failure to take precautions; penalty.

Section 822.225 - Failure to remove injurious substance; penalty.

Section 822.230 - City or county regulation of towing businesses.

Section 822.235 - Recovery after theft.

Section 822.250 - State Board of Towing; membership; terms of office; compensation and expenses.

Section 822.255 - Chair and vice chair; quorum; meetings.

Section 822.260 - Administrative officer for board; subordinate officers and employees.

Section 822.265 - Rulemaking authority; board seal.

Section 822.270 - State Board of Towing Account.

Section 822.275 - Administration of oaths; obtaining and taking evidence at board proceedings; failure to obey board subpoena.

Section 822.280 - Denial, suspension, revocation or refusal of towing business certificate; contested case hearing.

Section 822.285 - Additional powers of board; fees; rules.

Section 822.290 - Denial of participation on Department of State Police tow rotation; contested case hearing.

Section 822.300 - Acting as vehicle transporter without certificate; exemptions; penalty.

Section 822.305 - Exemptions from vehicle transporter certification requirement.

Section 822.310 - Privileges granted by certificate; duration; renewal; fee; rules; suspension or revocation; regulation of holder.

Section 822.315 - Improper use of vehicle transporter plate; penalty.

Section 822.325 - Failure to return revoked or suspended certificate; penalty.

Section 822.500 - Operating commercial driver training school without certificate; rules; penalty.

Section 822.505 - Commercial driver training school bond; requirements; actions against school or surety.

Section 822.510 - Proof of insurance; requirements; exception.

Section 822.515 - Certificates; issuance; suspension or revocation; duration; fee; bond; proof of insurance; rules.

Section 822.520 - Failure to return revoked, suspended or canceled commercial driver training school certificate; penalty.

Section 822.525 - Acting as driver training instructor without certificate; exemptions; rules; penalty.

Section 822.530 - Certificate; issuance; suspension or revocation; duration; fee; rules.

Section 822.535 - Failure to return revoked or suspended certificate; penalty.

Section 822.600 - Failure of garage to report accident or bullet contact; penalty.

Section 822.605 - False swearing relating to regulation of vehicle related businesses; penalty.

Section 822.700 - Certification fees.

Section 822.990 - Civil penalties for violations of ORS 822.500 and 822.525.

Section 822.992 - Civil penalties for violations related to dismantlers.

Section 822.995 - Civil penalties for violations related to towing; factors; rules.