(a) Fails to equip the funeral escort vehicle or funeral lead vehicle with at least one "fire company warning light" as provided for under ORS 816.350 and described under ORS 816.285; or
(b) Uses the "fire company warning light" at any time except during a funeral procession.
(2) No ordinance or other regulation shall prohibit the use of warning lights on a funeral escort vehicle or funeral lead vehicle while driving in a funeral procession.
(3) The offense described in this section, operation of a funeral escort vehicle or funeral lead vehicle with improper lights, is a Class D traffic violation. [1991 c.482 §6; 1993 c.18 §170; 1995 c.383 §1]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 19 - Utilities, Vehicle Code, Watercraft, Aviation
Chapter 811 - Rules of the Road for Drivers
Section 811.015 - Failure to obey traffic patrol member; penalty.
Section 811.017 - Failure to yield to traffic patrol member; penalty.
Section 811.020 - Passing stopped vehicle at crosswalk; penalty.
Section 811.025 - Failure to yield to pedestrian on sidewalk; penalty.
Section 811.028 - Failure to stop and remain stopped for pedestrian; penalty.
Section 811.030 - Driving through safety zone; penalty.
Section 811.050 - Failure to yield to rider on bicycle lane; penalty.
Section 811.055 - Failure to yield to bicyclist on sidewalk; penalty.
Section 811.059 - Milkman Mike Act.
Section 811.060 - Vehicular assault; penalty.
Section 811.065 - Unsafe passing of person operating bicycle; penalty.
Section 811.100 - Violation of basic speed rule; penalty.
Section 811.105 - Speeds that are evidence of basic rule violation.
Section 811.108 - Relationship between speed limits and basic rule.
Section 811.109 - Penalties for speed violations.
Section 811.111 - Violating a speed limit; penalty.
Section 811.124 - Meaning of "children are present" in ORS 811.111.
Section 811.125 - Speed racing on highway; penalty.
Section 811.127 - Organizing a speed racing event; penalty.
Section 811.130 - Impeding traffic; penalty.
Section 811.135 - Careless driving; penalty.
Section 811.140 - Reckless driving; penalty.
Section 811.145 - Failure to yield to emergency vehicle or ambulance; penalty.
Section 811.147 - Failure to maintain safe distance from motor vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.150 - Interference with emergency vehicle or ambulance; exemptions; penalty.
Section 811.155 - Failure to stop for bus safety lights; exemptions; penalty.
Section 811.157 - Report by driver of violation of ORS 811.155; contents.
Section 811.165 - Failure to stop for passenger loading of public transit vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.167 - Failure to yield right of way to transit bus; rules; penalty.
Section 811.170 - Violation of open container law; penalty.
Section 811.172 - Improperly disposing of human waste; penalty.
Section 811.175 - Violation driving while suspended or revoked; penalties.
Section 811.180 - Affirmative defenses.
Section 811.182 - Criminal driving while suspended or revoked; penalties.
Section 811.190 - Operation with obstructing passenger; penalty.
Section 811.195 - Having passenger in trailer; penalty.
Section 811.200 - Carrying dog on external part of vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.205 - Carrying minor on external part of vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.207 - Legislative findings regarding restraint of children in motor vehicles.
Section 811.210 - Failure to properly use safety belts; penalty.
Section 811.215 - Exemptions from safety belt requirements.
Section 811.225 - Failure to maintain safety belts in working order; penalty.
Section 811.230 - Definitions; fine; notice.
Section 811.231 - Reckless endangerment of highway workers; penalties.
Section 811.232 - Refusing to obey flagger; penalty.
Section 811.233 - Failure to yield right of way to highway worker; penalty.
Section 811.235 - Fine for traffic offenses in school zones.
Section 811.255 - Permitting unlawful operation of vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.260 - Appropriate driver responses to traffic control devices.
Section 811.265 - Driver failure to obey traffic control device; penalty.
Section 811.270 - Failure to obey one-way designation; penalty.
Section 811.275 - Failure to yield right of way at uncontrolled intersection; penalty.
Section 811.277 - Failure to yield right of way at uncontrolled T intersection; penalty.
Section 811.280 - Failure of driver entering roadway to yield right of way; penalty.
Section 811.285 - Failure of merging driver to yield right of way; penalty.
Section 811.290 - Obstructing cross traffic; penalty.
Section 811.292 - Failure to yield right of way within roundabout; exception; penalty.
Section 811.295 - Failure to drive on right; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.300 - Failure to drive on right of approaching vehicle; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.310 - Crossing center line on two-way, four-lane road; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.315 - Failure of slow driver to drive on right; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.320 - Failure to drive to right on divided highway; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.325 - Failure to keep camper, trailer or truck in right lane; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.330 - Driving wrong way around traffic island; penalty.
Section 811.335 - Unlawful or unsignaled turn; penalty.
Section 811.340 - Improperly executed left turn; penalty.
Section 811.345 - Failure to use special left turn lane; penalty.
Section 811.346 - Misuse of special left turn lane; penalty.
Section 811.350 - Dangerous left turn; penalty.
Section 811.355 - Improperly executed right turn; penalty.
Section 811.365 - Illegal U-turn; penalty.
Section 811.370 - Failure to drive within lane; exception; penalty.
Section 811.375 - Unlawful or unsignaled change of lane; penalty.
Section 811.380 - Improper use of center lane on three-lane road; penalty.
Section 811.385 - Depriving motorcycle or moped of full lane; penalty.
Section 811.390 - Unlawful use of lights to signal for passing; penalty.
Section 811.395 - Appropriate signals for stopping, turning, changing lanes and decelerating.
Section 811.405 - Failure to signal with lights; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.410 - Unsafe passing on left; penalty.
Section 811.415 - Unsafe passing on right; penalty.
Section 811.420 - Passing in no passing zone; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.425 - Failure of slower driver to yield to overtaking vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.430 - Driving on highway divider; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.435 - Operation of motor vehicle on bicycle trail; exemptions; penalty.
Section 811.440 - When motor vehicles may operate on bicycle lane.
Section 811.445 - Use of throughway when prohibited; penalty.
Section 811.450 - Violation of posted truck routes; defense; penalty.
Section 811.455 - Failure to stop for railroad signal; penalty.
Section 811.465 - Exemptions from high-risk vehicle rail crossing procedures.
Section 811.470 - Improper movement of heavy equipment across rail crossing; application; penalty.
Section 811.475 - Obstructing rail crossing; penalty.
Section 811.480 - Illegal backing; penalty.
Section 811.482 - Use of marijuana in motor vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.483 - Safety corridors; penalty.
Section 811.485 - Following too closely; penalty.
Section 811.490 - Improper opening or leaving open of vehicle door; penalty.
Section 811.492 - Engine braking; penalty; exception.
Section 811.495 - Unlawful coasting on downgrade; exception; penalty.
Section 811.500 - Unlawful stop or deceleration; penalty.
Section 811.505 - Failure to stop when emerging from alley, driveway or building; penalty.
Section 811.507 - Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device; exceptions; penalty.
Section 811.508 - Distracted driving avoidance course; rules.
Section 811.510 - Dangerous operation around livestock; penalty.
Section 811.512 - Unlawfully operating low-speed vehicle on highway; penalty.
Section 811.513 - Unlawfully operating medium-speed electric vehicle on highway; penalty.
Section 811.514 - Unlawfully operating racing activity vehicle on highway; penalty.
Section 811.520 - Unlawful use or failure to use lights; penalty.
Section 811.525 - Exemptions from requirements for use of lights.
Section 811.526 - Safety campaign for use of headlights.
Section 811.530 - Failure to post warnings for disabled vehicle; application; penalty.
Section 811.535 - Failing to obey police officer; penalty.
Section 811.540 - Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer; penalty.
Section 811.550 - Places where stopping, standing and parking prohibited.
Section 811.555 - Illegal stopping, standing or parking; affirmative defense; penalty.
Section 811.560 - Exemptions from prohibitions on stopping, standing or parking.
Section 811.565 - Dangerous movement of stopped, standing or parked vehicle; penalty.
Section 811.580 - Parking vehicle on state highway for vending purposes; penalty.
Section 811.585 - Failure to secure motor vehicle; affirmative defense; penalty.
Section 811.590 - Unlawful parking in winter recreation parking area; exemptions; penalty.
Section 811.595 - Winter recreation parking permit; rules; fees.
Section 811.600 - Fees for winter recreation parking permits.
Section 811.602 - Disabled person parking permit; content; rules.
Section 811.603 - Parking identification card without photograph; issuance; rules.
Section 811.604 - Application for disabled person parking permit.
Section 811.605 - Contents of individual placard or decal.
Section 811.607 - Program placards; rules.
Section 811.609 - Family placards.
Section 811.611 - Foreign visitor placard.
Section 811.613 - Wheelchair User placard; rules.
Section 811.616 - Oregon Wounded Warrior placard; rules.
Section 811.617 - Blocking parking space reserved for persons with disabilities; penalty.
Section 811.625 - Unlawful use of disabled person parking permit; penalty.
Section 811.627 - Use of invalid disabled person parking permit; penalty.
Section 811.628 - Invalidation of disabled person parking permit.
Section 811.630 - Misuse of program placard; penalty.
Section 811.632 - Appointment of volunteers to issue citations.
Section 811.635 - Privileges granted by disabled person parking permit other than program placard.
Section 811.637 - Privileges granted by program placards.
Section 811.700 - Failure to perform duties of driver when property is damaged; penalty.
Section 811.705 - Failure to perform duties of driver to injured persons; penalty.
Section 811.706 - Money damages resulting from violation of ORS 811.700 or 811.705.
Section 811.707 - Crime classification for violation of ORS 811.705.
Section 811.710 - Failure to perform duties of driver when animal is injured; penalty.
Section 811.715 - Failure to perform duties of witness to accident; penalty.
Section 811.717 - Failure to remove motor vehicle from roadway; penalty.
Section 811.720 - When accident must be reported to Department of Transportation.
Section 811.725 - Driver failure to report accident to Department of Transportation; penalty.
Section 811.730 - Owner failure to report accident to Department of Transportation; penalty.
Section 811.740 - False accident report; penalty.
Section 811.745 - When accident must be reported to police officer or law enforcement agency.
Section 811.747 - Definitions for ORS 811.748 and 811.750.
Section 811.800 - Operation of funeral vehicles with improper lights; penalty.
Section 811.802 - Failure to yield right of way to funeral procession; penalty.
Section 811.804 - Intersection rules for funeral processions.
Section 811.806 - Exceeding maximum speed for funeral procession; penalty.