2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 772 - Rights of Way for Public Uses
Section 772.620 - Placement of pipeline facilities.

(2) Such pipeline or appurtenance shall not be located under or pass through or under any cemetery, church, college, schoolhouse, residence, business or storehouse, or through or under any building in this state, except by the consent of the owner thereof.
(3) When cultivated lands are appropriated under ORS 772.615, such pipelines shall be well buried underground, at least 20 inches under the surface, which shall be properly and promptly restored by the natural gas company unless otherwise consented to by the owner of the land.
(4) When unimproved lands are appropriated under ORS 772.615 and thereafter become cultivated or improved, such pipelines shall be buried by the natural gas company as provided in subsection (3) of this section, within a reasonable time after notice by the owner of such lands, or the agent of the owner, to the natural gas company or its agent. [1977 c.296 ยง10]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 19 - Utilities, Vehicle Code, Watercraft, Aviation

Chapter 772 - Rights of Way for Public Uses

Section 772.010 - Right of entry for survey of proposed right of way; notice required.

Section 772.020 - Condemnation of additional land for railway purposes.

Section 772.025 - Approval of railroad crossing, intersection or connection.

Section 772.030 - Condemnation of right of way through canyon or pass for joint use by railroads.

Section 772.050 - Condemnation of riparian rights and for reservoirs.

Section 772.065 - Appropriation of county road or property in lieu thereof by agreement with county court.

Section 772.070 - Procedure on dispute between county and corporation.

Section 772.105 - Authority to appropriate.

Section 772.205 - Definitions for ORS 772.210 and 772.215.

Section 772.210 - Right of entry and condemnation of lands for construction of service facilities.

Section 772.305 - Condemnation of right of way for drainage or irrigation.

Section 772.310 - Right to enlarge existing irrigation system.

Section 772.405 - Condemnation by corporations for reduction of ores.

Section 772.410 - Right of entry and condemnation by mining, quarrying and lumber corporations.

Section 772.415 - Public benefit and use of facilities constructed under ORS 772.410.

Section 772.420 - Condemnation for transportation of minerals; conditions of reversion.

Section 772.505 - Definitions for ORS 772.505 to 772.520.

Section 772.510 - Right of entry and condemnation by pipeline companies.

Section 772.515 - Regulation concerning location of facilities.

Section 772.520 - Resolution showing route and termini of pipeline.

Section 772.610 - Definitions for ORS 772.610 to 772.625.

Section 772.620 - Placement of pipeline facilities.

Section 772.625 - Resolution showing proposed route and termini of pipeline.