2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 750 - Health Care Service Contractors; Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements; Legal Expense Organizations
Section 750.525 - Inapplicability of ORS 750.505 to 750.715 to certain legal services.

(1) A retainer contract that an attorney or firm of attorneys makes with a specific individual, under the terms of which the attorney or firm bases fees on reasonable estimates of the nature and amount of services the attorney or firm will provide, and similar contracts that an attorney or firm of attorneys makes with a group of clients involved in the same or closely related legal matters.
(2) Any two-party agreement for delivering specified legal services in return for a specified payment, including a fee for administering the agreement or services related to the agreement, under the terms of which an attorney or firm of attorneys arranges to provide legal services to a group of individuals who are all members of the same bona fide nonprofit membership organization, such as a church, trade group, credit union or association, or a group of individuals who are all employed by the same employer and the primary purpose of the nonprofit membership organization or the employer is other than providing legal services. An agreement is exempt from the application of ORS 750.505 to 750.715 under this subsection only if the agreement does not involve a third party such as a legal expense organization or sales or marketing representative in receiving any of the specified payments or in overseeing the delivery of the specified legal services.
(3) A referral of a client to an attorney, to the extent that a nonprofit lawyer referral service or public corporation such as a state or local bar association provides the referral and does not charge for the referral.
(4) Employee welfare benefit plans to the extent that Section 514 of the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or successor legislation, preempts state regulation.
(5) Legal assistance plans financed primarily by public funds, interest on lawyers trust accounts funds under the regulation of the Oregon State Bar or other public service funds.
(6) Authorized insurers that offer legal expense insurance in this state.
(7) A legal access provider that pays only an administration fee to an attorney and does not pay for or reimburse a customer of the legal access provider for legal services that the attorney provides to the customer. [1989 c.331 §4; 2015 c.504 §2]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 18 - Financial Institutions, Insurance

Chapter 750 - Health Care Service Contractors; Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements; Legal Expense Organizations

Section 750.005 - Definitions.

Section 750.015 - Management to include representatives of public.

Section 750.025 - Restricting distribution of income; representation as health maintenance organization.

Section 750.035 - Regulation of hospital care associations under prior law; exceptions.

Section 750.045 - Required capitalization; bond, security or letter of credit; exemptions.

Section 750.055 - Other provisions applicable to health care service contractors; rules.

Section 750.085 - Offer of replacement coverage upon order of liquidation; procedure; rules.

Section 750.095 - Requirements of contract between provider and subscriber; content.

Section 750.301 - Definitions for ORS 750.301 to 750.341.

Section 750.303 - Conditions for use of multiple employer welfare arrangement; permitted coverage.

Section 750.305 - Application for certificate.

Section 750.307 - Requirements for association or group.

Section 750.309 - Requirements for trust.

Section 750.311 - Multiple employer welfare arrangements established in another state.

Section 750.313 - Issuance or refusal of certificate of multiple employer welfare arrangement.

Section 750.315 - Maintenance of reserves; actuarial opinion; rules.

Section 750.317 - Board of trustees.

Section 750.318 - Officers and persons appointed to act on behalf of board; bond.

Section 750.319 - Salaries; other compensation.

Section 750.321 - Assessment; maintenance of capital and surplus.

Section 750.323 - Notice of coverage under plan.

Section 750.325 - Filings by trust.

Section 750.327 - Examinations.

Section 750.329 - Taxation.

Section 750.331 - Prohibited activities for trustee or officer.

Section 750.333 - Applicable provisions of Insurance Code; rules.

Section 750.335 - Delinquency proceedings.

Section 750.337 - Exclusion from membership in guaranty funds, joint underwriting associations and other pools.

Section 750.339 - Liability of excess loss insurer.

Section 750.341 - Requirement for multiple employer welfare arrangement to become traditional insurer.

Section 750.505 - Definitions for ORS 750.505 to 750.715.

Section 750.525 - Inapplicability of ORS 750.505 to 750.715 to certain legal services.

Section 750.535 - Registration requirements.

Section 750.545 - Application; fee.

Section 750.555 - Issuance of certificate of registration.

Section 750.565 - Duration of certificate; renewal; fee.

Section 750.575 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of certificate or refusal to issue or renew certificate.

Section 750.585 - Written provider agreement with providing attorney.

Section 750.595 - Membership agreement.

Section 750.605 - Unfair, discriminatory or misleading provisions in agreements prohibited; record of transactions.

Section 750.635 - Registered agent and registered office in state required.

Section 750.645 - Annual report; content; names of sales and marketing representatives to be submitted.

Section 750.685 - Indemnification insurance or bond required.

Section 750.695 - ORS 750.505 to 750.715 not to affect regulation of practice of law; plan not subject to Insurance Code.

Section 750.705 - Application of Insurance Code.