2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 687 - Massage Therapists; Direct Entry Midwives
Section 687.415 - Practice of direct entry midwifery without license prohibited; exceptions.

(2) A person may practice direct entry midwifery in this state without a license to practice direct entry midwifery if:
(a) The person is a licensed health care practitioner and the services described in ORS 687.405 are within the scope of the person’s license; or
(b)(A) The person is acting as a traditional midwife and does not use legend drugs or devices, the use of which requires a license under the laws of this state;
(B) The person does not advertise that the person is a midwife; and
(C) The person discloses to each client on a form adopted by the State Board of Direct Entry Midwifery by rule:
(i) That the person does not possess a professional license issued by the state;
(ii) That the person’s education and qualification have not been reviewed by the state;
(iii) That the person is not authorized to carry and administer potentially life saving medications;
(iv) That the risk of harm or death to a mother or newborn may increase as a result of the information described in sub-subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this subparagraph;
(v) A plan for transporting the client to the nearest hospital, as defined in ORS 442.015, if a problem arises during labor or childbirth;
(vi) That the client will not have recourse through a complaint process; and
(vii) The types of midwives who are licensed by the state.
(3) If supervised by a person licensed to practice direct entry midwifery, a student midwife, birth assistant or other individual may assist the direct entry midwife in the provision of services described in ORS 687.405.
(4) A license to practice direct entry midwifery under ORS 687.405 to 687.495 is required for purposes of reimbursement under medical assistance programs. [1993 c.362 §11; 2013 c.657 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 17 - Occupations

Chapter 687 - Massage Therapists; Direct Entry Midwives

Section 687.011 - Definitions.

Section 687.021 - Practice of massage without license prohibited; operation of massage facility without permit prohibited; injunction against violation.

Section 687.031 - Application of ORS 687.011 to 687.250, 687.895 and 687.991.

Section 687.041 - Applications for licenses.

Section 687.051 - Qualifications of applicants; continuing education; license renewal; inactive status; rules.

Section 687.057 - License by indorsement or reciprocity; rules.

Section 687.059 - Massage facilities; fees; rules.

Section 687.061 - Expiration and renewal of license and permit; rules; fees; sanctions for practicing without valid license or operating without valid permit; penalty.

Section 687.071 - Fees; rules; examinations; disposition and use of moneys.

Section 687.081 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of, or refusal to renew, license or permit; probation; penalties; complaint investigation.

Section 687.086 - License and permit denial procedure; review of rules and board orders.

Section 687.115 - State Board of Massage Therapists; members; appointment; terms; meetings; compensation; administrator.

Section 687.121 - Rules.

Section 687.122 - Investigation of violations; power of board; subpoenas.

Section 687.250 - Enforcement; penalty.

Section 687.405 - "Direct entry midwifery" defined.

Section 687.415 - Practice of direct entry midwifery without license prohibited; exceptions.

Section 687.420 - Standards for licensing; application; payment by medical assistance program for services provided by licensed midwife.

Section 687.425 - Renewal of license; effect of failure to renew.

Section 687.470 - State Board of Direct Entry Midwifery; establishment; appointment; confirmation; membership; compensation and expenses.

Section 687.480 - Rules; practice standards.

Section 687.482 - Peer review.

Section 687.485 - Authority of Health Licensing Office; rules.

Section 687.493 - Authority to purchase and administer certain legend drugs and devices.

Section 687.495 - Collection of data on birth and fetal death outcomes.

Section 687.991 - Criminal penalties.