2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 678 - Nurses; Long Term Care Administrators
Section 678.150 - Powers, functions and duties of board, officers and executive director; rules; subpoena powers.

(2) The board shall adopt a seal which shall be in the care of the executive director.
(3) The board shall keep a record of all its proceedings and of all persons licensed and schools or programs approved under ORS 678.010 to 678.448. The records must at all reasonable times be open to public scrutiny.
(4) The executive director of the board may hire and define the duties of employees as necessary to carry out the provisions of ORS 678.010 to 678.448. The executive director, with approval of the board, may employ special consultants. All salaries, compensation and expenses incurred or allowed shall be paid out of funds received by the board.
(5) The board shall determine the qualifications of applicants for a license to practice nursing in this state and establish educational and professional standards for such applicants subject to laws of this state.
(6) The board shall:
(a) Exercise general supervision over the practice of nursing in this state.
(b) Prescribe standards and approve curricula for nursing education programs preparing persons for licensing under ORS 678.010 to 678.448.
(c) Provide for surveys of nursing education programs as may be necessary.
(d) Approve nursing education programs that meet the requirements of ORS 678.010 to 678.448 and of the board.
(e) Deny or withdraw approval from nursing education programs for failure to meet prescribed standards.
(f) Examine, license and renew the licenses of duly qualified applicants.
(g) Issue subpoenas for any records relevant to a board investigation, including patient and other medical records, personnel records applicable to nurses and nursing assistants, records of schools of nursing and nursing assistant training records and any other relevant records; issue subpoenas to persons for personal interviews relating to board investigations; compel the attendance of witnesses; and administer oaths or affirmations to persons giving testimony during an investigation or at hearings. In any proceeding under this subsection, when a subpoena is issued to an applicant, certificate holder or licensee of the board, a claim of nurse-patient privilege under ORS 40.240 or of psychotherapist-patient privilege under ORS 40.230 is not grounds for quashing the subpoena or for refusing to produce the material that is subject to the subpoena.
(h) Enforce the provisions of ORS 678.010 to 678.448, and incur necessary expenses for the enforcement.
(i) Adopt rules to prescribe:
(A) Standards for the delegation of patient care tasks by a registered nurse to a nursing assistant. The standards must specify that only a registered nurse may delegate the provision of nursing care. The standards must include rules governing the delegation of administration of medication, including of controlled substances, and other tasks ordered or prescribed by a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist or a physician licensed under ORS chapter 677.
(B) Standards for the delegation by a registered nurse of procedures ordered or prescribed by a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist or a physician licensed under ORS chapter 677 to persons other than licensed nursing personnel in a community-based setting, as defined by the board. The rules must provide for the delegation of procedures related to administration of medication.
(j) Notify licensees at least annually of changes in legislative or board rules that affect the licensees. Notice may be by newsletter or other appropriate means.
(7) The board shall determine the scope of practice as delineated by the knowledge acquired through approved courses of education or through experience.
(8)(a) The board shall adopt rules regarding the provision of nursing care and various tasks relating to the administration of medication, including the administration of controlled substances, for the community-based settings described in subsection (6) of this section.
(b) The rules adopted under this subsection must:
(A) Provide for the delegation, to other than licensed nursing personnel, of tasks relating to the administration of medication and patient care tasks that are ordered or prescribed by a physician licensed under ORS chapter 677, a clinical nurse specialist or a nurse practitioner.
(B) Specify that the delegation must occur under the procedural guidance, initial direction and periodic inspection and evaluation of the physician, clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner or registered nurse.
(C) Specify that the provision of nursing care may be delegated only by a registered nurse.
(D) Determine sites in addition to the facilities described in this subsection where the delegation of nursing tasks and administration of medication may occur.
(9) The board may require applicants, licensees and certificate holders under ORS 678.010 to 678.448 to provide to the board data concerning the individual’s nursing employment and education.
(10) For the purpose of requesting a state or nationwide criminal records check under ORS 181A.195, the board may require the fingerprints of a person who is:
(a) Applying for a license or certificate that is issued by the board;
(b) Applying for renewal of a license or certificate that is issued by the board; or
(c) Under investigation by the board.
(11) Pursuant to ORS chapter 183, the board shall adopt rules necessary to carry out the provisions of ORS 678.010 to 678.448. [Amended by 1953 c.254 §16; 1957 c.316 §28; subsections (5) to (9) enacted as 1957 c.316 §30; 1973 c.584 §14; 1975 c.659 §2; 1977 c.309 §2; 1979 c.771 §1; 1981 c.369 §9; 1983 c.511 §1; 1983 c.598 §2; 1987 c.369 §1; 1993 c.114 §1; 1999 c.375 §3; 2001 c.275 §3; 2001 c.763 §1; 2003 c.297 §1; 2005 c.730 §48; 2009 c.535 §10; 2009 c.756 §35; 2017 c.127 §1; 2019 c.358 §31; 2021 c.189 §4]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 17 - Occupations

Chapter 678 - Nurses; Long Term Care Administrators

Section 678.010 - Definitions for ORS 678.010 to 678.410.

Section 678.023 - Use of title "nurse."

Section 678.025 - Use of title "Advanced Practice Registered Nurse."

Section 678.031 - Application of ORS 678.010 to 678.410.

Section 678.034 - Hospitals to notify board of nurses employed to meet temporary staffing shortage.

Section 678.036 - Liability of nurse supervising nursing assistants; liability when duties delegated.

Section 678.040 - Qualifications of applicants for license; rules.

Section 678.050 - Examining applicants; issuing license; license by indorsement; processing license by indorsement application; limited license; rules.

Section 678.055 - Nurse emeritus license; fees; rules.

Section 678.101 - Renewal of license; fee; authority to prescribe.

Section 678.111 - Causes for denial, revocation or suspension of license or probation, reprimand or censure of licensee.

Section 678.113 - When evaluation of mental or physical condition, demonstration of competency or evidence of continuing education may be required; rules.

Section 678.117 - Procedure for imposing civil penalty; amount; rules.

Section 678.123 - Prohibited acts.

Section 678.126 - Confidentiality of information; duty to investigate complaints; immunity.

Section 678.128 - Liability of complainants, witnesses, investigators, counsel and board members in disciplinary proceedings.

Section 678.135 - Duty to report violations.

Section 678.140 - Oregon State Board of Nursing.

Section 678.150 - Powers, functions and duties of board, officers and executive director; rules; subpoena powers.

Section 678.153 - Interagency agreement to share results of nationwide criminal records check.

Section 678.155 - Restrictions on certain standards prescribed by board.

Section 678.158 - Continuing authority of board upon lapse, suspension, revocation or voluntary surrender of license or certificate.

Section 678.164 - Enjoining violations or threatened violations.

Section 678.170 - Disposition of receipts.

Section 678.245 - Definitions for ORS 678.245 to 678.285.

Section 678.255 - Provision of nurse anesthetist services in ambulatory surgical centers.

Section 678.265 - Ambulatory surgical center oversight of nurse anesthetists.

Section 678.275 - Provision of nurse anesthetist services in hospitals.

Section 678.278 - Provision of nurse anesthetist services in offices.

Section 678.282 - Prescribing authority of nurse anesthetists; rules.

Section 678.285 - Board regulation of nurse anesthetists; rules.

Section 678.340 - Requirements for institutions desiring to establish nursing education programs.

Section 678.360 - Survey to evaluate institutions; reporting; withdrawal of approval.

Section 678.362 - Circulating nurses; duties.

Section 678.370 - Clinical nurse specialists; licenses.

Section 678.372 - Rules for clinical nurse specialists.

Section 678.375 - Nurse practitioners; licenses; prohibitions; authority to sign reports of death; authority to prescribe.

Section 678.380 - Rules for nurse practitioners; scope.

Section 678.390 - Authority of nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist to write prescriptions or dispense drugs; notice; requirements; revocation; rules.

Section 678.410 - Fees; how determined.

Section 678.415 - Additional fee for examination, license by indorsement, license renewal fees.

Section 678.417 - Oregon Nursing Advancement Fund; rules.

Section 678.420 - Declaration of nursing workforce and faculty shortage.

Section 678.425 - Advisory organizations.

Section 678.440 - Nursing assistants; training; effect of employing untrained assistant; civil penalties.

Section 678.442 - Certification of nursing assistants; rules.

Section 678.445 - Administration of noninjectable medication by nursing assistant; rules.

Section 678.447 - Use of titles "medication aide," "Certified Medication Aide" or "CMA."

Section 678.448 - Use of titles "Certified Nursing Assistant," "nursing assistant," "nurse aide" or "CNA."

Section 678.710 - Definitions for ORS 678.710 to 678.820.

Section 678.720 - Prohibited acts relating to administration of nursing homes; rules.

Section 678.725 - Reporting unlawful or unsatisfactory nursing home conditions and prohibited conduct; limitation of liability.

Section 678.730 - Licensing qualifications of nursing home administrator; rules.

Section 678.733 - Residential care facility administrator license; fee.

Section 678.740 - Examination for nursing home administrator license; fee.

Section 678.743 - Residential care facility administrator examination; fees; rules.

Section 678.746 - Rules.

Section 678.750 - Applicability of licensing requirements to administrators of organizations that rely on spiritual care and treatment.

Section 678.770 - Licensing reciprocity; rules.

Section 678.780 - Grounds for discipline of nursing home administrator.

Section 678.790 - Procedure; review of orders.

Section 678.793 - Licensure type of board member in disciplinary action.

Section 678.800 - Long Term Care Administrators Board.

Section 678.810 - Board meetings; officers.

Section 678.820 - Duties and powers of board and Health Licensing Office; rules.

Section 678.990 - Penalties.