2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 651 - Bureau of Labor and Industries
Section 651.205 - Posting notice of workplace rights for live entertainers; establishment of hotline for inquiries and complaints from live entertainers; confidentiality.

(2)(a) The Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries shall develop a poster that includes:
(A) A summary of the rights of independent contractors and employees who perform live entertainment;
(B) A description of the services offered through and the toll-free telephone number of the live entertainer hotline established under subsection (3) of this section; and
(C) Any additional information determined to be necessary by the commissioner.
(b) The Bureau of Labor and Industries shall publish the poster developed by the commissioner under this subsection on the bureau’s website and shall make the poster available to the public at no cost.
(3)(a) The bureau shall implement and maintain a toll-free telephone hotline to receive inquiries and complaints related to employment in the performance of live entertainment.
(b) A caller to the hotline may remain anonymous and may request that the inquiry or complaint remain confidential.
(c) The bureau shall staff the hotline on a half-time basis with a person or persons who have a background in providing live entertainment as an independent contractor or a background in the operation of a crisis line.
(d) The bureau may share information that has not been designated confidential by a hotline caller with agencies participating in the Interagency Compliance Network established under ORS 670.700, law enforcement agencies or any other agency designated by the commissioner. [2015 c.735 §2]
Note: See note under 651.200.