(2) No person shall steal, take or molest any noxious or predatory animal captured or killed by any such device described in subsection (1) of this section. [1959 c.299 ยง2(1),(2)]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 15 - Water Resources, Agriculture and Food
Chapter 610 - Predatory Animals
Section 610.020 - Predatory Animal, Rabbit and Rodent Control Fund.
Section 610.030 - Apportionment of money appropriated by state to eradicate animals.
Section 610.050 - Theft of animal control device or animal caught by device.
Section 610.055 - Findings on wildlife damage.
Section 610.150 - Wolf predation loss compensation program; county qualification; rules; report.
Section 610.155 - Wolf Management Compensation and Proactive Trust Fund.