2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 586 - Warehouses
Section 586.382 - Warehouse records; warehouse receipts.

(2) No sale of grain by a warehouseman for future delivery, made when grain is not in storage in the warehouse, shall be deemed a transaction to which this chapter is applicable, nor shall such transaction be entered in the warehouse records as a storage obligation until the grain is placed in the public warehouse. When such grain is received and deposited to an account of a purchaser, the warehouseman shall immediately issue and deliver to the purchaser a negotiable or nonnegotiable warehouse receipt therefor.
(3) When grain in storage, not covered by an outstanding warehouse receipt, is purchased from one depositor and title passed to a new owner, the warehouseman shall immediately issue and deliver to such new owner a negotiable or nonnegotiable warehouse receipt therefor. [1961 c.445 §7]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 15 - Water Resources, Agriculture and Food

Chapter 586 - Warehouses

Section 586.210 - Definitions for ORS 586.210 to 586.730.

Section 586.225 - Exemption for certain warehousing facilities.

Section 586.230 - State Department of Agriculture to inspect warehouses and records and make rules to enforce ORS 586.210 to 586.730.

Section 586.235 - Cooperative agreements for inspections in other states.

Section 586.250 - Improper acts of department officers or employees and of others improperly influencing them.

Section 586.270 - Warehouse licenses; federal licenses; license application and fee.

Section 586.280 - Prohibition against operating a warehouse or issuing a warehouse receipt without a license.

Section 586.290 - Posting of signs at warehouses.

Section 586.300 - Warehouseman’s bond; liability; automatic license suspension for failure to have or to maintain bond.

Section 586.315 - Warehouseman required to insure grain or retain written waiver by depositor.

Section 586.330 - Investigating and fixing warehouse charges.

Section 586.350 - Overcharges, rebates and preferences prohibited.

Section 586.360 - Warehouseman required to receive grain for storage; reservation of space for local customers; load slips; warehouse receipts.

Section 586.370 - Obtaining blank forms of receipts from department.

Section 586.380 - Only authorized receipts to be used; exception.

Section 586.382 - Warehouse records; warehouse receipts.

Section 586.385 - Warehouseman’s liability for failure to issue proper receipt.

Section 586.395 - Warehouseman’s liability for injury to grain; disposal of grain which is a hazard.

Section 586.400 - Duty of warehouse receiving grain for storage; damages for failure to deliver.

Section 586.520 - Inspection of warehouses; records required of warehouseman; fee.

Section 586.525 - Procedure in case of probable shortage in grain or where warehouseman refuses to submit to inspection.

Section 586.527 - Settlement of claims against defaulting warehouseman.

Section 586.529 - Receivership of warehouse business; claims against surety.

Section 586.530 - Establishment of standard grades for commodities received.

Section 586.550 - Warehouseman to keep copy of regulations available for inspection.

Section 586.561 - Discontinuance of operation of warehouse.

Section 586.720 - Application of Uniform Commercial Code–Documents of Title and other laws to public warehouses.

Section 586.730 - Violation of provisions or noncompliance with order prohibited.

Section 586.990 - Penalties.