2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 553 - Water Control Districts
Section 553.230 - Powers and duties of board.

(1) Manage and conduct the affairs of the district.
(2) Adopt a seal.
(3) Make and execute all necessary contracts.
(4) Employ and appoint such agents, officers and employees as may be required, and prescribe their duties and fix their compensation.
(5) Establish reasonable rules and regulations for the administration of the affairs of the district.
(6) Withhold deliveries of water to lands upon which there are delinquent charges or assessments.
(7) Impose charges or levy assessments for special benefits and apportion the same among the lands, or owners or occupants of the lands, within the district liable therefor as provided in this chapter.
(8) Acquire water rights for the purposes of the district or subdistrict and the lands served thereby.
(9) Establish and maintain funds and accounts for the funds of the district and of any subdistrict within the district.
(10) Obtain an annual audit of the books of the district.
(11) Fix the location of the principal office of the district at some convenient place within or without the district.
(12) Keep a record of all of the proceedings of the board.
(13) Furnish a record book to the county clerk of each county in which lands within the district are located, in which shall be recorded all contracts, orders levying assessments and creating subdistricts, and other documents required by law to be recorded.
(14) Levy special assessments as provided in ORS 553.510 and set charges, fees and tolls for use of services and facilities made available by the district or subdistrict.
(15) Issue notes, bonds and other evidence of indebtedness incurred in connection with the construction, acquisition, improvement, or operation and maintenance of works authorized by this chapter. [Amended by 1965 c.623 §7; 1969 c.345 §16; 1991 c.459 §430e]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 15 - Water Resources, Agriculture and Food

Chapter 553 - Water Control Districts

Section 553.010 - Definitions.

Section 553.020 - Creation of water control districts; purposes; limits.

Section 553.035 - Application of election laws.

Section 553.090 - Nature and powers of district.

Section 553.105 - Districts coterminous with 1969 districts; abolishment of existing districts.

Section 553.107 - Effect of creation of districts under ORS 553.105.

Section 553.110 - Vested water rights; inclusion of land in district or assessment; consent.

Section 553.210 - Election of directors; qualifications; terms; vacancies; change in number of directors.

Section 553.230 - Powers and duties of board.

Section 553.240 - County court as governing body.

Section 553.250 - Authority to acquire and dispose of water works; sale of water.

Section 553.310 - Creation of subdistrict; change in subdistrict boundaries; procedure.

Section 553.340 - Determination of benefits; board of appraisers; exception.

Section 553.350 - Assessment of benefits and damages by appraisers; benefits less than costs; recommendation to amend engineering plan; final report and certificate.

Section 553.360 - Hearing on report of appraisers; exceptions; entry of order; appeal.

Section 553.510 - Special assessments.

Section 553.520 - Apportioning assessments; adjustment of benefits.

Section 553.530 - Disposition of funds received.

Section 553.535 - Collection of charges and assessments by resolution of board.

Section 553.540 - Assessments to be levied by order of board; filing copy thereof; notice; lien; time for payment; interest.

Section 553.560 - Foreclosure of assessment; procedure; district may bid and purchase; deed; right of redemption.

Section 553.610 - Assessments or taxes upon bond issue.

Section 553.620 - Ad valorem tax in lieu of assessment.

Section 553.630 - Terms and conditions of bonds; bond register.

Section 553.640 - Sale of bonds; cancellation.

Section 553.655 - Bond elections in subdistricts.

Section 553.750 - Loan contracts with state or federal agencies; obligation of district; recording certificates.