2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 516 - Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Section 516.133 - Prohibited activities; conflicts of interest.

(2) No member of the staff of the department shall:
(a) Hold a direct pecuniary interest in or accept compensation from any producing or prospective mineral operation of any kind of any entity that does business in this state.
(b) Act as agent or broker for any purchaser, owner, or an agent of a purchaser or owner, of any mineral interest.
(c) Accept a commission for any service rendered during the period of employment with the department, if such service is concerned with mining, geology or any mineral industry that does business in this state.
(d) Make any investigation or report of any individual property in this state for purposes of evaluation, except as provided in ORS 516.100.
(3) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Direct pecuniary interest" means a mining claim, stock, royalty interest, partnership, joint venture or other interest over which the employee may control acquisition or disposal of the interest.
(b) "Direct pecuniary interest" does not mean an interest in a mutual fund, retirement fund or other interest described in subsection (1) or (2) of this section over which the employee may not control acquisition or disposal.
(4) The provisions of this section are in addition to and not in lieu of the provisions of ORS chapter 244. [1993 c.260 ยง11]