(2) In the event of a temporary absence or other incapacity of a justice of the peace, the county court, if it deems it in the public interest, may appoint a sitting justice of the peace from any county justice of the peace district within the State of Oregon, or may appoint a person possessing the qualifications for election as justice of the peace, to serve as justice of the peace pro tempore during the period of absence or incapacity. An appointment under this subsection may not be for a period exceeding one year.
(3) In the event of a temporary absence of a justice of the peace for a period of more than 60 consecutive days, or in the event of inability for a like period to act by reason of illness or other cause, the Governor, if the Governor deems it necessary in the public interest that a person be appointed to fill such temporary vacancy, shall appoint some person possessing the qualifications for election to such office to fill the temporary vacancy.
(4) The person appointed by the county court or Governor pursuant to subsection (2) or (3) of this section immediately shall qualify in the same manner as a person elected to the office, and thereupon shall perform the duties of justice of the peace for the district during the temporary absence or inability. During the temporary tenure, the person shall receive the salary that the absent justice of the peace otherwise would have received during the period. When any such appointee has qualified and entered upon the duties of office, the appointment thereto shall not be revoked or rescinded during the actual trial or hearing of any action or proceeding before the appointee; but the temporary appointment may be terminated at any other time by written notice to that effect given by the appointing authority and filed with the county clerk of the county.
(5) Every justice of the peace is entitled to two weeks paid vacation every year and during such absence the county court may appoint a justice of the peace pro tempore pursuant to the provisions of subsections (2) and (4) of this section. [Amended by 1961 c.724 §26; 1995 c.329 §1; 1995 c.658 §58]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
Chapter 051 - Justice Courts; Jurisdiction
Section 51.025 - Justice court as court of record.
Section 51.028 - Justice court ceasing operation as court of record.
Section 51.050 - Criminal jurisdiction; transfer to circuit court.
Section 51.055 - Notice to Department of State Police of conviction; rules.
Section 51.080 - Civil jurisdiction of justice court.
Section 51.090 - Civil jurisdiction not to extend to certain actions.
Section 51.100 - Where action may be commenced in civil cases.
Section 51.105 - Recording and reporting of proceedings.
Section 51.120 - Justice court docket.
Section 51.140 - Office, courtroom and clerical assistance; books, office equipment and supplies.
Section 51.240 - Qualifications for office.
Section 51.245 - Continuing education.
Section 51.260 - Filling vacancy; temporary appointment; appointment during justice’s vacation.
Section 51.300 - Temporary service by circuit court judge or other justice of the peace.
Section 51.310 - Schedule of fees; payment of fees to county treasurer.