2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 475C - Cannabis Regulation
Section 475C.133 - Exclusively medical licensee designation for marijuana retailer.

(a) Selling marijuana items only for medical purposes;
(b) Receiving usable marijuana only from marijuana producers registered under ORS 475C.137, marijuana processors registered under ORS 475C.141 and marijuana wholesalers registered under ORS 475C.145;
(c) Receiving cannabinoid products, cannabinoid concentrates and cannabinoid extracts only from a marijuana processor registered under ORS 475C.141 and marijuana wholesalers registered under ORS 475C.145; and
(d) Transferring usable marijuana, cannabinoid products, cannabinoid concentrates and cannabinoid extracts only to registry identification cardholders and designated primary caregivers.
(2) If the commission makes a designation under this section, the commission shall keep a record of the designation. [Formerly 475B.131]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 14 - Drugs and Alcohol, Fire Protection, Natural Resources

Chapter 475C - Cannabis Regulation

Section 475C.001 - Purposes of ORS 475C.005 to 475C.525.

Section 475C.009 - Definitions for ORS 475C.005 to 475C.525.

Section 475C.013 - Construction of ORS 475C.005 to 475C.525.

Section 475C.017 - General powers and duties; rules.

Section 475C.025 - Powers related to decedents and insolvent or bankrupt persons; rules.

Section 475C.033 - Application process for all licensees; rules.

Section 475C.037 - Grounds for refusing to issue license or issuing restricted license.

Section 475C.041 - Authority to require fingerprints of applicants and other individuals.

Section 475C.045 - Properties of license.

Section 475C.049 - Duties of Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission with respect to issuing licenses.

Section 475C.053 - Duty to request land use compatibility statement.

Section 475C.061 - Authority to hold multiple licenses.

Section 475C.065 - Production license; fees; rules.

Section 475C.069 - Exemption from requirement to obtain land use compatibility statement.

Section 475C.073 - Marijuana production as nonconforming land use; alterations to premises; continued use requirement.

Section 475C.077 - Marijuana plant grow canopies; rules.

Section 475C.081 - Permissible delivery and receipt by marijuana producer and marijuana processor.

Section 475C.085 - Processor license; fees; rules.

Section 475C.089 - Cannabinoid concentrate; kief.

Section 475C.093 - Wholesale license; fees; rules.

Section 475C.097 - Retail license; sale of medical grade items; fees; rules.

Section 475C.101 - Proximity of marijuana retailer to school.

Section 475C.113 - Ordinance allowing delivery of marijuana items to consumers; prohibition on local tax or fee.

Section 475C.117 - Delivery of marijuana items to consumer; requirements; limitations; rules.

Section 475C.121 - Exclusively medical licensee designation for marijuana producer.

Section 475C.125 - Exclusively medical licensee designation for marijuana processor.

Section 475C.129 - Exclusively medical licensee designation for marijuana wholesaler.

Section 475C.133 - Exclusively medical licensee designation for marijuana retailer.

Section 475C.137 - Production for medical purposes; rules.

Section 475C.141 - Processing for medical purposes; rules.

Section 475C.145 - Wholesale selling for medical purposes; rules.

Section 475C.149 - Retail selling for medical purposes; rules.

Section 475C.157 - Authority to inspect books and premises; notice.

Section 475C.161 - Authority to require segregation of premises.

Section 475C.169 - Duty to develop procedures to transfer from registration to license; rules.

Section 475C.177 - Duty to develop and maintain system for tracking transfer of marijuana items.

Section 475C.185 - Authority to discipline for unregulated commerce; licensing requirements.

Section 475C.189 - Authority to require financial disclosure from licensee.

Section 475C.193 - Authority to investigate, discipline licensees.

Section 475C.197 - Authority to investigate, discipline permit holder.

Section 475C.205 - Restrictions on delivery or receipt; waiver by commission.

Section 475C.209 - Transport of marijuana item by licensee.

Section 475C.217 - Identification requirement; rules.

Section 475C.221 - Identification for purchasing; restrictions on use of information.

Section 475C.225 - Prohibition against employing persons under 21 years of age.

Section 475C.229 - Prohibition against importing or exporting marijuana items.

Section 475C.233 - Prohibition against obfuscating mark or label or using mark or label to deceive.

Section 475C.237 - Requirement that marijuana items comply with minimum standards.

Section 475C.241 - Prohibition against certain licensees possessing mature marijuana plants.

Section 475C.245 - Other prohibitions.

Section 475C.249 - Purpose of license issued under ORS 475C.005 to 475C.525.

Section 475C.253 - Labeling of industrial hemp commodity or product.

Section 475C.257 - Prohibition against sale of certain marijuana items; rules.

Section 475C.265 - Grounds for revocation, suspension or restriction of license or permit.

Section 475C.269 - Permit required to perform work for or on behalf of marijuana retailer.

Section 475C.273 - Issuing, renewing permits; fees; rules.

Section 475C.281 - Right of employees to organize.

Section 475C.285 - Whistleblower protection for employees.

Section 475C.289 - Certification of cannabis researchers; rules.

Section 475C.293 - Authority to require fingerprints of applicants and other individuals.

Section 475C.301 - Enforcement authority of regulatory specialist.

Section 475C.305 - Applicability of provisions to homegrown plants, homemade cannabinoid products and concentrates, specified possession and delivery.

Section 475C.309 - Prohibition against producing, processing, possessing or storing homegrown marijuana or homemade cannabinoid products, extracts.

Section 475C.313 - Prohibition against producing, processing or storing homemade cannabinoid extracts, industrial hemp extracts.

Section 475C.317 - Prohibition against person under 21 years of age possessing, attempting to purchase or purchasing marijuana item; penalty.

Section 475C.321 - Prohibition against producing identification that falsely indicates age; protections for reliance on identification.

Section 475C.325 - Requirements for assessment and treatment under ORS 475C.317.

Section 475C.329 - Prohibition regarding person who is visibly intoxicated; prohibition against allowing consumption of marijuana by person under 21 years of age on private property; penalty.

Section 475C.333 - Prohibition against giving marijuana item as prize; penalty.

Section 475C.337 - Unlawful possession by person 21 years of age or older.

Section 475C.341 - Unlawful possession by person under 21 years of age.

Section 475C.345 - Unlawful delivery of marijuana item.

Section 475C.349 - Unlawful manufacture of marijuana item.

Section 475C.353 - Classification of felony under ORS 475C.337, 475C.341, 475C.345 and 475C.349.

Section 475C.357 - Arson incident to manufacture of cannabinoid extract in first degree.

Section 475C.361 - Arson incident to manufacture of cannabinoid extract in second degree.

Section 475C.365 - Causing another person to ingest marijuana.

Section 475C.369 - Administration to another person under 18 years of age.

Section 475C.373 - Unlawful sale or delivery of marijuana paraphernalia.

Section 475C.377 - Prohibition against using marijuana item in public place.

Section 475C.385 - Effect of crime under federal law or law of another state.

Section 475C.389 - Protection for person obtaining assistance for cannabis-related overdose.

Section 475C.393 - Affirmative defense.

Section 475C.397 - Order setting aside qualifying marijuana conviction.

Section 475C.417 - Seizure of marijuana items by law enforcement personnel.

Section 475C.433 - Prohibition against operation of premises for which license issued; petition; election.

Section 475C.441 - Ordinance prohibiting possession.

Section 475C.449 - Local time, place and manner regulations.

Section 475C.453 - Local tax or fee; referral to electors for approval.

Section 475C.457 - Repeal of city, county ordinance that prohibits certain establishments.

Section 475C.473 - Prohibition against refusing to perform duties on basis that certain conduct is prohibited by federal law.

Section 475C.485 - Authority of Governor to suspend license, certificate or permit without notice.

Section 475C.489 - Marijuana as crop; exceptions to permitted uses.

Section 475C.493 - Regulation of marijuana items as food or other commodity subject to regulation by State Department of Agriculture.

Section 475C.497 - Exceptions from applicability of ORS 475C.005 to 475C.525.

Section 475C.509 - Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission hotline for verification of license.

Section 475C.513 - Transport of marijuana items to trade show; rules.

Section 475C.517 - Certain information related to licensure exempt from disclosure.

Section 475C.521 - Governor agreements with Indian tribes; requirements.

Section 475C.525 - Severability of ORS 475C.005 to 475C.525.

Section 475C.529 - Duty to report to Legislative Assembly.

Section 475C.540 - Definitions for ORS 475C.540 to 475C.586.

Section 475C.544 - Testing standards and processes; rules.

Section 475C.548 - Laboratory licensure; qualifications; fees; rules.

Section 475C.552 - Authority to require fingerprints of applicants and other individuals.

Section 475C.556 - Statement of applicant for license under ORS 475C.548.

Section 475C.560 - Laboratory accreditation; qualifications; fees; rules.

Section 475C.564 - Applicability of ORS 475C.540 to 475C.586.

Section 475C.572 - Authority of Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission over certain persons, license actions.

Section 475C.574 - Authority of Oregon Health Authority to discipline registrants of authority.

Section 475C.578 - Civil penalty for violating ORS 475C.540 to 475C.586.

Section 475C.582 - Authority of State Department of Agriculture, Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission for certain violations of ORS 475C.540 to 475C.586.

Section 475C.590 - Advisory committee on standards for testing potency of marijuana and marijuana items.

Section 475C.600 - Definitions for ORS 475C.600 to 475C.648.

Section 475C.604 - Labeling requirements; rules.

Section 475C.608 - Authority to require preapproval of labels.

Section 475C.612 - Packaging requirements; rules.

Section 475C.616 - Authority to require preapproval of packaging.

Section 475C.620 - Concentration and servings limits; rules.

Section 475C.624 - Applicability of ORS 475C.600 to 475C.648.

Section 475C.632 - Authority of Oregon Health Authority to inspect.

Section 475C.640 - Authority of Oregon Health Authority to discipline registrants of authority.

Section 475C.644 - Civil penalty for violating ORS 475C.600 to 475C.648.

Section 475C.648 - Authority of State Department of Agriculture, Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission for certain violations of ORS 475C.600 to 475C.648.

Section 475C.670 - Definitions for ORS 475C.670 to 475C.734.

Section 475C.674 - Imposition of tax on retail sale of marijuana items.

Section 475C.678 - Exemption from tax on retail sale of marijuana items; rules.

Section 475C.682 - Collection of tax; refund; credit; penalties.

Section 475C.684 - Marijuana revenue estimate.

Section 475C.688 - Enforcement; liability; notice of liability; notices of determination and assessment.

Section 475C.692 - Duty to keep receipts, invoices and other records.

Section 475C.694 - Authority to require production of books, papers, accounts and other information.

Section 475C.698 - Disclosure of information.

Section 475C.706 - Duty to return excess tax collected.

Section 475C.714 - Duties and powers of Department of Revenue; rules; interagency cooperation.

Section 475C.718 - Department of Revenue tax rebate agreement with qualified Indian tribe.

Section 475C.726 - Oregon Marijuana Account.

Section 475C.730 - Requirement to establish county cannabis advisory panel prior to adoption of certain local ordinance.

Section 475C.734 - Suspense account; payment of expenses; crediting balance to Oregon Marijuana Account.

Section 475C.738 - Definitions for ORS 475C.738 to 475C.758.

Section 475C.746 - Required disclosure by Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission; fees.

Section 475C.750 - Required disclosure by Oregon Health Authority; fees.

Section 475C.754 - Required disclosure by Department of Revenue; fees.

Section 475C.758 - Confidentiality of information.

Section 475C.770 - Findings.

Section 475C.777 - Definitions for ORS 475C.770 to 475C.919.

Section 475C.780 - Construction of ORS 475C.770 to 475C.919.

Section 475C.783 - Registry identification cardholders; eligibility; fees; rules.

Section 475C.786 - Assistance from designated primary caregiver.

Section 475C.789 - Designated primary caregivers.

Section 475C.791 - Registry identification cardholder ability to designate certain entities as additional caregivers.

Section 475C.792 - Marijuana grow site registration system; fees; rules.

Section 475C.794 - Address of marijuana grow site.

Section 475C.795 - Duty to submit production data to Oregon Health Authority.

Section 475C.797 - Delegation of duty to submit production data; rules.

Section 475C.800 - Transfer of usable marijuana.

Section 475C.806 - Possession limits for plants.

Section 475C.809 - Possession limits for usable marijuana.

Section 475C.815 - Marijuana processing site registration system; fees; rules.

Section 475C.818 - Authority to require fingerprints of applicants and other individuals.

Section 475C.821 - Duty to submit processing data to Oregon Health Authority; rules.

Section 475C.824 - Public health and safety standards for medical cannabinoid products, concentrates and extracts; rules.

Section 475C.827 - Prohibition against transferring medical cannabinoid products, concentrates and extracts to certain persons; exceptions.

Section 475C.833 - Medical marijuana dispensary registration system; fees; rules.

Section 475C.837 - Authority to require fingerprints of applicants and other individuals.

Section 475C.840 - Medical marijuana dispensary located within 1,000 feet of school.

Section 475C.843 - Duty to submit dispensing data to Oregon Health Authority; rules.

Section 475C.850 - Receipt of marijuana by nonprofit dispensary; dispensation to certain cardholders; rules.

Section 475C.853 - Oregon Health Authority telephone hotline.

Section 475C.856 - Database of information related to production, processing and dispensing.

Section 475C.859 - Database of information related to cardholders.

Section 475C.862 - Confidentiality of personally identifiable information.

Section 475C.868 - Oregon Health Authority electronic system; requirements; confidentiality.

Section 475C.871 - Use of Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission tracking system; exemptions; fees; rules.

Section 475C.874 - Authority to designate responsibility for site or dispensary to another person.

Section 475C.877 - Authority to assign responsibility for site or dispensary to another person.

Section 475C.880 - Rights of secured parties.

Section 475C.883 - Exemptions from criminal liability.

Section 475C.886 - Exceptions to exemption from criminal liability.

Section 475C.889 - Affirmative defense.

Section 475C.891 - Prohibition against taking disciplinary action against attending provider.

Section 475C.892 - Prohibition against taking disciplinary action against professional licensee; right to administer marijuana for medical purposes.

Section 475C.894 - Authority to investigate; rights related to seized property.

Section 475C.895 - Civil penalty for violating ORS 475C.770 to 475C.919.

Section 475C.897 - Local time, place and manner regulations.

Section 475C.907 - Cannabis seeds as propagant of nursery stock.

Section 475C.919 - Authority to adopt rules for ORS 475C.770 to 475C.919.

Section 475C.930 - Oregon Cannabis Commission.

Section 475C.933 - Commission leadership; quorum.

Section 475C.939 - Duties of commission.

Section 475C.950 - Adoption of ordinances; referral to electors for approval.