(a) Compliance with the standard would require the electric utility to acquire electricity in excess of the electric utility’s projected load requirements in any calendar year; and
(b) Acquiring the additional electricity would require the electric utility to substitute qualifying electricity for electricity derived from an energy source other than coal, natural gas or petroleum.
(2)(a) Electric utilities are not required to comply with a renewable portfolio standard to the extent that compliance would require the electric utility to substitute qualifying electricity for electricity available to the electric utility under contracts for electricity from dams that are owned by Washington public utility districts and that are located between the Grand Coulee Dam and the Columbia River’s junction with the Snake River. The provisions of this subsection apply only to contracts entered into before June 6, 2007, and to renewal or replacement contracts for contracts entered into before June 6, 2007.
(b) If a contract described in paragraph (a) of this subsection expires and is not renewed or replaced, the electric utility must comply, in the calendar year following the expiration of the contract, with the renewable portfolio standard applicable to the electric utility.
(3) A consumer-owned utility is not required to comply with a renewable portfolio standard to the extent that compliance would require the consumer-owned utility to reduce the consumer-owned utility’s purchases of the lowest priced electricity from the Bonneville Power Administration pursuant to section 5 of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980, P.L. 96-501, as in effect on June 6, 2007. The exemption provided by this subsection applies only to firm commitments for BPA electricity that the Bonneville Power Administration has assured will be available to a consumer-owned utility to meet agreed portions of the consumer-owned utility’s load requirements for a defined period of time. [2007 c.301 §8; 2016 c.28 §26]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 13 - Housing, Games, Environment
Chapter 469A - Renewable Portfolio Standards
Section 469A.005 - Definitions for ORS 469A.005 to 469A.210.
Section 469A.010 - Qualifying electricity.
Section 469A.020 - Qualifying electricity; age of generating facility.
Section 469A.025 - Renewable energy sources; rules.
Section 469A.050 - Applicable standard.
Section 469A.052 - Large utility renewable portfolio standard.
Section 469A.055 - Small electric utilities.
Section 469A.060 - Exemptions from compliance with renewable portfolio standard.
Section 469A.070 - Manner of complying with renewable portfolio standards.
Section 469A.075 - Implementation plan for electric companies; annual reports; rules.
Section 469A.100 - Limits on cost of compliance with renewable portfolio standard.
Section 469A.120 - Cost recovery by electric companies.
Section 469A.130 - Renewable energy certificates system.
Section 469A.132 - Thermal renewable energy certificates.
Section 469A.135 - Renewable energy certificates that may be used to comply with standards.
Section 469A.140 - Use, transfer and banking of certificates.
Section 469A.170 - Compliance reports; rules.
Section 469A.180 - Electric companies; electricity service suppliers.
Section 469A.205 - Green power rate.
Section 469A.210 - Goal for community-based renewable energy projects.
Section 469A.400 - Definitions for ORS 469A.400 to 469A.475.
Section 469A.410 - Clean energy targets; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Section 469A.415 - Electric companies to develop clean energy plans.
Section 469A.425 - Community advisory group; membership; biennial report.
Section 469A.435 - Determining compliance with clean energy targets; unplanned emissions.
Section 469A.440 - Temporary exemption; conflicts with reliability.