2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 455 - Building Code
Section 455.625 - Rules for permits; schedule of inspections.

(1) A list of information required for low-rise residential dwelling building permits; and
(2) A priority schedule for low-rise residential dwelling inspections and plan review requirements. [1987 c.604 §5; 1997 c.658 §3; 2003 c.675 §34]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 13 - Housing, Games, Environment

Chapter 455 - Building Code

Section 455.010 - Definitions for ORS chapter 455.

Section 455.015 - Legislative findings.

Section 455.020 - Purpose; scope of application; exceptions; scope of rules; fees by rule.

Section 455.022 - Appropriation of program fees established by department rule.

Section 455.028 - Interagency agreements.

Section 455.030 - Rulemaking; notice; content; code distribution; amendment process.

Section 455.035 - Effective date of rules.

Section 455.040 - State building code preempts local ordinances and rules; exemptions; criteria.

Section 455.042 - State building code administrative regions.

Section 455.044 - Tri-County Building Industry Service Center; fees.

Section 455.046 - Installation labels; standardized forms and procedures; use of Tri-County Building Industry Service Center resources.

Section 455.048 - Rules.

Section 455.050 - Building permits; content.

Section 455.055 - Uniform permit, inspection and certificate of occupancy requirements; rules.

Section 455.058 - Investigation fee for work commenced without permit; rules.

Section 455.060 - Rulings on acceptability of material, design or method of construction; effect of approval; fees.

Section 455.062 - Provision of typical drawings and specifications.

Section 455.065 - Alternative regulatory options for emerging technologies; rules.

Section 455.068 - Applicability of construction standards to winery.

Section 455.070 - Report of suspected code violation; rules; form; appeal.

Section 455.080 - Inspector may require proof of compliance.

Section 455.083 - Enjoining violations of state building code.

Section 455.085 - Publication; readability; funding.

Section 455.090 - Building codes information and services system or network.

Section 455.093 - Definition for ORS 455.095, 455.097 and 455.185.

Section 455.095 - Electronic access to building code and construction-related information and services.

Section 455.097 - Electronic access system development and implementation; uniform form and format for electronic exchange of building program and construction-related service information; waiver of contrary form and format requirements; rules.

Section 455.098 - Minimum standards and statewide consistency in electronic processes; rules.

Section 455.110 - Other duties of director; rules.

Section 455.112 - Elimination of unclear, duplicative, conflicting or inadequate provisions; rules.

Section 455.117 - Adoption of rules governing licensing, certification or registration.

Section 455.122 - Combinations of licenses; rules.

Section 455.125 - Denial, suspension, conditioning or revocation of license, certificate, registration or other authorization.

Section 455.127 - Disqualification from obtaining license, registration, certificate or certification.

Section 455.129 - Additional grounds for denial, suspension, conditioning or revocation of license, certificate, registration or application.

Section 455.132 - Building Codes Structures Board; duties; membership.

Section 455.135 - Residential and Manufactured Structures Board; duties; membership.

Section 455.138 - Electrical and Elevator Board; duties; membership.

Section 455.140 - Mechanical Board; duties; membership.

Section 455.144 - Terms; compensation; positions; quorum; rules; removal of members; confirmation.

Section 455.146 - Frequency of board meetings.

Section 455.148 - Comprehensive municipal building inspection programs; building officials and contract building officials; rules; program duration, plan, failure, abandonment and resumption.

Section 455.150 - Selective municipal building inspection programs; building officials and contract building officials; rules; program duration, plan, failure and abandonment; limitation on program resumption.

Section 455.152 - Objections to municipal assumption of building inspection program.

Section 455.153 - Municipal authority to administer specialty code or building requirements; effect on jurisdiction of agencies.

Section 455.154 - Alternative permit and inspection program.

Section 455.155 - Statewide permit and inspection system for minor construction work.

Section 455.156 - Municipal investigation and enforcement of certain violations; notice of civil penalty; department to develop programs; defense for violation of building inspection program.

Section 455.157 - Process for municipal imposition of monetary penalties.

Section 455.158 - Verification of required license prior to issuance of permit.

Section 455.160 - Failure to provide timely inspections or plan reviews prohibited; demand; mandamus.

Section 455.165 - Standards for building codes information collected and maintained by municipalities; rules.

Section 455.170 - Director delegation of certain duties; fees.

Section 455.175 - Restriction on city or county refusal of building permit in residential subdivision.

Section 455.180 - Restriction on city or county refusal to issue building permit.

Section 455.185 - Agreements for full, divided, mutual or joint administration and enforcement.

Section 455.188 - Fee revenue generated under agreement.

Section 455.192 - Staffing and other resources for building code administration and enforcement.

Section 455.195 - Fees charged following surrender or abandonment of municipal building inspection program.

Section 455.198 - Fee surcharge use.

Section 455.200 - Policies and procedures; rules; consultation with boards; reports.

Section 455.202 - Definitions; procurement of contract building official; duties; establishment of local board; appeal rights; independent auditor; powers of director.

Section 455.204 - Ratification of contract building official’s discretionary decision.

Section 455.206 - Building official as public official; enforcement powers of director; effect upon Oregon Government Ethics Commission of director’s determination.

Section 455.208 - Requirements for continued procurement of contract building official’s services.

Section 455.210 - Fees; appeal of fees; surcharge; reduced fees; rules.

Section 455.220 - Surcharge on building permit fees; collection; deposit; use.

Section 455.230 - Use of Consumer and Business Services Fund moneys.

Section 455.240 - Revenues from sales of building codes publications; use.

Section 455.310 - Single-family residence repair and maintenance exempt from codes; exemption itemized.

Section 455.312 - Exemption from code of structures for out-of-state delivery; loss of exemption.

Section 455.315 - Exemption of agricultural buildings, agricultural grading, equine facilities and dog training facilities.

Section 455.320 - Owner-built dwellings exempt from certain structural code provisions; recording of exemption.

Section 455.325 - Definitions for ORS 455.325 to 455.350.

Section 455.330 - Counties authorized to exempt owner-built dwellings in rural areas from structural code.

Section 455.335 - Rural areas to be mapped; building permit issuance for exempt dwellings limited.

Section 455.340 - Code requirements to which exemption may not apply.

Section 455.345 - Permit, fee, plan check and inspection provisions apply; notice of noncompliance to owner-builder; recording of notice; notice to purchasers.

Section 455.350 - Purchaser’s remedies.

Section 455.355 - Rules governing mercury thermostats.

Section 455.360 - Carbon monoxide alarms.

Section 455.365 - Radon mitigation standards.

Section 455.380 - Department as final authority on agriculture workforce housing; rules; fees.

Section 455.390 - Definitions for ORS 455.020, 455.390, 455.395 and 455.400.

Section 455.395 - Admissibility of data or agreements as evidence; immunity from certain causes of action.

Section 455.400 - Effect of seismic rehabilitation provisions on exclusive remedy.

Section 455.405 - Recreational vehicle conversion to structure.

Section 455.410 - Relocated buildings; substantial compliance required; permits.

Section 455.412 - Review of state building code provisions regarding certain smoke alarms and smoke detectors; rules.

Section 455.415 - Identification badges.

Section 455.417 - Provision of electric service capacity for charging electric vehicles in newly constructed buildings; requirements; exemptions; rules.

Section 455.420 - Individual electric meters required in multifamily residential buildings; exceptions; standards.

Section 455.422 - New construction; recycling containers.

Section 455.425 - Low-income elderly housing multiservice rooms required; standards; exceptions.

Section 455.427 - Prohibition of certain refrigerants.

Section 455.440 - When site soil analysis required; filing of report and notice; duty of transferor of property; effect of failure to comply.

Section 455.445 - Indoor air quality standards for public areas and office workplaces.

Section 455.446 - Tsunami inundation zone; rules.

Section 455.447 - Regulation of certain structures vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis; rules.

Section 455.448 - Entry and inspection of earthquake-damaged structures; warrant enforcement.

Section 455.449 - Unsafe condition resulting from earthquake damage; abatement of nuisance; rules.

Section 455.450 - Prohibited acts.

Section 455.453 - Additional prohibitions.

Section 455.455 - Building inspection and plan review; license required; exception.

Section 455.457 - Licensing specialty code inspectors and plan reviewers; rules; contents.

Section 455.459 - Specialty code inspection and plan review; conflict of interest.

Section 455.461 - Specialty code inspectors and plan reviewers; quality control; rules.

Section 455.463 - Specialty code inspection and plan review; department enforcement authority; investigation.

Section 455.465 - Department and municipalities to designate persons licensed to conduct specialty code inspection and plan review; fees; exception.

Section 455.466 - Rapid approval assessment for essential projects.

Section 455.467 - Timelines for approval or disapproval of certain specialty code building plans; exceptions; phased permit systems; failure to adhere to timelines.

Section 455.468 - Electronic submission of application materials.

Section 455.469 - Municipal building inspection program to include certain policies and ordinances.

Section 455.471 - Specialty code inspection and plan review fee authority; disposition of certain fee amounts.

Section 455.473 - Disposition of certain fees received by department.

Section 455.475 - Appeal of decision of building official.

Section 455.477 - Requirement for suit filed by licensed specialty code inspector or plan reviewer.

Section 455.479 - Application to specialty inspections identified by department.

Section 455.481 - Application to inspection and plan review for prefabricated structures.

Section 455.483 - Electrical and plumbing code plan review; rules.

Section 455.485 - Special consideration for rural or remote areas; determination of compliance with fire, life safety and other building code standards.

Section 455.490 - Legislative findings.

Section 455.492 - Construction Industry Energy Board.

Section 455.496 - Standards relating to energy use and energy efficiency aspects of specialty codes; rules; enforceability.

Section 455.500 - Reach Code; applicability; amendment.

Section 455.505 - Uniform energy conservation standards; rules.

Section 455.511 - State Building Code energy efficiency goals and standards.

Section 455.525 - Rules for energy conservation and passive solar energy in structures; inclusion in building code; application of testing requirements to fenestration products; review of regulations.

Section 455.530 - Authority to receive money and to contract.

Section 455.560 - Definitions for ORS 455.560 to 455.580.

Section 455.570 - Maximum lighting standards for new public buildings; exemptions.

Section 455.573 - Outdoor shielded lighting fixtures; waiver by municipality.

Section 455.595 - Energy Efficient Construction Account.

Section 455.610 - Low-Rise Residential Dwelling Code; Small Home Specialty Code; alternate methods of construction; alternate approval for conversion; appeal; rules.

Section 455.612 - Building code standards for wildfire hazard mitigation; rules.

Section 455.614 - Mapping tool for wildfire hazard mitigation.

Section 455.616 - Construction standards for small homes.

Section 455.622 - Certification of inspectors; rules.

Section 455.625 - Rules for permits; schedule of inspections.

Section 455.626 - Rules for accommodating technology.

Section 455.627 - Minor electrical installation inspection program; rules.

Section 455.628 - Plan review exemption.

Section 455.630 - Enforcement.

Section 455.640 - Definitions for ORS 455.640 to 455.645.

Section 455.642 - Application.

Section 455.645 - Certain plans for structures of public assembly to be certified.

Section 455.675 - Authorized substitutions in codes adopted by reference.

Section 455.680 - Plan approval and permits for recreation or picnic park or camp; license; rules.

Section 455.705 - Prefabricated structures plan approval and inspections; approval of business or persons performing inspections; rules; fees; manufacturer compliance program; insignia of compliance or certification stamp required for certain transac...

Section 455.715 - Definitions for ORS 455.715 to 455.740.

Section 455.720 - Standards and qualifications for personnel; rules.

Section 455.723 - Specialized building inspectors; rules.

Section 455.725 - Certification of personnel training programs.

Section 455.732 - Certification of inspectors to perform duties in building code administrative regions; training program recognition.

Section 455.735 - Issuance and renewal of certificates; fees; rules.

Section 455.737 - Experience and training outside Oregon; examination; rulemaking.

Section 455.740 - Denial of certificate; disciplinary action against certificate holder; rules.

Section 455.770 - Investigation of municipality, building official or inspector; corrective action; revocation of authority.

Section 455.775 - Enforcement authority of director; investigations; corrective actions; prevention or termination of violation.

Section 455.800 - Definitions for ORS 455.800 to 455.820.

Section 455.805 - Criteria for granting of master builder status.

Section 455.810 - Certificates; fees; discipline; rules.

Section 455.815 - Establishment of master builder programs; waiver of inspections; builder verification of performance.

Section 455.820 - Plan review and verification; documentation; duties of building official; effect of waiver revocation.

Section 455.895 - Civil penalties.