(a) The Director of the Oregon Health Authority, or the director’s designee.
(b) The Director of the Department of Corrections, or the director’s designee.
(c) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or the Chief Justice’s designee.
(d) The executive director of the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission or the director’s designee.
(e) The Director of the Housing and Community Services Department or the director’s designee.
(f) Nine members appointed by the Governor including:
(A) A district attorney.
(B) An attorney specializing in defense of individuals with mental health or substance use disorders.
(C) A chief of police.
(D) A county commissioner.
(E) A director of a hospital that provides acute mental health treatment.
(F) A representative of a community-based mental health treatment facility or a practitioner in a community-based mental health treatment facility.
(G) A representative of a community-based substance use disorder treatment facility or a practitioner in a community-based substance use disorder treatment facility.
(H) A sheriff.
(I) A representative of a federally recognized Indian tribe.
(g) One nonvoting member appointed by the President of the Senate from among members of the Senate.
(h) One nonvoting member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from among members of the House of Representatives.
(i) Three members of the public that represent the age demographics of the target population.
(2) A majority of the voting members of the committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
(3) The directors of the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission and the Oregon Health Authority or their designees shall serve as cochairpersons.
(4) If there is a vacancy for any cause, the appointing authority shall make an appointment to become effective immediately.
(5) The committee shall meet at times and places specified by the call of the cochairpersons or a majority of the voting members of the committee.
(6) The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission shall provide staff support to the committee.
(7) Legislative members of the committee shall be entitled to payment of compensation and expenses under ORS 171.072, payable from funds appropriated to the Legislative Assembly.
(8) Members of the committee who are not members of the Legislative Assembly are not entitled to compensation but may be reimbursed for actual and necessary travel and other expenses incurred by the member in the performance of the member’s official duties in the manner and amount provided in ORS 292.495.
(9) All agencies of state government, as defined in ORS 174.111, are directed to assist the committee in the performance of the duties of the committee and, to the extent permitted by laws relating to confidentiality, to furnish information and advice that the members of the committee consider necessary to perform their duties. [2019 c.563 §3]
Note: See note under 430.230.
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 430 - Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment; Developmental Disabilities
Section 430.010 - Definitions.
Section 430.050 - Mental Health Advisory Board; Disability Issues Advisory Committee; rules.
Section 430.071 - Policy to support and promote self-determination.
Section 430.073 - Consumer Advisory Council.
Section 430.140 - Federal grants for promoting mental health.
Section 430.197 - Mental Health Services Fund.
Section 430.205 - Definitions for ORS 430.205 and 430.210.
Section 430.210 - Rights of persons receiving mental health services.
Section 430.212 - Reconnection of family members to individual with developmental disability; rules.
Section 430.216 - Report to Legislative Assembly.
Section 430.220 - Director; appointment; powers and duties.
Section 430.221 - Commission members; terms; subcommittees.
Section 430.223 - Comprehensive addiction, prevention, treatment and recovery plan; rules.
Section 430.230 - Definitions.
Section 430.235 - Grant Review Committee; approval and distribution of grants.
Section 430.236 - Establishment of quality improvement subcommittee; statewide data tracking.
Section 430.243 - Grants to coordinated care organizations authorized.
Section 430.254 - Goal of treatment programs for persons with substance use disorders.
Section 430.262 - Registration of sobering facilities; fees prohibited.
Section 430.270 - Publicizing effects of alcohol and drugs.
Section 430.272 - Educational resources on risks of inhalant use.
Section 430.275 - Oregon Health Authority to provide funding for peer respite centers; rules.
Section 430.306 - Definitions.
Section 430.338 - Purposes of laws related to alcoholism.
Section 430.342 - Local planning committees; duties; members.
Section 430.347 - Definitions for ORS 430.345 to 430.380.
Section 430.350 - Assistance and recommendation of local planning committee.
Section 430.357 - Minimum standards; rules.
Section 430.358 - Opioid treatment center required to accept Medicare payments.
Section 430.359 - Funding of services.
Section 430.362 - Application requirements for priority consideration.
Section 430.364 - Consideration given requests for priority.
Section 430.366 - Requirements for service proposals and data reporting.
Section 430.368 - Appeal and review of funding requests; conclusiveness of review.
Section 430.370 - County contracts for services; joint county-city operation.
Section 430.380 - Mental Health Alcoholism and Drug Services Account; uses.
Section 430.383 - Findings and policy.
Section 430.384 - Drug Treatment and Recovery Services Fund established.
Section 430.386 - Moneys in fund not to replace current funding for programs and services.
Section 430.387 - Distribution of moneys in fund.
Section 430.388 - Oversight and Accountability Council.
Section 430.390 - Administration of grants; rules.
Section 430.391 - Behavioral Health Resource Network statewide telephone hotline.
Section 430.393 - Report to Legislative Assembly.
Section 430.397 - Voluntary admission of person to treatment facility; notice to parent or guardian.
Section 430.420 - Integration of drug treatment services into criminal justice system; plans.
Section 430.422 - Drug Prevention and Education Fund.
Section 430.424 - Distribution of funds; funding criteria.
Section 430.426 - Rules; acceptance of gifts, grants and donations.
Section 430.450 - Definitions for ORS 430.450 to 430.555.
Section 430.455 - Information to arrested person believed to have substance use disorder.
Section 430.470 - Notice of right to evaluation if not given at time of arrest.
Section 430.490 - Diversion plan for defendant; participation as condition of probation or parole.
Section 430.495 - Content of diversion plan; duration.
Section 430.500 - Dismissal of charges.
Section 430.535 - Requirement to develop bilingual forms.
Section 430.540 - Designation of and standards for evaluation sites.
Section 430.545 - Procedures at evaluation sites; administration of antagonist drugs.
Section 430.572 - Internet access to providers of opiate use disorder treatment.
Section 430.573 - Statewide capacity to provide opiate use disorder treatment.
Section 430.590 - Regulation of location of methadone clinic; enforcement.
Section 430.610 - Legislative policy.
Section 430.626 - Definitions.
Section 430.627 - Statewide coordinated crisis system; rules.
Section 430.629 - Planning and ongoing oversight of services.
Section 430.631 - Local advisory committees.
Section 430.634 - Evaluation of programs; population schedule for distributing funds.
Section 430.638 - Immunity from civil liability for reliance on certificate of approval.
Section 430.641 - Behavioral Health Housing Incentive Fund established.
Section 430.643 - Disbursement of moneys in fund.
Section 430.644 - Priorities for services provided by community mental health programs.
Section 430.646 - Priorities for services for persons with mental or emotional disturbances.
Section 430.648 - Funding distribution formula; matching funds; administrative expenses.
Section 430.651 - Use of population data in funding formula.
Section 430.673 - Mediation; retaliation prohibited; action for damages; attorney fees; rules.
Section 430.705 - Mental health services for children.
Section 430.708 - Priority for preventive services for children.
Section 430.731 - Uniform investigation procedures; rules.
Section 430.735 - Definitions for ORS 430.735 to 430.765.
Section 430.737 - Mandatory reports and investigations.
Section 430.738 - Privileges not applicable to abuse proceedings.
Section 430.739 - County multidisciplinary teams; protocols; reports.
Section 430.745 - Investigation of abuse; notice to medical examiners; findings; recommendations.
Section 430.746 - Training requirements for persons investigating reports of alleged abuse.
Section 430.747 - Photographs of victim during investigation; exception; photographs as records.
Section 430.753 - Immunity of persons making reports in good faith; confidentiality.
Section 430.755 - Retaliation prohibited; liability for retaliation.
Section 430.756 - Immunity of employer reporting abuse by employee.
Section 430.757 - Reports of abuse to be maintained by Department of Human Services.
Section 430.763 - Confidentiality of records; when record may be made available to agency.
Section 430.768 - Claims of self-defense addressed in certain reports of abuse; review teams; rules.
Section 430.850 - Treatment program; eligibility.
Section 430.860 - Participation in program; report to court.
Section 430.880 - Gifts, grants or services.
Section 430.955 - Standardized screening instrument; assessing drug use during pregnancy.