(2) The privilege set forth in ORS 415.062 does not apply in any civil, criminal or administrative proceeding commenced by the Attorney General relating to Medicaid fraud, without regard to whether the proceeding is brought on behalf of the state, a state agency or a federal agency. A coordinated care organization may request an in camera review of any document or other evidence to be released or used under this subsection and may request that appropriate protective orders be entered governing release and use of the material.
(3) In any civil proceeding a court of record may, after an in camera review, require disclosure of material for which the privilege set forth in ORS 415.062 is asserted if the court determines that the material is not subject to the privilege, or that the privilege is asserted for a fraudulent purpose, including but not limited to an assertion of the privilege for a compliance audit that was conducted for the purpose of concealing a violation of any federal, state or local law or rule. This subsection may not be construed to prohibit the Oregon Health Authority from acquiring, examining and using compliance self-evaluative audit documents under ORS 415.062.
(4) In a criminal proceeding, a court of record may, after an in camera review, require disclosure of material for which the privilege set forth in ORS 415.062 is asserted if the court determines that:
(a) The privilege is asserted for a fraudulent purpose, including but not limited to an assertion of the privilege for a compliance audit that was conducted for the purpose of concealing a violation of any federal, state or local law or rule;
(b) The material is not subject to the privilege; or
(c) The material contains evidence relevant to commission of a criminal offense, and:
(A) A district attorney or the Attorney General has a compelling need for the information;
(B) The information is not otherwise available; or
(C) The district attorney or Attorney General is unable to obtain the substantial equivalent of the information by any other means without incurring unreasonable cost and delay. [2019 c.478 ยง19]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 415 - Regulation of Health Care Entities
Section 415.001 - Reinsurance program for coordinated care organizations (CCOs).
Section 415.012 - Definitions for ORS 415.012 to 415.430.
Section 415.013 - Powers and authority to enforce ORS 415.012 to 415.430 and 415.501.
Section 415.019 - Right to contested case hearing.
Section 415.056 - Confidentiality of reports regarding certain financial information.
Section 415.057 - Authorized use of confidential reports regarding financial information.
Section 415.061 - Definitions for 415.061 to 415.067.
Section 415.064 - Waiver of privilege; permitted disclosures.
Section 415.066 - Exceptions to privilege of compliance self-evaluative audit document.
Section 415.105 - Investigations authorized.
Section 415.109 - Conduct of examination; access to records; civil penalty.
Section 415.111 - Report of examination; opportunity to respond.
Section 415.115 - Annual audits; rules.
Section 415.203 - Opportunity to cure impairment of required capitalization.
Section 415.204 - Grounds for order of supervision; right to hearing to contest order.
Section 415.205 - Period of supervision; cause of action for violation of order of supervision.
Section 415.251 - Jurisdiction of delinquency proceedings.
Section 415.252 - Exclusive remedy.
Section 415.261 - Petition for delinquency proceeding.
Section 415.280 - Petition for order for rehabilitation or liquidation of CCO.
Section 415.281 - Court order for rehabilitation or liquidation proceeding against CCO.
Section 415.300 - Rehabilitation proceeding.
Section 415.330 - Grounds for order to liquidate.
Section 415.333 - Powers of Oregon Health Authority in liquidation proceeding.
Section 415.335 - Order to liquidate.
Section 415.341 - Immunity from civil liability for receivers.
Section 415.400 - Filing proof of claim against CCO declared by court to be insolvent.
Section 415.401 - Requirements for proof of claim.
Section 415.402 - Preference of claims.
Section 415.404 - Contingent claims.
Section 415.405 - Priority of special deposit claims.
Section 415.422 - Voidable transfers or liens.
Section 415.430 - Liability of member of CCO to pay provider for cost of care.
Section 415.500 - Definitions.
Section 415.501 - Procedures for review of material change transactions; rules.
Section 415.505 - Conflicts of interest prohibited.
Section 415.510 - Quadrennial study of impact of health care consolidation.