(a) Provided to a medical assistance recipient who is not enrolled in a coordinated care organization or a prepaid managed care health services organization;
(b) That is within the lawful scope of practice of a pharmacist; and
(c) If the authority determines the service is within the types and extent of health care and services to be provided to medical assistance recipients under ORS 414.065.
(2) A coordinated care organization may reimburse a pharmacist or pharmacy for any health service:
(a) Provided to a medical assistance recipient who is enrolled in the coordinated care organization or a prepaid managed care health services organization that enters into a clinical pharmacy agreement with the pharmacist or pharmacy; and
(b) That is within the lawful scope of practice of a pharmacist. [2015 c.362 §6]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 414 - Medical Assistance
Section 414.018 - Legislative intent; findings.
Section 414.025 - Definitions for ORS chapters 411, 413 and 414.
Section 414.033 - Expenditures for medical assistance authorized.
Section 414.034 - Acceptance of federal billing, reimbursement and reporting forms.
Section 414.041 - Simplified application process; outreach and enrollment.
Section 414.066 - Billing patient for services covered by medical assistance prohibited.
Section 414.071 - Timely payment for dental services.
Section 414.072 - Prior authorization data and reports.
Section 414.075 - Payment of deductibles imposed under federal law.
Section 414.109 - Oregon Health Plan Fund.
Section 414.115 - Medical assistance by insurance or service contracts; rules.
Section 414.117 - Premium assistance for health insurance coverage.
Section 414.125 - Rates on insurance or service contracts; requirements for insurer or contractor.
Section 414.135 - Contracts relating to direct providers of care and services.
Section 414.145 - Implementation of ORS 414.115, 414.125 or 414.135.
Section 414.150 - Purpose of ORS 414.150 to 414.153.
Section 414.152 - Duty of state agencies to work with local health departments.
Section 414.153 - Services provided by local health departments.
Section 414.211 - Medicaid Advisory Committee.
Section 414.221 - Duties of committee.
Section 414.227 - Application of public meetings law to advisory committees.
Section 414.312 - Oregon Prescription Drug Program.
Section 414.318 - Prescription Drug Purchasing Fund.
Section 414.325 - Prescription drugs; use of legend or generic drugs; prior authorization; rules.
Section 414.326 - Supplemental rebates from pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Section 414.327 - Electronically transmitted prescriptions; rules.
Section 414.328 - Synchronization of prescription drug refills.
Section 414.330 - Legislative findings on prescription drugs.
Section 414.332 - Policy for Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan.
Section 414.334 - Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan for medical assistance program.
Section 414.337 - Limitation on rules regarding Practitioner-Managed Prescription Drug Plan.
Section 414.351 - Definitions for ORS 414.351 to 414.414.
Section 414.353 - Committee established; membership.
Section 414.354 - Meetings; advisory committees; public notice and testimony.
Section 414.356 - Executive session.
Section 414.359 - Mental Health Clinical Advisory Group.
Section 414.364 - Intervention approaches.
Section 414.369 - Prospective drug use review program.
Section 414.371 - Retrospective drug use review program.
Section 414.372 - Pharmacy lock-in program; rules.
Section 414.382 - Requirements for annual report.
Section 414.414 - Use and disclosure of confidential information.
Section 414.426 - Payment of cost of medical care for institutionalized persons.
Section 414.428 - Coverage for American Indian and Alaska Native beneficiaries.
Section 414.430 - Access to dental care for pregnant women; rules.
Section 414.432 - Reproductive health services for noncitizens.
Section 414.500 - Findings regarding medical assistance for persons with hemophilia.
Section 414.510 - Definitions.
Section 414.520 - Hemophilia services.
Section 414.530 - When payments not made for hemophilia services.
Section 414.532 - Definitions for ORS 414.534 to 414.538.
Section 414.538 - Prohibition on coverage limitations; priority to low-income women.
Section 414.550 - Definitions for ORS 414.550 to 414.565.
Section 414.555 - Findings regarding medical assistance for persons with cystic fibrosis.
Section 414.560 - Cystic fibrosis services.
Section 414.565 - When payments not made for cystic fibrosis services.
Section 414.570 - System established.
Section 414.572 - Coordinated care organizations; rules.
Section 414.575 - Community advisory councils.
Section 414.578 - Community health improvement plan.
Section 414.581 - Tribal Advisory Council established; membership; terms.
Section 414.591 - Coordinated care organization contracts; financial reporting; rules.
Section 414.593 - Reporting and public disclosure of expenditures by coordinated care organizations.
Section 414.598 - Alternative payment methodologies.
Section 414.605 - Consumer and provider protections.
Section 414.609 - Network adequacy; member transfers.
Section 414.611 - Transfer of 500 or more members of coordinated care organization.
Section 414.613 - Discrimination based on scope of practice prohibited; appeals; rules.
Section 414.619 - Coordination between Oregon Health Authority and Department of Human Services.
Section 414.628 - Innovator agents.
Section 414.631 - Mandatory enrollment in coordinated care organization; exemptions.
Section 414.632 - Services to individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid.
Section 414.665 - Traditional health workers utilized by coordinated care organizations; rules.
Section 414.669 - Payment for doula services.
Section 414.686 - Health assessments for foster children.
Section 414.688 - Commission established; membership.
Section 414.689 - Members; meetings.
Section 414.690 - Prioritized list of health services.
Section 414.694 - Commission review of covered reproductive health services.
Section 414.695 - Medical technology assessment.
Section 414.698 - Comparative effectiveness of medical technologies.
Section 414.701 - Commission may not rely solely on comparative effectiveness research.
Section 414.706 - Persons eligible for medical assistance; rules.
Section 414.710 - Services not subject to prioritized list.
Section 414.712 - Health services for certain eligible persons.
Section 414.717 - Palliative care program; rules.
Section 414.719 - Housing navigation services and social determinants of health; rules.
Section 414.723 - Telemedicine services; rules.
Section 414.743 - Payment to noncontracting hospital by coordinated care organization; rules.
Section 414.755 - Payment for hospital services.
Section 414.756 - Payments to Oregon Health and Science University.
Section 414.762 - Payment for child abuse assessment.
Section 414.764 - Payment for services provided by pharmacy or pharmacist.
Section 414.766 - Behavioral health treatment; rules.
Section 414.770 - Participants in clinical trials.
Section 414.772 - Limits on use of step therapy.
Section 414.782 - Reimbursement to ensure access to addiction treatment statewide.
Section 414.815 - Law Enforcement Medical Liability Account; limited liability; rules; report.
Section 414.853 - Definitions.
Section 414.855 - Hospital assessment; rates; rules.
Section 414.857 - Reduction in rate required by federal law.
Section 414.863 - Refund of hospital assessment; right to contested case hearing.
Section 414.867 - Deposit of assessments collected to Hospital Quality Assurance Fund.
Section 414.869 - Establishment of Hospital Quality Assurance Fund.
Section 414.871 - Applicability of hospital assessment.
Section 414.880 - Managed care organization assessment; rate.
Section 414.882 - Refund of managed care organization assessment; right to contested case hearing.
Section 414.884 - Applicability of managed care organization assessment.
Section 414.900 - Hospital assessment; penalties.
Section 414.902 - Managed care organization assessment; penalties.