2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 406 - Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Section 406.530 - Campus veteran resource center grant programs; rules.

(a) "Community college" has the meaning given that term in ORS 341.005.
(b) "Public university" means a public university listed in ORS 352.002.
(c) "Veteran" has the meaning given that term in ORS 408.225.
(2) The Department of Veterans’ Affairs shall develop and implement one or more conditional grant programs statewide to expand campus veteran resource centers on the campuses of Oregon community colleges and public universities. The purpose of the grant programs is to augment existing campus programs that help veterans successfully transition from military service to college life, succeed in college, complete educational goals and transition from college to the workforce and the community.
(3)(a) The department shall award multiple one-time grants under this section on a competitive basis to community colleges and public universities based on proposals submitted by the colleges and universities under subsection (5) of this section that:
(A) Expand and enhance existing campus veteran resource centers on campus premises;
(B) Recruit and employ campus veteran resource coordinators who can serve as liaisons to provide advocacy, understanding and resource connections for veterans;
(C) Attract veterans to enroll in and attend educational programs at community colleges and public universities;
(D) Provide assistance, guidance and support to veterans in completing educational goals and objectives;
(E) Provide resources to college administrations, faculty and staff to facilitate an understanding and appreciation of the strengths, unique challenges and needs of veterans and their families;
(F) Refer campus veterans to local county veterans’ service officers appointed under ORS 408.410 who assist veterans in obtaining federal and state veteran benefits;
(G) Assist veterans in successfully transitioning to work and community life by connecting veterans with workforce and employment resources; and
(H) Provide resources and matching funds in an amount to be determined by the department.
(b) Grant recipients may use grant funds awarded under this section for the expansion and enhancement of existing campus veteran resource center programs, including training campus veteran coordinators, purchasing computer and other equipment and supplies, hiring additional staff, hosting veteran events, facilitating access to workforce and community resources that were not previously available and meeting other identified needs for the successful and continued operation of the existing centers and coordinators.
(c) A grant recipient may use up to $35,000 of grant funds awarded under this section to pay a campus veteran resource coordinator’s salary if the grant recipient commits to matching at least 50 percent of grant funds used for that purpose.
(d) Grant recipients may not use grant funds awarded under this section to duplicate services provided by county veterans’ service officers appointed under ORS 408.410, as described in ORS 406.450. However, grant recipients may use grant funds awarded under this section to provide additional information and aid that is not available through county veterans’ service officers.
(4) A community college or public university may submit a grant proposal under subsection (5) of this section if the community college or public university:
(a) Is located in Oregon;
(b) Has an existing campus veteran resource center or has, or intends to hire prior to the distribution of grant funds, a campus veteran resource coordinator;
(c) Meets, or intends to meet prior to the distribution of grant funds, a majority of the criteria under subsection (3)(a) of this section; and
(d) Demonstrates its capacity to administer any funds awarded under this section in compliance with the requirements of this section and all applicable federal and state laws.
(5) A community college or public university that meets the requirements of subsection (4) of this section may apply for grant funds under this section by submitting a grant proposal to the department in the form determined by the department.
(6) When determining which grant proposals to fund, the department shall make funds available statewide and may:
(a) Give priority to those proposals that the department determines are best designed to help veterans successfully transition from military service to college life, succeed in college, complete educational goals and transition from college to the workforce and the community; or
(b) Concentrate funds and resources in those areas of the state with the greatest need for veteran assistance programs, as determined by the department.
(7)(a) The department shall award grant funds to a successful applicant in an amount equal to the least of:
(A) The amount supported by the applicant’s application;
(B) $100,000; or
(C) Any other amount determined by the department to further the purpose of the grant program.
(b) The department shall issue a grant award letter to the applicant setting forth a grant recipient’s reporting requirements under subsection (8) of this section and describing the restrictions on the use of grant funds under subsection (3) of this section and as may be determined by the department.
(c) The grant recipient may not use grant funds for purposes other than those designated by the department in the recipient’s award letter.
(8) Within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter, each grant recipient shall provide a program report to the department. The quarterly report must include a narrative of the following:
(a) Summary of program activities;
(b) Description of program successes;
(c) Discussion of challenges the grant recipient has encountered implementing the program;
(d) Accounting of how grant funds have been used; and
(e) Any other information the department requires.
(9) The department may collaborate with the Higher Education Coordinating Commission in developing and implementing the programs established under this section.
(10) The department may solicit and accept gifts, grants and donations from public and private sources to further the purposes of this section.
(11) The department shall adopt rules that prescribe:
(a) The procedures for the grant application process, including grant review and approval;
(b) Grant recipient reporting requirements;
(c) Measurable goals and outcome requirements;
(d) Allowable uses of grant funds;
(e) Procedures for disbursement of grant funds;
(f) Recordkeeping requirements; and
(g) Any additional procedures the department determines necessary to implement the provisions of this section. [2017 c.731 §1; 2019 c.539 §2]
Note: 406.530 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 406 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 10 - Highways, Military

Chapter 406 - Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Section 406.005 - Department of Veterans’ Affairs; duties; rules.

Section 406.030 - Administration of veterans’ laws.

Section 406.050 - Additional powers and duties of director or department; grants, donations and gifts; rules; service charges.

Section 406.055 - Authority of director to require fingerprints.

Section 406.072 - Notice of application for public assistance; rules.

Section 406.073 - Notice of application for certain items from Department of Transportation; rules.

Section 406.074 - Native American veterans’ programs.

Section 406.075 - Oregon Women Veterans Coordinator.

Section 406.076 - Veteran Volunteer Coordinator.

Section 406.077 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Coordinator.

Section 406.079 - Health care navigation assistance.

Section 406.081 - Suicide prevention campaign.

Section 406.082 - Veterans Suicide Prevention and Outreach Program; rules.

Section 406.083 - Veterans Suicide Prevention and Outreach Program Fund.

Section 406.087 - Information regarding apprenticeship programs and veterans’ education benefits.

Section 406.100 - Claims against estate by department.

Section 406.110 - Waiver of claims; statute of limitations.

Section 406.120 - Conservatorship Services Account; sources; use.

Section 406.140 - Veterans’ Services Fund.

Section 406.141 - Reversion of appropriations to Veterans’ Services Fund.

Section 406.142 - Department of Veterans’ Affairs Veteran Services Grant Fund.

Section 406.144 - Veterans’ Department of Veterans’ Affairs Dedicated Lottery Fund.

Section 406.146 - Veterans’ Housing and Community Services Department Dedicated Lottery Fund.

Section 406.210 - Function of advisory committee; appointment, qualifications and term of members; chairperson; nominations by veterans’ organizations to fill vacancies.

Section 406.215 - Additional duties of advisory committee.

Section 406.217 - Duties of director concerning advisory committee.

Section 406.448 - Definitions.

Section 406.450 - Services provided by county veterans’ service officers.

Section 406.452 - State certification program for veterans’ service officers; rules.

Section 406.454 - Distribution formula; rules; use of funds.

Section 406.456 - Rules.

Section 406.458 - Consultation with Association of Oregon Counties; outreach.

Section 406.460 - Limitation on use of funds by county governing body; exceptions.

Section 406.462 - Distribution of moneys by Director of Veterans’ Affairs.

Section 406.464 - Volunteer veterans’ guides; duties; training.

Section 406.505 - World War II memorial; maintenance.

Section 406.530 - Campus veteran resource center grant programs; rules.