2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 040 - Evidence Code
Section 40.510 - Rule 902. Self-authentication.

(a) A document bearing a seal purporting to be that of the United States, or of any state, district, commonwealth, territory, or insular possession thereof, or the Panama Canal Zone, or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, or of a political subdivision, department, officer, or agency thereof, and a signature purporting to be an attestation or execution.
(b) A document purporting to bear the signature, in an official capacity, of an officer or employee of any entity included in subsection (1)(a) of this section, having no seal, if a public officer having a seal and having official duties in the district or political subdivision of the officer or employee certifies under seal that the signer has the official capacity and that the signature is genuine.
(c) A document purporting to be:
(A) Executed or attested in an official capacity by a person authorized by the laws of a foreign country to make the execution or attestation; and
(B) Accompanied by a final certification as provided in subsection (3) of this section as to the genuineness of the signature and official position of:
(i) The executing or attesting person; or
(ii) Any foreign official whose certificate of genuineness of signature and official position relates to the execution or attestation or is in a chain of certificates of genuineness of signature and official position relating to the execution or attestation.
(d) A copy of an official record or report or entry therein, or of a document authorized by law to be recorded or filed and actually recorded or filed in a public office, including data compilations in any form, certified as correct by the custodian or other person authorized to make the certification, by certificate complying with subsection (1)(a), (b) or (c) of this section or otherwise complying with any law or rule prescribed by the Supreme Court.
(e) Books, pamphlets or other publications purporting to be issued by public authority.
(f) Printed materials purporting to be newspapers or periodicals.
(g) Inscriptions, signs, tags or labels purporting to have been affixed in the course of business and indicating ownership, control or origin.
(h) Documents accompanied by a certificate of acknowledgment executed in the manner provided by law by a notary public or other officer authorized by law to take acknowledgments.
(i) Commercial paper, signatures thereon and documents relating thereto to the extent provided by the Uniform Commercial Code or ORS chapter 83.
(j) Any signature, documents or other matter declared by law to be presumptively or prima facie genuine or authentic.
(k)(A) A document bearing a seal purporting to be that of a federally recognized Indian tribal government or of a political subdivision, department, officer, or agency thereof, and a signature purporting to be an attestation or execution.
(B) A document purporting to bear the signature, in an official capacity, of an officer or employee of any entity included in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, having no seal, if a public officer having a seal and having official duties in the district or political subdivision or the officer or employee certifies under seal that the signer has the official capacity and that the signature is genuine.
(L)(A) Any document containing data prepared or recorded by the Oregon State Police pursuant to ORS 813.160 (1)(b)(C) or (E), or pursuant to ORS 475.235 (4), if the document is produced by data retrieval from the Law Enforcement Data System or other computer system maintained and operated by the Oregon State Police, and the person retrieving the data attests that the information was retrieved directly from the system and that the document accurately reflects the data retrieved.
(B) Any document containing data prepared or recorded by the Oregon State Police that is produced by data retrieval from the Law Enforcement Data System or other computer system maintained and operated by the Oregon State Police and that is electronically transmitted through public or private computer networks under an electronic signature adopted by the Oregon State Police if the person receiving the data attests that the document accurately reflects the data received.
(m) A report prepared by a forensic scientist that contains the results of a presumptive test conducted by the forensic scientist as described in ORS 475.235, if the forensic scientist attests that the report accurately reflects the results of the presumptive test.
(2) For the purposes of this section, "signature" includes any symbol executed or adopted by a party with present intention to authenticate a writing.
(3) A final certification for purposes of subsection (1)(c) of this section may be made by a secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent of the United States, or a diplomatic or consular official of the foreign country assigned or accredited to the United States. If reasonable opportunity has been given to all parties to investigate the authenticity and accuracy of official documents, the court may, for good cause shown, order that they be treated as presumptively authentic without final certification or permit them to be evidenced by an attested summary with or without final certification. [1981 c.892 §69; 1995 c.200 §2; 1999 c.674 §2; 2001 c.104 §12; 2003 c.14 §21; 2003 c.538 §3; 2005 c.22 §31; 2005 c.118 §4; 2007 c.636 §4; 2009 c.610 §10]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure

Chapter 040 - Evidence Code

Section 40.015 - Rule 101. Applicability of Oregon Evidence Code.

Section 40.025 - Rule 103. Rulings on evidence.

Section 40.030 - Rule 104. Preliminary questions.

Section 40.065 - Rule 201(b). Kinds of facts.

Section 40.070 - Rules 201(c) and 201(d). When mandatory or discretionary.

Section 40.085 - Rule 201(g). Instructing the jury.

Section 40.090 - Rule 202. Law that is judicially noticed.

Section 40.115 - Rule 307. Allocation of the burden of producing evidence.

Section 40.125 - Rule 309. Presumptions in criminal proceedings.

Section 40.135 - Rule 311. Presumptions.

Section 40.170 - Rule 404. Character evidence; evidence of other crimes, wrongs or acts.

Section 40.172 - Rule 404-1. Pattern, practice or history of abuse; expert testimony.

Section 40.175 - Rule 405. Methods of proving character.

Section 40.180 - Rule 406. Habit; routine practice.

Section 40.190 - Rule 408. Compromise and offers to compromise.

Section 40.200 - Rule 410. Withdrawn plea or statement not admissible.

Section 40.205 - Rule 411. Liability insurance.

Section 40.210 - Rule 412. Sex offense cases; relevance of victim’s past behavior or manner of dress.

Section 40.211 - Rule 412-1. Evidence not admissible in civil proceeding involving sexual misconduct.

Section 40.225 - Rule 503. Lawyer-client privilege.

Section 40.227 - Rule 503-1. Right of client to communicate with lawyer; inadmissibility of evidence obtained or disclosed without client’s consent.

Section 40.230 - Rule 504. Psychotherapist-patient privilege.

Section 40.235 - Rule 504-1. Physician-patient privilege.

Section 40.245 - Rule 504-3. School employee-student privilege.

Section 40.250 - Rule 504-4. Regulated social worker-client privilege.

Section 40.252 - Rule 504-5. Communications revealing intent to commit certain crimes.

Section 40.255 - Rule 505. Spousal privilege.

Section 40.260 - Rule 506. Member of clergy-penitent privilege.

Section 40.262 - Rule 507. Counselor-client privilege.

Section 40.264 - Rule 507-1. Certified advocate-victim privilege.

Section 40.272 - Rule 509-1. Sign language interpreter privilege.

Section 40.273 - Rule 509-2. Non-English-speaking person-interpreter privilege.

Section 40.274 - Rule 509-3. Legislative branch offsite process counselor privilege.

Section 40.275 - Rule 510. Identity of informer.

Section 40.285 - Rule 512. Privileged matter disclosed under compulsion or without opportunity to claim privilege.

Section 40.290 - Rule 513. Comment upon or inference from claim of privilege.

Section 40.320 - Rule 603. Oath or affirmation.

Section 40.350 - Rule 608. Evidence of character and conduct of witness.

Section 40.355 - Rule 609. Impeachment by evidence of conviction of crime; exceptions.

Section 40.360 - Rule 609-1. Impeachment for bias or interest.

Section 40.370 - Rule 611. Mode and order of interrogation and presentation.

Section 40.380 - Rule 613. Prior statements of witnesses.

Section 40.385 - Rule 615. Exclusion of witnesses.

Section 40.405 - Rule 701. Opinion testimony by lay witnesses.

Section 40.450 - Rule 801. Definitions for ORS 40.450 to 40.475.

Section 40.460 - Rule 803. Hearsay exceptions; availability of declarant immaterial.

Section 40.465 - Rule 804. Hearsay exceptions when the declarant is unavailable.

Section 40.505 - Rule 901. Requirement of authentication or identification.

Section 40.510 - Rule 902. Self-authentication.

Section 40.550 - Rule 1001. Definitions for ORS 40.550 to 40.585.

Section 40.560 - Rule 1003. Admissibility of duplicates.

Section 40.562 - Rule 1003-1. Admissibility of reproduction.

Section 40.565 - Rule 1004. Admissibility of other evidence of contents.

Section 40.585 - Rule 1008. Functions of court and jury.