2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 396 - Militia Generally
Section 396.515 - Sale, exchange or lease of military department property.

(2) Title to any real property sold or exchanged shall be given in the name of the State of Oregon, and the deed conveying the title shall be signed by the Adjutant General. Title to real property received in exchange of military department real property shall be taken in the name of the State of Oregon, and the control of the property shall be vested in the military department.
(3) Military department real property owned jointly by the State of Oregon and the United States, or military department real property subject to federal restrictions in conflict with ORS 396.505 to 396.545, shall, with appropriate federal authorization, be subject to the provisions of ORS 396.505 to 396.545.
(4) Prior to the sale of military department real property, the military department shall submit to the Legislative Assembly, or to the Emergency Board or the Joint Interim Committee on Ways and Means when the legislature is not in session, the proposed sale of military department real property, for approval. [1961 c.454 §32; 2003 c.28 §1; 2008 c.18 §9; 2012 c.107 §12]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 10 - Highways, Military

Chapter 396 - Militia Generally

Section 396.025 - Purposes; rules of construction.

Section 396.045 - Severability; conflicts.

Section 396.105 - Militia comprised of organized and unorganized militia.

Section 396.115 - Persons exempt from militia service.

Section 396.117 - Prohibition on active federal service of sibling of person killed while in military; exceptions.

Section 396.120 - Authority to administer oaths.

Section 396.125 - Governor as Commander in Chief; military regulations; conflict with state law.

Section 396.128 - Operation of regulations adopted by Adjutant General; conflict with state law; Oregon Code of Military Justice.

Section 396.130 - Service of organized militia outside state.

Section 396.140 - Registration of unorganized militia; failure to appear.

Section 396.145 - Military staff of Governor.

Section 396.150 - Adjutant General; appointment and tenure; qualifications; grade.

Section 396.155 - Adjutant General; compensation; bond; traveling expenses.

Section 396.160 - Adjutant General; duties.

Section 396.165 - Assistant Adjutants General.

Section 396.170 - Acting Adjutant General.

Section 396.175 - United States Property and Fiscal Officer.

Section 396.305 - Oregon Military Department; duties and functions.

Section 396.315 - Adjutant General as director of department.

Section 396.330 - Employees of military department; civil service status; conditions of employment; application of civil service and employment laws.

Section 396.332 - Authority of Oregon Military Department to require fingerprints for criminal records check.

Section 396.337 - Cooperative agreements with federal National Guard Bureau; rules.

Section 396.338 - Accounts for cooperative agreements.

Section 396.355 - Property loss incident to activities of organized militia.

Section 396.360 - Department programs for at-risk youth; policies and procedures.

Section 396.362 - Oregon Military Emergency Financial Assistance Program.

Section 396.364 - Oregon Military Emergency Financial Assistance Fund.

Section 396.375 - Report to legislature on military cultural barriers.

Section 396.510 - Control of armories and camps; care of property.

Section 396.515 - Sale, exchange or lease of military department property.

Section 396.525 - Military Department Construction Account; disposition of moneys received from sale of real property.

Section 396.535 - Acquisition of property for military use; payment for use of property.

Section 396.540 - Use of armories.

Section 396.545 - Leases and agreements for use of armories.

Section 396.555 - Oregon Military Museum established at Camp Withycombe.

Section 396.595 - Military Family Appreciation Day.