2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 391 - Mass Transportation
Section 391.550 - Powers of Mass Transportation Financing Authority.

(1) To have perpetual succession as a public instrumentality of the State of Oregon;
(2) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend, at law or in equity, in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties;
(3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure;
(4) To maintain an office at such place or places as it may designate;
(5) To acquire, own, finance, lease and dispose of any mass transit facility and to enter into contracts for any and all of such purposes; provided, that title to or in any mass transit facility so financed may in the discretion of the authority remain in a district and provided, further, that the district shall not itself operate any mass transit facility, except as lessor;
(6) To lease or sell to a district any or all of the mass transit facilities upon such terms and conditions as the board shall deem proper, and to charge and collect rent or other payments therefor and to terminate any such lease or sales agreement upon the failure of the district to comply with any of the obligations thereof; and to include in any such lease, if desired, provisions that the district shall have options to renew the term of the lease for such period or periods and at such rent as shall be determined by the board or to purchase any or all of the mass transit facilities for a nominal amount or otherwise or that at or prior to the payment of all of the indebtedness incurred by the authority for the financing of such mass transit facilities the authority may convey any or all of the mass transit facilities to the district with or without consideration;
(7) By resolution of a majority of the members of the authority, to issue bonds in the aggregate principal sum of not to exceed $250 million par value for any of its corporate purposes and to refund the same, subject to the provisions of ORS 267.227 and 391.500 to 391.660;
(8) To employ or to contract with other state or municipal agencies for such employees and agents as may be necessary in its judgment;
(9) To receive and accept from any public agency loans or grants for aid in the acquisition of any mass transit facility and any portion thereof, and to receive and accept grants, gifts or other contributions from any source;
(10) To refund outstanding obligations incurred by any district including obligations incurred, undertaken or completed prior to or after October 4, 1977;
(11) To receive and to pledge as security for the payment of any bonds issued under ORS 267.227 and 391.500 to 391.660, any lease, purchase agreement, note, bond or other obligation by or on behalf of any district;
(12) To make loans to any district for the purpose of providing financial assistance to such district in accordance with an agreement between the authority and such district; and
(13) To do all things necessary and convenient to carry out the purpose of ORS 267.227 and 391.500 to 391.660. [1977 c.662 §7; 1983 c.306 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 10 - Highways, Military

Chapter 391 - Mass Transportation

Section 391.090 - Legislative findings; use of lottery moneys for light rail project; policy and intent.

Section 391.110 - Legislative findings.

Section 391.120 - Regional Light Rail Extension Construction Fund; purpose; requirements for expenditures from fund; reversion of unobligated balance.

Section 391.125 - Regional Light Rail Extension Bond Account; purpose.

Section 391.130 - Allocation of lottery moneys to Regional Light Rail Extension Construction Fund; authorized expenditures; end of allocations upon certification by Director of Transportation.

Section 391.140 - Revenue bonds for specified light rail project; amount; purpose; issuance by State Treasurer; pledge of revenues.

Section 391.150 - Joint management of specified light rail project; contracting procedures.

Section 391.306 - Columbia River Light Rail Transit Compact.

Section 391.311 - Effect of compact on powers and privileges of mass transit districts in Oregon and Washington.

Section 391.500 - Declaration of policy; construction of statutes.

Section 391.510 - Definitions for ORS 391.500 to 391.660.

Section 391.550 - Powers of Mass Transportation Financing Authority.

Section 391.570 - Bonds; form; conditions; issuance; refunding.

Section 391.600 - Tax exempt status of income, property and bond interest.

Section 391.605 - Limitations on transfer to metropolitan service district.

Section 391.800 - Elderly and Disabled Special Transportation Fund.

Section 391.802 - Definition for ORS 391.800 to 391.830.

Section 391.810 - Distribution of funds to districts, Indian tribes and counties; rules.

Section 391.815 - Discretionary grant account; purpose; application for grant; grant approval; distribution of moneys.

Section 391.820 - Advisory committees; membership; duties.

Section 391.830 - Use of funds to finance and improve transportation for elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities.