2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 381 - Interstate Bridges
Section 381.650 - Bond advertisement and sale.

(2) The council shall advertise in one newspaper, if there is one, in the county in which the municipality is located, in one leading newspaper in Portland, Oregon, and in one leading financial newspaper in New York City for two weeks before any sale of bonds, the fact of the sale, inviting bids for the bonds and stating such facts as will interest prospective purchasers. For example, the date and place of sale, the terms of sale, the character of the bonds, the amount of interest and denomination of the bonds, the fact that all bids must be accompanied by a certified check for five percent of the amount of the payment, that any and all bids may be rejected, that the bonds may be sold for cash only and to the highest bidder and such other facts as may in the judgment of the council procure the most advantageous sale of the bonds may be stated.
(3) All bids to purchase bonds must be sealed and accompanied by a certified check for five percent of the amount of the bid. The council may reject any and all bids.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 10 - Highways, Military

Chapter 381 - Interstate Bridges

Section 381.005 - Construction, acquisition and maintenance of Columbia River bridges.

Section 381.010 - Agreements for carrying out powers.

Section 381.015 - Requirements for request for proposals or invitation to bid; contents of agreement.

Section 381.098 - Agreements for carrying out powers granted by ORS 381.096.

Section 381.100 - Requirements for request for proposals or invitation to bid; contents of agreement.

Section 381.205 - Construction, acquisition, maintenance and connection of interstate bridges by counties, cities, towns and ports.

Section 381.210 - Agreements for carrying out powers of counties, cities, towns and ports.

Section 381.220 - Contents of agreement.

Section 381.235 - Formal requirements and conditions of bonds.

Section 381.237 - Issuance of refunding revenue bonds.

Section 381.250 - Acceptance of funds from United States and gifts.

Section 381.265 - Provision in bridge plans for rail traffic; contracting with railroad companies.

Section 381.280 - Bond required with certain contracts.

Section 381.300 - Acquisition and operation of interstate ferry by bridge authority.

Section 381.302 - Acquiring and operating interstate ferry by bridge authority as part of cost of acquiring interstate bridge.

Section 381.310 - Port of Hood River bridge projects; definitions; agreements; evaluation of proposals.

Section 381.312 - Tolls, administrative fees and civil penalties in connection with Port of Hood River bridges; rules.

Section 381.314 - Sale or transfer of Port of Hood River bridge or bridge project.

Section 381.405 - "Construct," "construction" and "county court" defined.

Section 381.440 - Bond election; petition requirements; debt limitation.

Section 381.500 - Terms and conditions of bonds.

Section 381.510 - Bond advertisement and sale.

Section 381.611 - Bond election; petition requirements.

Section 381.640 - Terms and conditions of bonds.

Section 381.650 - Bond advertisement and sale.

Section 381.660 - Use of tolls to pay bonded indebtedness and bridge maintenance.

Section 381.670 - Plans for bridge construction; bids; awarding contract.