2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 035 - Eminent Domain; Public Acquisition of Property
Section 35.560 - Action by district attorney.

(1) Commence and prosecute the suit, action or proceeding in the circuit court of such district, when requested by the board; or
(2) Aid the Attorney General in so doing in any manner requested by the Attorney General. [Formerly 281.230]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure

Chapter 035 - Eminent Domain; Public Acquisition of Property

Section 35.015 - Prohibition on condemnation of certain properties with intent to convey property to private party; exceptions.

Section 35.018 - Severability.

Section 35.215 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 35.220 - Precondemnation entry on real property.

Section 35.235 - Agreement for compensation; status of resolution or ordinance of public condemner; status of action of private condemner; agreement effort not prerequisite.

Section 35.245 - Commencement of action; jurisdiction; parties.

Section 35.265 - Advance deposit by public condemner requiring immediate possession; effect on interest otherwise allowable.

Section 35.275 - Advance occupancy by private condemner; hearing; deposit or bond; effect of size of bond or deposit on amount of just compensation.

Section 35.285 - Distribution of deposits; effect of withdrawal on appeal.

Section 35.300 - Offer of compromise.

Section 35.305 - Conduct of trial; defendant’s option; jury argument; neither side has burden of proof of just compensation.

Section 35.335 - Effect of condemner’s abandonment of action.

Section 35.346 - Offer to purchase required before filing action for condemnation; appraisal; arbitration; when costs and disbursements allowed.

Section 35.352 - Notice of immediate possession of property by public condemner; objection.

Section 35.385 - Public purpose use required of condemner; right of repurchase; specification of duration of public purpose use; effect.

Section 35.390 - Effect of failure of condemner to use property as required; price of repurchase; form of offer of repurchase.

Section 35.395 - Change in period of use; notice; effect of failure to agree on change; review by court.

Section 35.400 - Designation of person to exercise right of repurchase; effect of failure to designate; offer to repurchase; acceptance; notice; determination of price.

Section 35.415 - Application of ORS 35.385 to 35.415.

Section 35.500 - Definitions for ORS 35.500 to 35.530.

Section 35.505 - Relocation within neighborhood; notice prior to move; costs and allowances.

Section 35.510 - Duties of public entities acquiring real property.

Section 35.550 - Definitions for ORS 35.550 to 35.575.

Section 35.560 - Action by district attorney.

Section 35.605 - Authorization to acquire adjoining property for roadways.