2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 348 - Student Aid; Education Stability Fund; Planning
Section 348.750 - Definitions; Open Educational Resources Grant Program.

(a) Reside in the public domain or that have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others; and
(b) Conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) and to any additional accessibility standards established by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission by rule.
(2) The Open Educational Resources Grant Program is established within the Higher Education Coordinating Commission and in collaboration with public universities listed in ORS 352.002 and community colleges. The purpose of the program is to encourage the use of low or no-cost open educational resources in Oregon’s post-secondary institutions of education.
(3) Subject to the availability of funds, the commission shall award grants on a competitive basis to public universities listed in ORS 352.002, community colleges or consortia of public universities and community colleges.
(4) In awarding grants under subsection (3) of this section, the commission shall give priority to applications that propose to:
(a) Adapt or otherwise make use of existing open educational resources;
(b) Leverage grants awarded under this section with matching private funds or other resources;
(c) Utilize students in the design or production of open educational resource materials;
(d) Involve coordinated activities between two or more public universities and community colleges;
(e) Focus on high-enrollment courses;
(f) Address a need not currently met by existing available resources; and
(g) Assist in convening faculty from public universities and community colleges to promote the use of open educational resources within post-secondary education. [2015 c.727 §1]
Note: See note under 348.748.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 348 - Student Aid; Education Stability Fund; Planning

Section 348.005 - Policy on student financial aid.

Section 348.007 - Financial aid eligibility for students with modified or extended diplomas.

Section 348.015 - Definitions.

Section 348.017 - Requirements for contracts between post-secondary institutions of education and third party financial firms for disbursement and management of financial aid funds.

Section 348.100 - Student loan information provided to students enrolled in institutions of higher education.

Section 348.105 - Loan obligations enforceable against minor.

Section 348.180 - Definitions.

Section 348.183 - Legislative intent.

Section 348.205 - Oregon Opportunity Grant program; rules.

Section 348.250 - Procedure for awarding grants under ORS 348.260.

Section 348.260 - Oregon Opportunity Grant; amount; renewal.

Section 348.263 - Award of moneys from Oregon Opportunity Grant program to reward student persistence and encourage degree completion.

Section 348.266 - Opportunity Grant Fund.

Section 348.267 - Marketing of tax credit.

Section 348.268 - Scholarships for current or former members of National Guard; rules.

Section 348.270 - Scholarships for children of public safety officers.

Section 348.272 - Scholarships for current or former foster children.

Section 348.280 - Award of scholarships under ORS 348.270 and 348.272; rules.

Section 348.295 - Scholarships for culturally and linguistically diverse teacher candidates; rules.

Section 348.303 - Scholars for a Healthy Oregon Initiative; qualifications; service requirements; penalties; reporting requirements; rules.

Section 348.394 - Definitions for ORS 348.394 to 348.406.

Section 348.398 - Department of Education authority; grants; stipends; rules.

Section 348.401 - Grant eligibility; amount; employment requirement.

Section 348.403 - Stipend eligibility; amount.

Section 348.406 - Speech-Language Pathologist Training Fund.

Section 348.440 - Definitions for ORS 348.444 and 348.448.

Section 348.444 - Nursing Faculty Loan Repayment Program; rules.

Section 348.448 - Program eligibility; amount; eligibility period; adjustments to maximum amount.

Section 348.470 - Legislative findings; cooperation between public universities and community colleges.

Section 348.500 - Purpose; goals; financial aid instruction.

Section 348.511 - Office of Student Access and Completion; director.

Section 348.520 - Duties of director.

Section 348.530 - Powers.

Section 348.563 - Authority of Higher Education Coordinating Commission to require fingerprints.

Section 348.570 - Funds in State Treasury.

Section 348.576 - STEM Fund.

Section 348.580 - Agreements with community foundations.

Section 348.582 - Definitions.

Section 348.584 - Provision of information about affordability and value of institutions of higher education; rules.

Section 348.586 - Prohibited promotional activities for institutions of higher education.

Section 348.592 - Loan cancellation insurance.

Section 348.594 - Definitions for ORS 348.594 to 348.615.

Section 348.597 - Applicability of ORS 348.594 to 348.615.

Section 348.603 - Duties of commission relating to degree authorization and nondegree programs; fees; rules.

Section 348.604 - Exemption from ORS 348.594 to 348.615.

Section 348.605 - Restrictions and duties of exempted schools.

Section 348.606 - Prohibition on conferring or offering of degree before approval obtained; fees; rules.

Section 348.607 - Fee for exemption application; prohibition on requirements for religious exemption.

Section 348.608 - Certification by exempt school; suspension or revocation of exemption; appeal.

Section 348.609 - Representation of possession of academic degree; complaints; civil penalties; rules; fees.

Section 348.612 - Probation or suspension or revocation of approval; rules; hearing.

Section 348.613 - Bond or letter of credit requirement for schools approved to confer academic degree.

Section 348.616 - Minimum criteria for certification of employer program; rules.

Section 348.618 - Requirements for program certification application; acceptance and rejection of application.

Section 348.621 - Requirements for tax credit certification application.

Section 348.696 - Education Stability Fund; investment; earnings; transfer of excess earnings.

Section 348.702 - Oregon Growth Account.

Section 348.716 - Oregon Education Fund; use; payment of education lottery bonds.

Section 348.748 - Short title.

Section 348.750 - Definitions; Open Educational Resources Grant Program.

Section 348.751 - Textbook affordability plan.

Section 348.752 - Coordination of OER Program.

Section 348.756 - Report on OER Program.

Section 348.757 - Designation of courses whose materials consist of open or free textbooks or other low-cost course materials.

Section 348.900 - Needs assessment for health care occupations; evaluation of health care education programs.

Section 348.910 - Applied baccalaureate degrees.

Section 348.950 - Education Commission of the States; members; dues.