(a) Whether the officer or person has the party in custody or power or under restraint, and if the officer or person has not, whether the officer or person has had the party in custody or under power or restraint at any and what time prior or subsequent to the date of the writ.
(b) If the officer or person has the party in custody or power or under restraint, the authority and true cause of such imprisonment or restraint, setting forth the same at large.
(2) If the party is detained by virtue of any writ, warrant or other written authority, a copy thereof shall be annexed to the return, and the original shall be produced, and exhibited on the return of the writ, to the court or judge before whom the writ is returnable.
(3) If the person upon whom the writ was served has had the party in power or custody or under restraint at any time prior or subsequent to the date of the writ, but has transferred such custody or restraint to another, the return shall state particularly to whom, at what time, for what cause, and by what authority the transfer took place.
(4) The return shall be signed by the person making the same, and except where the person is a sworn public officer, and makes the return in official capacity, it shall be verified by oath.
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
Section 34.040 - When allowed.
Section 34.105 - Definitions for ORS 34.105 to 34.240.
Section 34.120 - Courts having jurisdiction.
Section 34.130 - Petition for writ; service; order of allowance; intervention.
Section 34.140 - Direction and service of writ; proof of service; enforcing obedience to writ.
Section 34.150 - Peremptory and alternative writs; form.
Section 34.210 - Recovery of damages; attorney fees, costs and disbursements.
Section 34.250 - Certain mandamus proceedings under Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction.
Section 34.330 - Who may not prosecute writ.
Section 34.360 - Contents of petition when person challenges authority for confinement.
Section 34.430 - Defect of form; designation of persons.
Section 34.540 - Contents of return.
Section 34.600 - When party to be remanded.
Section 34.610 - Grounds for discharge of prisoner in custody under order or civil process.
Section 34.700 - Judgment; liability for obedience to judgment; payment of attorney fees.