2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 336 - Conduct of Schools Generally
Section 336.455 - Human sexuality education courses; criteria.

(2) Course material and instruction for all human sexuality education courses shall enhance students’ understanding of sexuality as a normal and healthy aspect of human development. Course instruction shall:
(a) Be medically accurate.
(b) Be comprehensive.
(c) Include information about responsible sexual behaviors and hygienic practices that eliminate or reduce the risks of pregnancy and the risks of exposure to human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections. Information about those risks shall be presented in a manner designed to allay fears concerning risks that are scientifically groundless.
(d) Promote abstinence for school-age youth and mutually monogamous relationships with an uninfected partner for adults as the most effective way to prevent pregnancy and the transmission of sexually transmitted infections. However, abstinence may not be taught to the exclusion of other material and instruction on contraceptive and infection reduction measures. Human sexuality education courses shall acknowledge the value of abstinence while not devaluing or ignoring those students who have had or are having sexual intercourse.
(e) Include a discussion about the characteristics of the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of a healthy relationship and a discussion about the benefits of delaying pregnancy beyond the adolescent years as a means to better ensure a healthy future for parents and their children. Students shall be provided with statistics based on the latest medical information regarding both the health benefits and the possible side effects of all forms of contraceptives, including the success and failure rates for prevention of pregnancy.
(f) Stress that sexually transmitted infections are serious possible outcomes of sexual contact. Students shall be provided with statistics based on the latest medical information regarding the efficacy of all methods of sexual protection in preventing sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
(g) Provide students with information about Oregon laws that address young people’s rights and responsibilities related to childbearing and parenting.
(h) Advise students of the circumstances in which it is unlawful under ORS 163.435 and 163.445 for persons 18 years of age or older to have sexual relations with persons younger than 18 years of age to whom they are not married.
(i) Teach students that no form of sexual expression is acceptable when the expression physically or emotionally harms oneself or others and teach students not to make unwanted physical and verbal sexual advances, how to decline unwanted sexual advances or accept the refusal of unwanted sexual advances. Students shall be taught that it is wrong to take advantage of or to exploit another person. Materials and information shall be presented in a manner sensitive to the fact that there are students who have experienced sexual abuse.
(j) Validate through course material and instruction the importance of honesty with oneself and others, respect for each person’s dignity and well-being, and responsibility for one’s actions.
(k) Assist students in the development and practice of effective communication skills, the development of self-esteem and the ability to resist peer pressure.
(L) Encourage family communication and involvement to help students learn to make responsible decisions.
(3) Any course in any public elementary and secondary school, the main purpose of which is to address human sexuality education or sexually transmitted infections, including human immunodeficiency virus, or both, must emphasize that abstinence from sexual contact is the only method that is 100 percent effective against unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus when transmitted sexually. Abstinence must be stressed, but not to the exclusion of other material and instruction on contraceptive and infection reduction measures. Courses described in this subsection must acknowledge the value of abstinence while not devaluing or ignoring those students who have had or are having sexual intercourse.
(4) Nothing in this section prohibits instruction in sanitation, hygiene or traditional courses in biology. [1993 c.775 §1; 2009 c.213 §1; 2019 c.280 §6]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 336 - Conduct of Schools Generally

Section 336.010 - School month; holidays; teachers’ holiday pay; Saturday instruction.

Section 336.029 - Oregon Civics Day for Teachers; funding.

Section 336.035 - Required courses of study; supplemental courses; district courses; courses concerning sexually transmitted infections.

Section 336.057 - Courses in Constitution and history of United States.

Section 336.059 - Child sexual abuse prevention instructional program.

Section 336.067 - Topics given special emphasis in instruction.

Section 336.071 - Emergency drills and instruction; maintenance of exit doors.

Section 336.076 - Advisory group regarding English language learner programs.

Section 336.079 - English language learners; statewide plan; interventions; rules.

Section 336.081 - Opportunity to qualify to assist non-English-speaking students.

Section 336.082 - Development of nondiscriminatory curriculum.

Section 336.086 - Standards for curriculum described in ORS 336.082.

Section 336.092 - Definitions for ORS 336.092 and 336.095.

Section 336.095 - Full-day and half-day kindergarten; free kindergarten facilities; rules; admission of underage child.

Section 336.101 - Early Learning Kindergarten Readiness Partnership and Innovation Program; rules.

Section 336.104 - Early Learning Kindergarten Readiness Partnership and Innovation Account.

Section 336.109 - Policy to reduce gang involvement, violent activities and drug abuse.

Section 336.113 - Multicultural education; advisory committee.

Section 336.145 - Adult education classes; fees.

Section 336.179 - Recognition of student achievement.

Section 336.184 - Oregon Student Information Protection Act; definitions; prohibitions; exemptions.

Section 336.187 - When school authorized to disclose information about student; immunity of recipient.

Section 336.201 - Nursing services provided by district; report.

Section 336.204 - Department assistance in funding school nursing services.

Section 336.211 - Vision screenings and eye examinations; reimbursements; rules.

Section 336.212 - Vision Health Account.

Section 336.213 - Dental screenings; reports; rules.

Section 336.214 - Request not to participate in dental screening; notice; rules.

Section 336.216 - Mental health screenings; rules.

Section 336.222 - District policy and plan; content.

Section 336.227 - Duties of Oregon Health Authority.

Section 336.241 - Inclusion of cannabis abuse prevention curricula supplements and public information programs in policies and plans; report.

Section 336.423 - Standards for food and beverages sold to students in schools; exceptions; compliance.

Section 336.426 - Oregon Farm-to-School and School Garden Program; rules.

Section 336.431 - Farm-to-School Grant Program to purchase Oregon food products and to fund certain educational activities; rules; administrative costs.

Section 336.441 - Use of alcoholic beverages in culinary arts classes.

Section 336.445 - Use of polystyrene foam in meal service; rules.

Section 336.455 - Human sexuality education courses; criteria.

Section 336.465 - Examination of instructional material; notice; pupil not required to take course.

Section 336.472 - Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and uses of automated external defibrillators; waiver; exception.

Section 336.473 - Instruction in oral health.

Section 336.474 - Instruction on organ and tissue donation and education.

Section 336.477 - Rights; student expression; civil action.

Section 336.479 - Physical examination prior to participation in extracurricular sports; rules.

Section 336.485 - Concussions; training of coaches; participation by athletes; medical release from qualified health care professional; rules.

Section 336.490 - Qualified health care professional for purposes of ORS 336.485 and 417.875; certification.

Section 336.495 - Form for student diagnosed with concussion or brain injury; rules.

Section 336.510 - Legislative findings; direction to Department of Education.

Section 336.520 - Community school program to provide for advisory involvement; local advisory bodies.

Section 336.575 - Notice and consultation before establishing, expanding or changing residential program.

Section 336.580 - Education at youth care centers; rules.

Section 336.585 - Education for children enrolled in Juvenile Detention Education Program; costs; rules; notification to resident district.

Section 336.590 - Education for children enrolled in Youth Corrections Education Program; costs; rules.

Section 336.625 - Goals; district responsibility; registration; rules.

Section 336.631 - Private alternative programs; requirements; applicability of laws; placement of students.

Section 336.635 - Enrollment in alternative education program; billing; rules; status of teachers.

Section 336.637 - Instruction in educational standards required; assessment of students in private alternative education programs.

Section 336.640 - Rules governing education for pregnant and parenting students.

Section 336.655 - District evaluation of program.

Section 336.665 - Effect of failure to propose alternative programs.

Section 336.790 - Definitions for ORS 336.790 to 336.820.

Section 336.800 - School course in traffic safety education; tuition.

Section 336.802 - Traffic safety education course; curriculum; rules.

Section 336.804 - Unavailability of traffic safety education course.

Section 336.805 - Reimbursement to course provider; limitations on tuition; rules.

Section 336.807 - Reimbursement to Department of Human Services; rules.

Section 336.810 - Student Driver Training Fund.

Section 336.820 - Sanctions for violation of ORS 336.790 to 336.820.

Section 336.840 - Policies for personal electronic devices; policies for curricula that use technology.

Section 336.851 - Creation; purposes; rules.

Section 336.856 - Oregon Digital Learning Fund.