2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 328 - Local Financing of Education
Section 328.467 - Audit determinations; deficiencies; correction; sanctions.

(A) Followed generally accepted accounting principles in reporting the district’s financial condition and operations; and
(B) Substantially complied with legal requirements in conducting the district’s financial affairs.
(b) The determination shall be included in the audit report as required by ORS 297.465.
(2) Upon receipt of the audit report, the school district board or education service district board shall determine the measures the board considers necessary to correct any deficiencies disclosed in the audit report. The board shall adopt a resolution setting forth any corrective measures the board proposes and the period of time estimated to complete the measures.
(3) Within 60 days after the audit report is filed with the Secretary of State and the Department of Education, a copy of the resolution prepared under subsection (2) of this section must also be filed. Upon receipt of the audit report and the resolution, the Secretary of State and the Department of Education must either acknowledge the plans of the school district board or education service district board to correct deficiencies cited in the audit report or notify the board of those deficiencies that, if not corrected, could result in the withholding of funds under this section. At the request of a board, the Secretary of State or the Department of Education shall make suggestions for correcting those deficiencies. If the board does not agree with the notification by the Secretary of State or the Department of Education, the board shall be granted an opportunity for a conference regarding the notification, audit determinations or corrective measures to be taken.
(4) If the Secretary of State or the Department of Education concurs with the determination made under subsection (1) of this section in two successive audits of the same school district or education service district and determines that the school district board or education service district board has not taken adequate action to correct the deficiencies cited in the notifications given under subsection (3) of this section, the Secretary of State or the Department of Education may certify those facts to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The certificate of the Secretary of State or the Department of Education shall be issued only after notice, opportunity to be heard and hearing pursuant to the provisions of ORS chapter 183 governing contested cases. The hearing shall be held within the jurisdiction of the district.
(5)(a) Upon receipt of a certificate from the Secretary of State or the Department of Education under subsection (4) of this section, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall withhold from distribution to the school district or education service district 10 percent of the payments from the State School Fund otherwise to be distributed to the district under ORS 327.008.
(b) The moneys withheld shall be disbursed to the school district or education service district after the Superintendent of Public Instruction has received notice from the Secretary of State or the Department of Education that the school district board or education service district board:
(A) Has taken action to ensure that the district will follow generally accepted accounting principles in reporting the district’s financial condition and operations; and
(B) Will ensure that the district substantially complies with legal requirements in conducting the district’s financial affairs.
(6) The Secretary of State or the Department of Education may not issue a certificate under subsection (4) of this section for failure to follow generally accepted accounting principles if a school district or an education service district has followed accounting practices authorized by state law.
(7) As used in this section, "generally accepted accounting principles" means those accounting principles sanctioned by recognized authoritative bodies such as the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, the Financial Accounting Standards Board or their successors. [2007 c.522 §1; 2011 c.316 §2]
Note: 328.467 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 328 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 328 - Local Financing of Education

Section 328.001 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 328.005 - County school fund; uses.

Section 328.115 - Loan of fund and rental of lands; disbursement of interest and rents.

Section 328.140 - Sale, rental or lease of property; disposition of proceeds.

Section 328.165 - Investment and loan of fund and rental of lands; disbursement of interest and rents.

Section 328.205 - Power to contract bonded indebtedness; use of proceeds to pay expenses of issue.

Section 328.210 - Bond elections.

Section 328.213 - Issuance of negotiable interest-bearing warrants.

Section 328.245 - Limitation on bonded debt of districts generally.

Section 328.255 - Registration of bonds and negotiable interest-bearing warrants; delivery; disposition of proceeds of sale of bonds; noncontestability.

Section 328.260 - Tax levy to pay interest and principal of bonds; use of funds derived from tax.

Section 328.265 - School district bond tax levied by county.

Section 328.270 - Payment of principal and interest; collection commission.

Section 328.275 - Redemption and payment of bonds.

Section 328.280 - Funding or refunding district indebtedness.

Section 328.284 - Funds diversion agreement related to payment on revenue bonds.

Section 328.300 - Marketing bonds jointly or through association.

Section 328.304 - County education bond district; creation; powers; purpose.

Section 328.316 - Impact aid revenue bonds; issuance; requirements.

Section 328.318 - Funds required for impact aid revenue bonds.

Section 328.321 - Definitions for ORS 328.321 to 328.356.

Section 328.326 - State guaranty of school bonds allowed.

Section 328.331 - Certificate evidencing qualification for state guaranty; conditions and standards for qualification; rules.

Section 328.336 - Determination of ineligibility.

Section 328.341 - Transfer by school districts or State Treasurer of moneys to pay debt service on school bonds.

Section 328.346 - Recovery from school districts of payments on school bonds by State Treasurer.

Section 328.348 - Security for school bond obligations.

Section 328.351 - Powers of State Treasurer when state funds are insufficient for payment of debt service.

Section 328.356 - State Treasurer subject to provisions regarding issuance of general obligation bonds.

Section 328.361 - Short title.

Section 328.441 - Custody and disbursement of school district funds.

Section 328.445 - Disbursement of school funds by check or warrant.

Section 328.450 - School warrant procedure.

Section 328.460 - Cancellation of school warrants not presented for payment within seven years.

Section 328.465 - Annual audit procedure.

Section 328.467 - Audit determinations; deficiencies; correction; sanctions.

Section 328.542 - Preparation of district budget; certification of taxes.

Section 328.555 - Property liable for district indebtedness; tax levy.

Section 328.565 - Power to create indebtedness; zone academy bonds; tax credit bonds.

Section 328.570 - Division of district into tax zones.

Section 328.573 - Notice of public hearing on tax zones.

Section 328.576 - Public hearing; resolution to establish tax zones.

Section 328.579 - Determination of tax in zones; limitations.