2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 305 - Administration of Revenue and Tax Laws; Appeals
Section 305.583 - Interested taxpayer petitions for certain determinations; petition contents; manner and time for filing; classification notice requirements; bond proceed use notice requirements.

(2)(a) For purposes of this section and a question described in ORS 305.580 (1)(a), "interested taxpayer" means a person that is subject to the tax, fee, charge or assessment in question.
(b) For purposes of this section and a question described in ORS 305.580 (1)(b), "interested taxpayer" means a person that is subject to a tax, fee, charge or assessment that is pledged to secure or available for payment of bonded indebtedness described in section 11 (11)(d), Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.
(3) The petition shall be filed and perfected in the following manner only:
(a) The petitioner shall file a petition with the clerk of the tax court at its principal office in Salem, Oregon. The petition shall name as respondent the government unit that imposes the tax, fee, charge or assessment, that issues the bonded indebtedness or, in the case of an urban renewal agency, that receives the taxes. The filing in the tax court shall constitute the perfection of the petition. The clerk of the tax court shall serve the government unit by mailing a copy of the petition to the recording officer or chief administrative officer of the local government unit or to the Attorney General if the tax, fee, charge or assessment in question is imposed by the State of Oregon. The clerk also shall serve a copy of any petition naming a local government unit as respondent upon the Oregon Department of Justice.
(b) The petition shall state the facts and grounds upon which the petitioner contends that the tax, fee, charge or assessment is affected by section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, or that a use of the proceeds of bonded indebtedness is not authorized. The case shall proceed thereafter in the manner provided for appeals concerning ad valorem property tax assessments. ORS 305.405 to 305.494 shall apply to such actions.
(4)(a) Except as provided in subsections (5) to (8) of this section, in the case of a question regarding the effect of the limits of section 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, on any tax, fee, charge or assessment that is imposed under a resolution or ordinance approved by the governing body of a local government unit, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the action of the governing body approving the ordinance or resolution, adopting a new ordinance or resolution or changing an existing ordinance or resolution under which the tax, fee, charge or assessment is imposed, if the resolution or ordinance includes a classification of the tax, fee, charge or assessment as subject to or not subject to section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution. If the local government unit has not classified the tax, fee, charge or assessment, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the later of:
(A) The last date, but no later than November 15, that the tax statements were mailed for the tax year in which the tax, fee, charge or assessment was imposed; or
(B) The date of imposition of the tax, fee, charge or assessment on the petitioner.
(b) If the local government unit adopts an ordinance or resolution classifying all or any of the taxes, fees, charges or assessments it imposes as subject to or not subject to section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, as described in ORS 310.145, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the governing body adopts the ordinance or resolution.
(5) In the case of a question concerning any tax, fee, charge or assessment that is characterized by the local government unit as an assessment for local improvements, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the local government unit gives notice of its intention to characterize the charge as an assessment for local improvements. Notice may be given to affected property owners by the local government unit either when a local improvement district is formed, in a notice of intent to assess given by the local government unit or by other individual notice prior to assessment. Notice shall be given no later than the date the assessment is imposed. Notice given as provided under this subsection is in lieu of the notice required under subsection (9) of this section.
(6) In the case of a question concerning any taxes levied to pay principal and interest on bonded indebtedness approved by the governing body of a local government unit, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the date the issuance of the bonded indebtedness was approved by the governing body of the local government unit if the resolution or ordinance of the governing body authorizing issuance of the bonded indebtedness includes a classification of the bonded indebtedness as subject to or not subject to the limits of section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution. If the local government unit has not classified the bonded indebtedness, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the date specified in subsection (4)(a) of this section.
(7) In the case of a question concerning any taxes levied to pay principal and interest on bonded indebtedness not subject to the limits of section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, that was approved by the electors of the local government unit at an election held on or after September 29, 1991, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the date of the election at which the question of issuing the bonded indebtedness was approved by the electors of the local government unit.
(8) In the case of a question concerning the effect of section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, on any tax, fee, charge or assessment imposed by the state, the petition shall be filed within 60 days after the first imposition of the tax, fee, charge or assessment by a state agency. For purposes of this subsection, a tax, fee, charge or assessment shall be considered imposed when it is due as provided by statute or when the state agency notifies a person that the tax, fee, charge or assessment is due.
(9) A local government unit:
(a) Shall give notice of its adoption of an ordinance or resolution classifying any of its taxes, fees, charges or assessments as not being subject to the limits of section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, by publishing, within 15 days after adoption of the ordinance or resolution, an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the local government unit is located or, if there is no newspaper of general circulation, in a newspaper of general circulation in a contiguous county.
(b) May give notice of its adoption of an ordinance or resolution specifying the authorized uses of the proceeds of bonded indebtedness by publishing, within 15 days after adoption of the ordinance or resolution, an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the local government unit is located or, if there is no newspaper of general circulation, in a newspaper of general circulation in a contiguous county.
(10) A notice described in subsection (9) of this section shall:
(a) Appear in the general news section of the newspaper, not in the classified advertisements;
(b) Measure at least three inches square;
(c) Be printed in a type size at least equal to 8-point type; and
(d) State that the local government unit has adopted a resolution or ordinance:
(A) Classifying one or more of its taxes, fees, charges or assessments as not being subject to the limits of section 11 or 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution, that the reader may contact a designated individual within the local government unit to obtain a copy of the ordinance or resolution and that judicial review of the classification of the taxes, fees, charges or assessments may be sought within 60 days of the date of the resolution or ordinance; or
(B) Specifying the authorized uses of the proceeds of bonded indebtedness, that the reader may contact a designated individual within the local government unit to obtain a copy of the ordinance or resolution and that judicial review of the specification of authorized uses may be sought within 60 days of the date of the resolution or ordinance.
(11) An ordinance or resolution that results in a mere change in the amount of a tax, fee, charge or assessment and does not result in a change in the characteristics or attributes of the tax, fee, charge or assessment, or contain a change in purpose to which the revenue is applied, may not be considered a change that may result in a proceeding commenced under subsection (4) of this section.
(12) In the case of a question concerning the authorized uses of the proceeds of bonded indebtedness, the petition must be filed within 60 days after the adoption of the ordinance or resolution described in subsection (9)(b) of this section or, if the governing body has not published the notice described in subsection (9)(b) of this section, the petition must be filed within 180 days after the questioned use of the proceeds is made. [1991 c.459 §26; 1993 c.18 §66; 1993 c.270 §19; 1995 c.79 §110; 1995 c.650 §73; 1997 c.541 §§78,78a,79,79a; 1999 c.340 §9; 2003 c.195 §20; 2005 c.225 §5; 2005 c.443 §18; 2011 c.256 §3]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 08 - Revenue and Taxation

Chapter 305 - Administration of Revenue and Tax Laws; Appeals

Section 305.005 - Definitions.

Section 305.025 - Department of Revenue; organization; planning; seal.

Section 305.035 - Director of Department of Revenue; appointment; confirmation; compensation and expenses; bond.

Section 305.045 - Duties of director.

Section 305.060 - Offices of department; equipment and supplies.

Section 305.063 - Department of Revenue Administration Account; use; limitation.

Section 305.075 - Employees; appointment; duties; compensation and expenses.

Section 305.078 - Authority of Department of Revenue to require fingerprints.

Section 305.081 - Definitions.

Section 305.084 - Financial institution data match system.

Section 305.086 - Delinquent child support obligor.

Section 305.088 - Disclosure of transmission prohibited.

Section 305.091 - Authorized purposes.

Section 305.094 - Rules.

Section 305.100 - Rules; forms.

Section 305.102 - Local budget and property tax law; compliance with constitutional limit; rules.

Section 305.120 - Enforcement of tax laws.

Section 305.125 - Application of administrative rules.

Section 305.127 - Means of providing notice required by department; rules.

Section 305.130 - Department as party to actions involving property subject to certain tax liens; complaint and summons.

Section 305.140 - Power to release real property from certain tax liens.

Section 305.145 - When interest required to be waived; power to waive, reduce or compromise small tax balance or penalty and interest; rules.

Section 305.150 - Closing agreements.

Section 305.155 - Cancellation of uncollectible tax; suspension of collection; filing order; releasing liens.

Section 305.157 - Extending statutory periods of limitation.

Section 305.170 - Complaints concerning tax laws; reports and recommendations to Legislative Assembly.

Section 305.180 - Effect of tax warrant for purposes of out-of-state collection.

Section 305.182 - Filing of warrants for unpaid taxes; release, cancellation and satisfaction.

Section 305.184 - Certificate of outstanding warrants; fee; rules.

Section 305.190 - Subpoenaing and examining witnesses, books and papers; application to tax court for disobeyance of subpoena.

Section 305.192 - Disclosure of books and papers relating to appraisal or assessment of industrial property.

Section 305.193 - Disclosure of tax information to designated persons; rules.

Section 305.195 - Written interrogatories; contents; time and manner of service; answer; objection; order for answer; demand for information by taxpayer; order for information.

Section 305.215 - Conflicting claims for personal income tax items; notice procedure; appeal; evidence as public record.

Section 305.220 - Interest on deficiency, delinquency or refunds; adjustments in rates; rules; computation.

Section 305.222 - Determination of interest rate.

Section 305.225 - Request of assistance by law enforcement agency; disclosure of tax records.

Section 305.228 - Penalty for second dishonored payment of taxes; waiver.

Section 305.231 - Department of Revenue to transfer moneys to Drug Treatment and Recovery Services Fund.

Section 305.239 - Qualifications of persons representing taxpayer; procedure for designating representative; rules.

Section 305.242 - Representation before department or magistrate of designated partnership tax matters; designated tax partner.

Section 305.261 - Department to establish program to assist tax practitioners.

Section 305.262 - Department to establish program dedicating resources to assisting representatives of corporations.

Section 305.263 - Order requiring filing report or return; show cause; contempt; appeal.

Section 305.265 - Deficiency notice; payment of deficiency; assessment; appeal; interest; rules.

Section 305.267 - Extension of time to issue notice of deficiency or assessment.

Section 305.270 - Refund of excess tax paid; claim procedure.

Section 305.275 - Persons who may appeal due to acts or omissions.

Section 305.280 - Time for filing appeals; denial of appeal.

Section 305.286 - Potential refund credit in property tax appeals; conditions; procedure; interest.

Section 305.288 - Valuation changes for residential property substantial value error or for good and sufficient cause.

Section 305.295 - Cancellation of tax, penalty or interest; rules.

Section 305.305 - Procedure where deficiency based on federal or other state audit report; effect of appeal; interest suspension.

Section 305.330 - Tax liability of reorganized business entity.

Section 305.380 - Definitions for ORS 305.385.

Section 305.385 - Agencies to supply licensee and contractor lists; contents; effect of department determination on taxpayer status of licensee or contractor; rules.

Section 305.390 - Subpoenas of records containing information on industrial plant for use to determine value of different industrial plant.

Section 305.392 - Process for limiting scope of third-party subpoena.

Section 305.394 - When industrial plant owner may choose not to produce information sought by subpoena.

Section 305.396 - Protection of confidentiality of industrial property information obtained by subpoena.

Section 305.398 - Disclosure and use of industrial property confidential information obtained by third-party subpoena.

Section 305.400 - Payment of costs of subpoena compliance; determination of costs.

Section 305.403 - Appeal of value of state-appraised industrial property in tax court.

Section 305.405 - Oregon Tax Court; creation; jurisdiction.

Section 305.410 - Authority of court in tax cases within its jurisdiction; concurrent jurisdiction; exclusive jurisdiction in certain cases.

Section 305.412 - Jurisdiction to determine value.

Section 305.418 - When transmitted complaint or petition considered to be filed.

Section 305.419 - Tax, penalty and interest payable before appeal; dispute as to nature of tax; how determined; waiver; refund.

Section 305.420 - Issuance of subpoenas; administration of oaths; depositions.

Section 305.425 - Proceedings to be without jury and de novo; issues reviewable; rules of procedure.

Section 305.430 - Hearings to be open to public; report of proceedings; exception; confidential information.

Section 305.437 - Damages for frivolous or groundless appeal or appeal to delay.

Section 305.440 - Finality of unappealed decision of tax court; effect of appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 305.447 - Recovery by taxpayer of certain costs and expenses upon appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 305.452 - Election and term of judge; vacancy; recommendation of appointees to fill vacancy.

Section 305.455 - Qualifications of judge; inapplicability of disqualification-for-prejudice provision.

Section 305.460 - Salary, expenses, disability and retirement of judge and magistrates.

Section 305.480 - State Court Administrator as administrator and clerk; other personnel; expenses; limitation on activities of personnel.

Section 305.485 - Records.

Section 305.487 - Findings and policy.

Section 305.489 - Considerations in adopting rules.

Section 305.490 - Filing fees; fee waiver or deferral; recovery of certain costs and disbursements; additional recovery for certain taxpayers; disposition of receipts.

Section 305.493 - Fees for transcripts or copies of records.

Section 305.498 - Magistrates; appointment; qualifications; oaths; duties; dismissal; appointment of presiding magistrate.

Section 305.501 - Appeals to tax court to be heard by magistrate division; exception; mediation; conduct of hearings; decisions; appeal de novo to tax court judge.

Section 305.505 - Magistrate division records; statistical reports.

Section 305.560 - Appeals procedure generally; procedure when taxpayer is not appellant; intervention.

Section 305.565 - Stay of collection of taxes, interest and penalties pending appeal; exception; bond.

Section 305.570 - Standing to appeal to regular division of tax court; perfection of appeal.

Section 305.580 - Exclusive remedies for certain determinations; priority of petitions.

Section 305.583 - Interested taxpayer petitions for certain determinations; petition contents; manner and time for filing; classification notice requirements; bond proceed use notice requirements.

Section 305.585 - Local government petitions concerning taxes of another local government under 1990 Measure 5; manner and time for filing.

Section 305.586 - Legislative findings; policy on remedies for misspent bond proceeds.

Section 305.587 - Tax court findings; orders; refunds; bond measure construction; other relief.

Section 305.589 - Judicial declarations; petition by local government; notice; intervention; appeal; remedies; costs.

Section 305.591 - Court determination that 1990 Measure 5 tax limit is inapplicable; collection of tax; appeal; stay denied.

Section 305.610 - Reciprocal recognition of tax liability; actions in other states for Oregon taxes.

Section 305.612 - Reciprocal offset of tax refunds in payment of liquidated debt or certain amounts payable; rules.

Section 305.620 - Collection and distribution of local taxes on income and sales; costs; court review of determinations and orders; appeals.

Section 305.645 - Department of Revenue to provide services to political subdivisions.

Section 305.653 - Multistate Tax Compact.

Section 305.685 - Multistate Tax Commission Revolving Account.

Section 305.690 - Definitions for ORS 305.690 to 305.753.

Section 305.695 - Oregon Charitable Checkoff Commission; qualifications; term; compensation and expenses.

Section 305.700 - Officers; meetings; quorum; director as nonvoting member.

Section 305.715 - Determination of eligibility; certification of entities to be listed on schedule of tax return.

Section 305.720 - Qualification for entity for contributions by checkoff; period of eligibility; reapplication.

Section 305.725 - Application of entity.

Section 305.730 - Financial report of entity.

Section 305.740 - Commission examination for continuing eligibility; disqualification order.

Section 305.745 - Inclusion of eligible entities on schedule of tax return.

Section 305.747 - Administrative expenses; crediting contributions to entities; rules.

Section 305.753 - State Treasurer may solicit donations to eligible entities; department rules.

Section 305.754 - Designation of contribution to political party on income tax return.

Section 305.756 - Oregon Political Party Fund.

Section 305.757 - Payments to treasurers of political parties.

Section 305.758 - Payment to political party considered contribution for purposes of campaign finance regulation.

Section 305.759 - Contribution to political party on income tax return not to be claimed as tax credit.

Section 305.762 - Election for direct deposit of personal income tax refund.

Section 305.792 - Surplus refund donations to education.

Section 305.796 - Election to contribute refund to account in Oregon 529 Savings Network; rules.

Section 305.800 - Taxpayer Advocate.

Section 305.801 - Authority of Taxpayer Advocate to issue order to department.

Section 305.802 - Report to Legislative Assembly.

Section 305.804 - Duty of tax professional to notify department of breach of security.

Section 305.806 - Posting of information about debtors with delinquent tax debt on department website.

Section 305.810 - Verification of return, statement or document filed under tax laws.

Section 305.820 - Date when writing, remittance or electronic filing deemed received by tax officials.

Section 305.822 - Prohibition on state or local tax on Internet access.

Section 305.823 - Local government tax on telephone services prohibited.

Section 305.830 - Collection of fines, penalties and forfeitures; disbursement; cost of collection.

Section 305.842 - Application of Internal Revenue Code to certain property tax laws.

Section 305.850 - Use of collection agency.

Section 305.860 - Statement of rights of taxpayers; distribution.

Section 305.875 - Rights of taxpayer in meeting or communication with department.

Section 305.890 - Right to enter into agreement to satisfy liability in installment payments.

Section 305.895 - Action against property before issuance of warrant prohibited; prerequisites for warrant.

Section 305.990 - Criminal penalties.

Section 305.992 - Civil penalty for failure to file return for three consecutive years.

Section 305.994 - Civil penalties imposed on financial institution.