2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 292 - Salaries and Expenses of State Officers and Employees
Section 292.150 - Advances upon mileage allowances of members of legislature and upon salaries of legislative employees and other state employees; rules.

(2) Wages and salaries of clerks and employees of the Legislative Assembly shall be so advanced only pursuant to certificates, showing the amount of salary earned and unpaid, signed by the chief clerk of the branch of the Legislative Assembly with which the party receiving the advance is identified and by the Oregon Department of Administrative Services or its duly authorized representative.
(3) The amounts of earned wages and salaries of state employees shall be so advanced only if payable solely from appropriations made by the Legislative Assembly, and then only upon vouchers approved by the proper state officer, board or commission, as the case may be.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 07 - Public Facilities and Finance

Chapter 292 - Salaries and Expenses of State Officers and Employees

Section 292.014 - Definitions for ORS 292.014 to 292.036.

Section 292.022 - Preparation of payroll.

Section 292.024 - Warrant for aggregate amount allowed plus assessments; limits.

Section 292.026 - Payroll payments.

Section 292.033 - Advances of regular and terminal salary or wages.

Section 292.034 - Payment for use of centralized payroll services.

Section 292.039 - Paying officers and employees of certain state institutions and agencies.

Section 292.042 - Paying employees by single payment to designated financial institutions.

Section 292.043 - Deduction for payment to foundations; rules.

Section 292.044 - Deduction by employees of public universities for payment to nonprofit organization; approval by governing board.

Section 292.045 - Annual charitable fund drive program; charitable fund drive committee; members; powers; deduction for payment to charitable fund drive program; disclosure of administrative costs; rules.

Section 292.047 - Deduction for payment to Oregon State Capitol Foundation; rules.

Section 292.051 - Deduction of cost of group insurance and other services; fee; payment of moneys deducted.

Section 292.057 - Deduction for payment to Oregon Veterans’ Home Account; rules.

Section 292.061 - Deduction for payment of delinquent taxes.

Section 292.063 - Deduction of wage overpayment; procedure; rules.

Section 292.065 - Deduction of payment for parking fees; agreements for parking in state lots; rules.

Section 292.067 - Deduction of requested payments to financial institutions; payment to designated central depositories.

Section 292.070 - Withholding compensation to purchase United States Savings Bonds or other obligations; Employes’ Bond Savings Account; rules.

Section 292.080 - Issuance of bonds; delivery to employee.

Section 292.110 - Procedure where employee dies having credit in account.

Section 292.150 - Advances upon mileage allowances of members of legislature and upon salaries of legislative employees and other state employees; rules.

Section 292.160 - Repayment of amounts advanced.

Section 292.180 - Invoice reflecting certain savings; use of savings; refunding.

Section 292.210 - Definitions for ORS 292.210 to 292.230.

Section 292.230 - Policy on out-of-state travel; guidelines; rules.

Section 292.250 - Reimbursement for use of privately owned motor vehicle on official business; statewide tiered mileage reimbursement rate schedule.

Section 292.286 - Approval of advance by agency head; payment; rules.

Section 292.311 - Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General, Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries.

Section 292.406 - Court of Appeals judges.

Section 292.411 - Supreme Court Chief Justice and judges.

Section 292.416 - Circuit court judges.

Section 292.426 - Tax court judge.

Section 292.428 - Cost of living adjustment for judicial salaries.

Section 292.430 - Retirement and insurance benefits extension to state elected officers.

Section 292.495 - Compensation and expenses of members of state boards and commissions.

Section 292.500 - Compensation and expenses of members of Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities.

Section 292.930 - Annual salary for certain elected officers.

Section 292.951 - Definitions for ORS 292.951 to 292.971.

Section 292.956 - Methodology for determining comparability of value of work; rules.

Section 292.961 - Pay Equity Adjustment Fund; use; priority; review of distribution by legislative body.

Section 292.971 - Job Evaluation Teams; duties.