(1) A monthly registration record of all electors registered as not being affiliated with any political party;
(2) At each primary election, a record of the number of electors who voted from each major political party;
(3) A record of all electors registered as not being affiliated with any political party who vote in a primary election of a major political party that has provided under ORS 254.365 for a primary election that admits electors not affiliated with any political party; and
(4) A record of all electors registered as not being affiliated with any political party who vote in the general election. [1987 c.719 §3; 1991 c.719 §52; 1993 c.713 §31; 1995 c.712 §63; 1999 c.999 §52]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections
Chapter 254 - Conduct of Elections
Section 254.005 - Definitions.
Section 254.025 - Construction of statutes applicable to primary elections.
Section 254.035 - Time and place of elections for city officers.
Section 254.056 - Date and purpose of general election and primary election.
Section 254.076 - Register of candidates for nomination.
Section 254.085 - Secretary of State’s statement of offices, candidates and measures.
Section 254.095 - City elections officers’ statements of offices, candidates and measures.
Section 254.103 - Filing of measures referred by county governing body.
Section 254.108 - Numbering county, city and district measures; rules.
Section 254.115 - Official primary election ballot.
Section 254.135 - Official general or special election ballots.
Section 254.145 - Design and contents of official ballots.
Section 254.155 - Order of candidate names on ballot.
Section 254.165 - Adjusting ballot when vacancy occurs; notice to Secretary of State; exception.
Section 254.195 - Ballot specifications.
Section 254.235 - Testing of voting machines and vote tally systems; notice of test.
Section 254.365 - Voting at primary election by major party members and nonaffiliated electors.
Section 254.408 - Procedure for voting by person for whom no evidence of registration is found.
Section 254.411 - Voting after name change.
Section 254.415 - Challenging ballot of person offering to vote; statement of challenge.
Section 254.426 - Procedure on challenged ballot.
Section 254.445 - Assistance in marking ballot; use of sample ballot as aid in voting.
Section 254.458 - Alternatives to return identification envelope procedures.
Section 254.465 - Elections to be conducted by mail; rules.
Section 254.470 - Procedures for conducting election by mail; rules.
Section 254.471 - Extension of deadline for returning ballots in case of emergency.
Section 254.473 - State payment for return of ballots by mail.
Section 254.474 - Voting booths for primary and general elections.
Section 254.478 - Preparation for counting ballots; scanning ballots into vote tally system.
Section 254.480 - Replacement ballots.
Section 254.483 - Ballot security; destruction of unused ballots.
Section 254.485 - Tally of ballots; test of vote tally system; rules.
Section 254.495 - Tally and return sheets; counting and tallying ballots.
Section 254.500 - Tally of write-in votes.
Section 254.505 - Ballots to be counted; void ballots; partially void ballots.
Section 254.532 - Risk-limiting audit; procedures; rules.
Section 254.535 - Preservation of certain materials; retention of records.
Section 254.545 - Duties of county clerk after election.
Section 254.548 - Individual nominated or elected by write-in votes; form; rules.
Section 254.555 - Secretary of State’s duties after election; Governor’s proclamation.
Section 254.565 - Duties of city elections officer after election.
Section 254.575 - Procedure when tie vote.