(2) A community college district measure relating to bonding, a county measure or a measure of a metropolitan service district organized under ORS chapter 268, and the ballot title, explanatory statement and arguments relating to the measure, shall be included in the state voters’ pamphlet as provided in ORS 251.285, if a county voters’ pamphlet described in ORS 251.305 to 251.435 is not prepared:
(a) For the election on the county measure; or
(b) In each county in which the community college district or metropolitan service district is located, for the election on the community college district measure relating to bonding or metropolitan service district measure.
(3) If a county voters’ pamphlet described in ORS 251.305 to 251.435 is prepared for an election at which a candidate for nomination or election to any county or city office, or to an elected office of a metropolitan service district organized under ORS chapter 268, is listed on the ballot, or at which a community college district measure relating to bonding, a county measure or a measure of a metropolitan service district organized under ORS chapter 268 is listed on the ballot, the county voters’ pamphlet shall include the county or city office, the office of the metropolitan service district or the community college district measure relating to bonding, county measure or measure of the metropolitan service district. Such offices and measures shall not be included in any state voters’ pamphlet prepared for the election and distributed in the county for which the county voters’ pamphlet is prepared.
(4) If a city, metropolitan service district organized under ORS chapter 268 or community college district is located in more than one county, and a county in which the city, metropolitan service district or community college district is located does not prepare a county voters’ pamphlet described in ORS 251.305 to 251.435 for the election, candidates for nomination or election to any city office or an elected office of the metropolitan service district, and any community college district measure relating to bonding or measure of the metropolitan service district, shall be included in the state voters’ pamphlet to be distributed to the county that does not prepare a county voters’ pamphlet. The Secretary of State shall designate the candidates and measures that may be included in the state voters’ pamphlet under this subsection.
(5) As used in this section, "community college district" has the meaning given that term in ORS 341.005. [1999 c.318 §8; 2017 c.392 §1]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections
Chapter 251 - Voters’ Pamphlet
Section 251.005 - Definitions.
Section 251.014 - Electronic filing system; rules.
Section 251.026 - Statements and information included in voters’ pamphlets; rules.
Section 251.046 - Content of statements and arguments.
Section 251.065 - Filing portrait and statement by or for candidate; rules.
Section 251.075 - Portrait requirements; rules.
Section 251.125 - Disclaimer; identification of portrait or statement.
Section 251.135 - Withdrawal of material; refund of filing fee.
Section 251.165 - Preparing material for inclusion in state voters’ pamphlet.
Section 251.170 - Requirements for translation of voters’ pamphlets; rules.
Section 251.173 - Translation Advisory Council; membership; compensation; duties.
Section 251.175 - Distribution of pamphlet; rules for nonstatewide special elections.
Section 251.215 - Preparation and filing of explanatory statement of measure.
Section 251.235 - Supreme Court review of explanatory statement; service requirements.
Section 251.295 - Radio and television broadcasts to supplement pamphlet.
Section 251.305 - County voters’ pamphlet.
Section 251.325 - Schedule and procedures for producing and distributing pamphlet; fees; rules.
Section 251.335 - Filing portrait and statement by or for candidate; disclaimer.
Section 251.355 - Filing arguments for or against measure.
Section 251.365 - Cost of pamphlet preparation; allocation of revenue.
Section 251.395 - Content of statements and arguments; notice of material that may be excluded.