2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 250 - Initiative and Referendum
Section 250.147 - Contributions to Citizens’ Initiative Review Commission; prohibitions; disclosure.

(2) The commission may not receive contributions of moneys or assistance from:
(a) A political committee, as defined in ORS 260.005;
(b) For-profit corporate treasuries;
(c) Union treasuries; or
(d) Any other source the commission determines might be used to transfer moneys from a political committee, for-profit corporate treasury or union treasury to the commission.
(3) If a person contributes to the commission an aggregate total of more than $100 in a calendar year, not later than 14 calendar days after the commission receives the contribution, the commission shall make available to the public on the Internet:
(a) The name and address of the person or entity who made the contribution; and
(b) The amount of the contribution.
(4) The commission may enter into contracts and hire any staff the commission deems necessary.
(5) The commission may appoint an executive director to serve at the pleasure of the commission. [2011 c.365 §4; 2013 c.722 §16]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 250 - Initiative and Referendum

Section 250.005 - Definitions.

Section 250.015 - Form of petition; numbering of signature sheets; rules.

Section 250.025 - Qualifications for signers of petition; removal of signatures.

Section 250.029 - Withdrawal of initiative or referendum petition; form.

Section 250.031 - Rules for conduct of election under Article XI, section 11, of Oregon Constitution.

Section 250.035 - Form of ballot titles for state and local measures.

Section 250.036 - Form of ballot title for measure subject to Article XI, section 11 (8), of Oregon Constitution; exception.

Section 250.037 - Form of ballot title for measure requesting approval of certain bonds.

Section 250.038 - Form of ballot title for measure authorizing imposition or renewal of local option taxes or establishing permanent rate limitation.

Section 250.041 - Applicability of ORS 250.005 to 250.038 to counties and cities.

Section 250.043 - Acceptance of initiative or referendum petition without original signatures.

Section 250.044 - When actions challenging constitutionality of state measure must be filed in Marion County Circuit Court.

Section 250.045 - Prospective petition; signature requirement; cover and signature sheet requirements; rules.

Section 250.048 - Registration and training for paid petition circulators; requirements; effect of failure to register; criminal records check; registration of organizations that pay petition circulators; rules.

Section 250.052 - Official templates of cover and signature sheets; electronic template; rules.

Section 250.065 - Preparation of ballot titles for certain state measures.

Section 250.067 - Notice of draft ballot title; written comments; certification of title; correction of clerical errors; rules.

Section 250.075 - Preparation of ballot titles by Legislative Assembly.

Section 250.085 - Procedure for elector dissatisfied with ballot title of state measure; Supreme Court review of title.

Section 250.105 - Petition filing requirements; monthly filing; signature verification; rules.

Section 250.115 - Numbering of state measures.

Section 250.125 - Estimate of financial impact of state measures; financial estimate committee; application to Native American or American Indian tribal governments; notice in voters’ pamphlet if no funding source identified.

Section 250.127 - Preparation and filing of estimates and statements of financial impact of state measure.

Section 250.131 - Court review of procedures under which estimates and statements of financial impact of state measure were prepared.

Section 250.137 - Citizens’ Initiative Review Commission; members; term of office; rules.

Section 250.139 - Citizen panels; composition; compensation; selection and review of certain state measures; moderators; rules.

Section 250.141 - Citizen panel statements; preparation; inclusion in voters’ pamphlet; rules.

Section 250.143 - Evaluation of citizen panel procedures; findings and recommendations; appointment of certain commission members.

Section 250.147 - Contributions to Citizens’ Initiative Review Commission; prohibitions; disclosure.

Section 250.149 - Determination of sufficient funds for commission and citizen panels.

Section 250.155 - Application of ORS 250.165 to 250.235.

Section 250.165 - Prospective petition; cover and signature sheet requirements; circulation; filing deadline.

Section 250.168 - Determination of compliance with constitutional provisions; notice; appeal.

Section 250.175 - Preparation of ballot titles for certain county measures; correction of clerical errors; notice.

Section 250.185 - Preparation of ballot titles by county governing body.

Section 250.195 - Procedure for elector dissatisfied with ballot title of county measure.

Section 250.205 - Filing and signature requirements for nonhome rule counties.

Section 250.215 - Filing officer for county measure; filing requirements; signature verification.

Section 250.265 - Prospective petition; cover and signature sheet requirements; circulation; filing deadline.

Section 250.270 - Determination of compliance with constitutional provisions; notice; appeal.

Section 250.275 - Preparation of ballot titles for certain city measures; correction of clerical errors; notice.

Section 250.285 - Preparation of ballot titles by city governing body.

Section 250.296 - Procedure for elector dissatisfied with ballot title of city measure.

Section 250.305 - Signature requirements.

Section 250.315 - Filing officer; filing requirements; signature verification.

Section 250.325 - Procedure following filing of initiative petition.