2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 242 - Civil Service for City or School District Employees and Firefighters
Section 242.990 - Penalties.

(2) Willful violation of any of the provisions of ORS 242.720, 242.738, 242.768, 242.772, 242.792, 242.822 and 242.824 is a misdemeanor. [Subsection (2) enacted as 1959 c.252 ยง45]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 242 - Civil Service for City or School District Employees and Firefighters

Section 242.320 - Definitions for ORS 242.310 to 242.640.

Section 242.330 - Civil service board.

Section 242.340 - Qualifications of commissioners.

Section 242.350 - Terms and compensation of commissioners.

Section 242.360 - Removal and vacancies.

Section 242.520 - Merit system to be observed.

Section 242.560 - Register of eligible candidates; ranking; rules.

Section 242.570 - Certification of candidates for vacancies; rules.

Section 242.590 - Permanent appointments.

Section 242.630 - Investigation; findings; appeal.

Section 242.640 - Prohibited conduct.

Section 242.702 - Definitions for ORS 242.702 to 242.824.

Section 242.704 - Political subdivisions and positions to which ORS 242.702 to 242.824 apply.

Section 242.706 - Civil service commission; members; term of office; compensation.

Section 242.712 - Chairperson of commission; meetings; quorum.

Section 242.714 - Preparation of budget; appropriations.

Section 242.716 - Chief examiner and secretary of commission.

Section 242.718 - Offices and clerical help for commission.

Section 242.720 - Officers of political subdivision to assist commission.

Section 242.722 - Preservation of records and examinations; public records.

Section 242.724 - Rules of commission; examinations.

Section 242.726 - Investigation by commission of abuses; report of investigation.

Section 242.728 - Administering oaths; compelling attendance of witnesses and production of documents; depositions of witnesses.

Section 242.732 - Procedure in hearings before commission; rules of evidence.

Section 242.736 - Commission certification of payroll required.

Section 242.738 - Payments to persons not certified by commission prohibited.

Section 242.752 - Basis of appointment and promotion; creation of positions; fixing compensation.

Section 242.754 - Classification of positions.

Section 242.756 - Effect on incumbent when position first becomes subject to civil service.

Section 242.758 - Examinations.

Section 242.762 - Promotional examinations.

Section 242.764 - Entrance and promotion register.

Section 242.766 - Appointment or rejection of certified candidates by appointing power; probation; discharge; demotion.

Section 242.768 - Permanent and temporary appointments; rules.

Section 242.770 - Vacancies.

Section 242.772 - Report of appointing power to commission.

Section 242.794 - Transfer or reinstatement.

Section 242.796 - Grounds for dismissal, demotion, suspension or deprivation of special privileges.

Section 242.804 - Appeal from finding of commission; issue on appeal limited.

Section 242.822 - Prohibited conduct generally.

Section 242.990 - Penalties.