2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 238A - Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan
Section 238A.155 - Retirement credit for periods of disability.

(2) The provisions of this section apply only to:
(a) A member who has accrued 10 years or more of retirement credit before the member becomes disabled; or
(b) A member who becomes disabled by reason of injury or disease sustained while in the actual performance of duty.
(3) Retirement credit accrues under this section only for as long as the member remains disabled or until the member reaches the normal retirement age under ORS 238A.160.
(4) If a disabled member does not return to employment with a participating public employer after the period of disability, the member shall receive a pension under ORS 238A.180, 238A.185 or 238A.190 upon retirement based on an adjusted salary. The adjusted salary shall be the salary paid to the disabled member on the date the member left active employment with the participating public employer by reason of disability, adjusted for each year after the member left employment and before the member’s effective date of retirement to reflect cost-of-living changes, based on the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, West Region (All Items), as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor. Adjustments under this subsection may not exceed a two percent increase or decrease for any year. An adjustment shall be made under this subsection only for calendar years in which the member is disabled for at least six months during the year.
(5) A pension program member is considered to be disabled for the purpose of this section if:
(a) The member is found, after being examined by one or more physicians selected by the Public Employees Retirement Board, to be mentally or physically incapacitated for an extended duration and unable to perform any work for which qualified, by reason of injury or disease that was not intentionally self-inflicted; or
(b) The member receives workers’ compensation benefits by reason of injury or disease that was sustained while in actual performance of duty with a participating public employer and that was not intentionally self-inflicted and returns to employment with a participating public employer after the period of disability. [2003 c.733 §14; 2017 c.653 §1; 2019 c.57 §12]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 238A - Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan

Section 238A.005 - Definitions.

Section 238A.025 - Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan established.

Section 238A.030 - Information technology system.

Section 238A.050 - Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan part of Public Employees Retirement System.

Section 238A.070 - Participation generally.

Section 238A.100 - Establishing membership under pension program.

Section 238A.110 - Termination of membership.

Section 238A.115 - Vesting.

Section 238A.117 - Vesting of member killed in course and scope of employment.

Section 238A.120 - Withdrawal from pension program by vested inactive member.

Section 238A.125 - Amount of pension; rules.

Section 238A.130 - Final average salary; rules.

Section 238A.140 - Accrual of retirement credit.

Section 238A.142 - Accrual by academic employees of community college.

Section 238A.145 - Loss of retirement credit.

Section 238A.150 - Retirement credit for service in uniformed services; rules.

Section 238A.155 - Retirement credit for periods of disability.

Section 238A.160 - Normal retirement age; normal retirement date.

Section 238A.165 - Earliest retirement age; earliest retirement date.

Section 238A.170 - Latest retirement date; required minimum distributions; rules.

Section 238A.190 - Survivorship benefits.

Section 238A.200 - Actuarial equivalency factor tables.

Section 238A.210 - Cost-of-living adjustment.

Section 238A.220 - Employer contributions.

Section 238A.230 - Death benefit; rules.

Section 238A.235 - Disability benefit.

Section 238A.240 - Funding of disability benefit.

Section 238A.245 - Reemployment after commencement of pension benefits.

Section 238A.250 - Option of legislators to receive certain benefits.

Section 238A.300 - Establishing membership under individual account program.

Section 238A.305 - Persons establishing membership in system before August 29, 2003.

Section 238A.310 - Termination of membership.

Section 238A.320 - Vesting.

Section 238A.330 - Employee contributions.

Section 238A.335 - Employer payment of employee contribution.

Section 238A.340 - Employer contributions.

Section 238A.350 - Individual accounts established.

Section 238A.353 - Employee pension stability accounts established.

Section 238A.360 - Rollover contributions; rules.

Section 238A.375 - Distribution of accounts to inactive member.

Section 238A.400 - Payment of accounts at retirement; rules.

Section 238A.410 - Death benefits; rules.

Section 238A.415 - Credit for service in uniformed services; rules.

Section 238A.420 - Investment options under individual account program; rules.

Section 238A.430 - Direct rollovers; rules.

Section 238A.435 - Distribution of death benefit as rollover distribution.

Section 238A.450 - Rules for Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan.

Section 238A.460 - Limitation on powers of board, director and staff.