2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 163 - Offenses Against Persons
Section 163.145 - Criminally negligent homicide.

(2) Criminally negligent homicide is a Class B felony. [1971 c.743 §91; 2003 c.815 §2]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 04 - Criminal Procedure, Crimes

Chapter 163 - Offenses Against Persons

Section 163.005 - Criminal homicide.

Section 163.095 - "Aggravated murder" defined.

Section 163.105 - Sentencing options for aggravated murder.

Section 163.107 - Murder in the first degree; sentence of life imprisonment required; minimum term.

Section 163.109 - Alternative proof of certain victims of murder in the first degree.

Section 163.111 - Pleading, proof and stipulation regarding previous conviction element in prosecution for murder in the first degree.

Section 163.115 - Murder in the second degree; affirmative defense to certain felony murders; sentence of life imprisonment required; minimum term.

Section 163.118 - Manslaughter in the first degree.

Section 163.125 - Manslaughter in the second degree.

Section 163.135 - Extreme emotional disturbance as affirmative defense to murder in the second degree; notice of expert testimony; right of state to psychiatric or psychological examination.

Section 163.145 - Criminally negligent homicide.

Section 163.147 - Crime category classification for manslaughter in the second degree and criminally negligent homicide.

Section 163.149 - Aggravated vehicular homicide.

Section 163.150 - Sentencing for aggravated murder; proceedings; issues for jury.

Section 163.155 - Sentencing for murder of pregnant victim; proceeding; issues for jury.

Section 163.160 - Assault in the fourth degree.

Section 163.165 - Assault in the third degree.

Section 163.168 - Crime category classification for assault in the third degree.

Section 163.175 - Assault in the second degree.

Section 163.185 - Assault in the first degree.

Section 163.187 - Strangulation.

Section 163.190 - Menacing.

Section 163.191 - Intimidation by display of a noose.

Section 163.192 - Endangering a person protected by a Family Abuse Prevention Act restraining order.

Section 163.193 - Assisting another person to commit suicide.

Section 163.195 - Recklessly endangering another person.

Section 163.196 - Aggravated driving while suspended or revoked.

Section 163.197 - Hazing.

Section 163.200 - Criminal mistreatment in the second degree.

Section 163.205 - Criminal mistreatment in the first degree.

Section 163.206 - Exceptions to criminal mistreatment.

Section 163.207 - Female genital mutilation.

Section 163.208 - Assaulting a public safety officer.

Section 163.211 - Definitions for ORS 163.211 to 163.213.

Section 163.212 - Unlawful use of an electrical stun gun, tear gas or mace in the second degree.

Section 163.213 - Unlawful use of an electrical stun gun, tear gas or mace in the first degree.

Section 163.215 - Definitions for ORS 163.215 to 163.257.

Section 163.225 - Kidnapping in the second degree.

Section 163.235 - Kidnapping in the first degree.

Section 163.245 - Custodial interference in the second degree.

Section 163.257 - Custodial interference in the first degree.

Section 163.261 - Definitions for ORS 163.263 and 163.264.

Section 163.263 - Subjecting another person to involuntary servitude in the second degree.

Section 163.264 - Subjecting another person to involuntary servitude in the first degree.

Section 163.266 - Trafficking in persons.

Section 163.269 - Victim assertion of defense of duress.

Section 163.275 - Coercion.

Section 163.305 - Definitions.

Section 163.315 - Incapacity to consent; effect of lack of resistance.

Section 163.325 - Ignorance or mistake as a defense.

Section 163.345 - Age as a defense in certain cases.

Section 163.355 - Rape in the third degree.

Section 163.365 - Rape in the second degree.

Section 163.375 - Rape in the first degree.

Section 163.385 - Sodomy in the third degree.

Section 163.395 - Sodomy in the second degree.

Section 163.405 - Sodomy in the first degree.

Section 163.408 - Unlawful sexual penetration in the second degree.

Section 163.411 - Unlawful sexual penetration in the first degree.

Section 163.412 - Exceptions to unlawful sexual penetration prohibition.

Section 163.413 - Purchasing sex with a minor.

Section 163.415 - Sexual abuse in the third degree.

Section 163.425 - Sexual abuse in the second degree.

Section 163.426 - Crime category classification for sexual abuse in the second degree.

Section 163.427 - Sexual abuse in the first degree.

Section 163.431 - Definitions for ORS 163.431 to 163.434.

Section 163.432 - Online sexual corruption of a child in the second degree.

Section 163.433 - Online sexual corruption of a child in the first degree.

Section 163.434 - Provisions applicable to online sexual corruption of a child.

Section 163.435 - Contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor.

Section 163.445 - Sexual misconduct.

Section 163.452 - Custodial sexual misconduct in the first degree.

Section 163.454 - Custodial sexual misconduct in the second degree.

Section 163.465 - Public indecency.

Section 163.466 - Classification of felony public indecency.

Section 163.467 - Private indecency.

Section 163.472 - Unlawful dissemination of an intimate image.

Section 163.476 - Unlawfully being in a location where children regularly congregate.

Section 163.479 - Unlawful contact with a child.

Section 163.505 - Definitions for certain provisions of ORS 163.505 to 163.575.

Section 163.515 - Bigamy.

Section 163.525 - Incest.

Section 163.535 - Abandonment of a child.

Section 163.537 - Buying or selling a person under 18 years of age.

Section 163.545 - Child neglect in the second degree.

Section 163.547 - Child neglect in the first degree.

Section 163.555 - Criminal nonsupport.

Section 163.565 - Evidence of parentage; confidentiality between spouses not applicable; spouses competent and compellable witnesses.

Section 163.575 - Endangering the welfare of a minor.

Section 163.577 - Failing to supervise a child.

Section 163.580 - Display of sign concerning sale of smoking devices.

Section 163.665 - Definitions.

Section 163.670 - Using child in display of sexually explicit conduct.

Section 163.676 - Exemption from prosecution under ORS 163.684.

Section 163.682 - Exceptions to ORS 163.665 to 163.693.

Section 163.684 - Encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree.

Section 163.686 - Encouraging child sexual abuse in the second degree.

Section 163.687 - Encouraging child sexual abuse in the third degree.

Section 163.688 - Possession of materials depicting sexually explicit conduct of a child in the first degree.

Section 163.689 - Possession of materials depicting sexually explicit conduct of a child in the second degree.

Section 163.693 - Failure to report child pornography.

Section 163.700 - Invasion of personal privacy in the second degree.

Section 163.701 - Invasion of personal privacy in the first degree.

Section 163.702 - Exceptions to ORS 163.700 and 163.701.

Section 163.707 - Forfeiture of motor vehicle used in drive-by shooting.

Section 163.709 - Unlawful directing of light from a laser pointer.

Section 163.715 - Unlawful use of a global positioning system device.

Section 163.730 - Definitions for ORS 30.866 and 163.730 to 163.750.

Section 163.732 - Stalking.

Section 163.735 - Citation; form.

Section 163.738 - Effect of citation; contents; hearing; court’s order; use of statements made at hearing.

Section 163.741 - Service of stalking protective order; entry of order into law enforcement data systems.

Section 163.744 - Initiation of action seeking citation; complaint form.

Section 163.750 - Violating a court’s stalking protective order.

Section 163.753 - Immunity of officer acting in good faith.

Section 163.755 - Conduct for which stalking protective order may not be issued.

Section 163.760 - Definitions for ORS 163.760 to 163.777.

Section 163.763 - Petition to circuit court for relief; burden of proof.

Section 163.765 - Restraining order; service of order; request for hearing; duration of order.

Section 163.767 - Hearing; order; certificate of compliance; consent agreement.

Section 163.770 - Appearance by telephone or electronic communication device.

Section 163.773 - Enforcement of restraining order; service by sheriff; termination order; contempt proceeding.

Section 163.775 - Renewal and modification of restraining order.

Section 163.777 - Fees or undertaking may not be required; forms and brochures.