2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 146 - Investigations of Deaths, Injuries and Missing Persons
Section 146.750 - Injuries to be reported to law enforcement agency.

(2) An oral report must be made immediately by telephone or otherwise, and followed as soon thereafter as possible by a report in writing, to an appropriate law enforcement agency.
(3) When an injury, or abuse as defined in ORS 419B.005, occurs to an unmarried person who is under 18 years of age, the provisions of ORS 419B.005 to 419B.050 apply. [1965 c.472 §§3,4; 1967 c.545 §6; 1971 c.401 §9; 1971 c.451 §12; 1973 c.408 §28; 1975 c.644 §1; 1993 c.546 §99; 2011 c.347 §1; 2014 c.45 §26; 2017 c.356 §18]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 04 - Criminal Procedure, Crimes

Chapter 146 - Investigations of Deaths, Injuries and Missing Persons

Section 146.003 - Definitions for ORS 146.003 to 146.189 and 146.710 to 146.992.

Section 146.015 - State Medical Examiner Advisory Board; appointment of Chief Medical Examiner; rules.

Section 146.025 - Functions of board.

Section 146.035 - Chief Medical Examiner; personnel; records; right to examine records.

Section 146.045 - Duties of Chief Medical Examiner; persons missing at sea, in wilderness or in forested environment.

Section 146.055 - Advice; autopsies; training programs; report.

Section 146.065 - Local medical examiners; appointment; Deputy State Medical Examiner.

Section 146.075 - District office duties; personnel; expenses for certain duties; records and reports.

Section 146.080 - Assistant district medical examiner.

Section 146.085 - Medical-legal death investigators.

Section 146.090 - Deaths requiring investigation.

Section 146.095 - Investigation; certification; report; training.

Section 146.100 - Where death considered to have occurred; notification of death required.

Section 146.103 - Removal of body, effects or weapons prohibited without consent.

Section 146.107 - Authority to enter and secure certain premises; court order.

Section 146.109 - Notification of next of kin.

Section 146.113 - Authority to order removal of body fluids.

Section 146.117 - Autopsies.

Section 146.121 - Disposition of body; filing; expenses.

Section 146.125 - Disposition of personal property.

Section 146.135 - Authority to order inquest.

Section 146.145 - Jury of inquest.

Section 146.155 - Inquest proceedings.

Section 146.165 - Verdict; findings; testimony and verdict of inquest as admissible evidence in subsequent proceedings.

Section 146.171 - Unidentified human remains; maintenance of records.

Section 146.174 - Medical examiner to provide information about unidentified human remains; identification.

Section 146.177 - Procedures for investigating missing persons.

Section 146.181 - Missing persons; police report; supplementary report.

Section 146.184 - Medical practitioners to provide information about missing persons.

Section 146.187 - DNA sample.

Section 146.189 - Use of records to identify human remains and missing persons; disposition of records.

Section 146.710 - Definition for ORS 146.710 to 146.780.

Section 146.750 - Injuries to be reported to law enforcement agency.

Section 146.992 - Penalties.