(2)(a) The fee of jurors for the first two days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $10 for each day that a juror is required to attend.
(b) The fee of jurors for the third and subsequent days of required attendance in circuit court during a term of service is $25 for each day that a juror is required to attend.
(3) Unless otherwise provided by the terms of an employment agreement, a juror must waive the juror’s fee provided for in subsection (1), (2) or (4) of this section if the juror is paid a wage or salary by the juror’s employer for the days that the juror is required to attend a court, including a municipal or justice court. The provisions of this subsection do not affect any claim a juror may have for mileage reimbursement under ORS 10.065.
(4) In addition to the fees and mileage prescribed in subsection (1) of this section and ORS 10.065 for service in a court other than a circuit court, the governing body of a city or county may provide by ordinance for an additional juror fee and for city or county reimbursement of jurors for mileage and other expenses incurred in serving as jurors in courts other than circuit courts. [1999 c.1085 §4 (enacted in lieu of 10.060); 2001 c.761 §3; 2001 c.779 §13; 2002 s.s.1 c.10 §3]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 01 - Courts, Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure
Section 10.020 - Kinds of juries.
Section 10.025 - Rules for use of electronic transmission and electronic signature on documents.
Section 10.030 - Eligibility for jury service; discrimination prohibited.
Section 10.050 - Excuse from jury duty.
Section 10.055 - Deferment of jury service.
Section 10.061 - Fees payable to jurors; required waiver.
Section 10.065 - Mileage fee and reimbursement of other expenses.
Section 10.075 - Payment of per diem and mileage fees by state; payment of other expenses.
Section 10.092 - Insurance coverage for employee during jury service; unlawful employment practice.
Section 10.095 - Duty of jury; instructions.
Section 10.097 - Prohibition of identification of jurors by name in open proceedings.
Section 10.115 - Jurors with disabilities.
Section 10.205 - Selection and summoning of jurors; identification numbers.
Section 10.215 - Master jury list; sources; contents.
Section 10.235 - Additional jurors; selection; notice.
Section 10.255 - Record of persons summoned to serve as jurors.