2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 29A - Early Childhood Education and Care Fund
Section 9-29A-2 - Early childhood education and care program fund.

The "early childhood education and care program fund" is created as a nonreverting fund in the state treasury. The fund consists of distributions, appropriations, gifts, grants, donations and income from investment of the fund. The early childhood education and care department shall administer the fund. Money in the fund is subject to appropriation by the legislature for early childhood education and care services and programs. Expenditures from the fund shall be by warrant of the secretary of finance and administration pursuant to vouchers signed by the secretary of early childhood education and care or the secretary's authorized representative.
History: Laws 2020, ch. 3, § 2.
Effective dates. — Laws 2020, ch. 3, § 8 made Laws 2020, ch. 3, § 2 effective July 1, 2020.