2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Secretary of State
Section 8-4-4 - Fees of secretary of state.

The secretary of state shall collect the following fees to be deposited with the state treasurer for credit to the general fund:
A. photocopies of records, per page twenty-five cents ($.25);
B. each certification three dollars ($3.00);
C. filing each official oath three dollars ($3.00);
D. search of records where another fee is not prescribed, per hour of search ten dollars ($10.00);
E. duplicate commission of office or certificate three dollars ($3.00);
F. service of process where another fee is not prescribed twenty-five dollars ($25.00);
G. computer printout of Uniform Commercial Code records, per page one dollar ($1.00);
H. computer generated records other than voter registration records, per record ....... ten cents ($.10).
History: 1953 Comp., § 4-2-4, enacted by Laws 1969, ch. 272, § 1; 1982, ch. 17, § 1; 1993, ch. 13, § 1.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1969, ch. 272, § 1, repealed former 4-2-4, 1953 Comp., relating to the secretary taking possession of legislative property after adjournment, and enacted a new 4-2-4, 1953 Comp.
The 1993 amendment, effective June 18, 1993, rewrote this section to the extent that a detailed comparison would be impracticable.
Fees for recording collection agency bonds and continuation certificates. 1944 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 44-4511 (rendered under former law).
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 81A C.J.S. States § 104.