2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 40 - Insurance Premium Tax
Section 7-40-3 - Imposition and rate of tax; denomination of "premium tax", "health insurance premium surtax" and "self-insured group tax".

A. The tax imposed pursuant to this subsection may be referred to as the "premium tax". The premium tax is imposed at a rate of three and three-thousandths percent of the gross premiums and membership and policy fees received or written by a taxpayer on insurance or contracts covering risks within the state during the preceding calendar year. The premium tax shall not be imposed on self-insured groups or on return premiums, dividends paid or credited to policyholders or contract holders and premiums received for reinsurance on New Mexico risks.
B. For a taxpayer that is an insurer lawfully organized pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Mexico, the premium tax shall apply solely to the taxpayer's gross premium receipts from insurance policies issued by the taxpayer in New Mexico that cover residents of New Mexico or property or risks principally domiciled or located in New Mexico.
C. With respect to a taxpayer that is a property bondsman, "gross premiums" shall be considered any consideration received as security or surety for a bail bond in connection with a judicial proceeding.
D. The premium tax provided in Subsection A of this section is imposed on the gross premiums received of a surplus lines broker, less return premiums, on surplus lines insurance where New Mexico is the home state of the insured transacted under the surplus lines broker's license, as reported by the surplus lines broker to the department on forms and in the manner prescribed by the department. For purposes of this subsection, "gross premiums" shall include any additional amount charged the insured, including policy fees, risk purchasing group fees and inspection fees; but "premiums" shall not include any additional amount charged the insured for local, state or federal taxes; regulatory authority fees; or examination fees, if any. For a surplus lines policy issued to an insured whose home state is New Mexico and where only a portion of the risk is located in New Mexico, the entire premium tax shall be paid in accordance with this section.
E. In addition to the premium tax, a health insurance premium surtax is imposed at a rate of one percent of the gross health insurance premiums and membership and policy fees received by the taxpayer on hospital and medical expense incurred insurance or contracts; nonprofit health care plan contracts, excluding dental or vision only contracts; and health maintenance organization subscriber contracts covering health risks within this state during the preceding calendar year. The tax shall not apply to return health insurance premiums, dividends paid or credited to policyholders or contract holders and health insurance premiums received for reinsurance on New Mexico risks. The surtax imposed pursuant to this subsection may be referred to as the "health insurance premium surtax".
F. A tax is imposed at a rate of nine-tenths percent on the net premiums, as defined in the Group Self-Insurance Act [Chapter 52, Article 6 NMSA 1978], received or written by a self-insured group within the state during the preceding calendar year. The tax imposed pursuant to this subsection may be referred to as the "self-insured group tax".
History: Laws 2018, ch. 57, § 3; 2021, ch. 65, § 35; 2021, ch. 136, § 2.
2021 Multiple Amendments. — Laws 2021, ch. 65, § 35, effective July 1, 2021 and Laws 2021, ch. 136, § 2, effective January 1, 2022, enacted different amendments to this section. Laws 2021, ch. 65, § 35, effective July 1, 2021, is set out above. The provisions of Laws 2021, ch. 65, § 35, as reconciled with Laws 2021, ch. 136, § 2, become effective January 1, 2022. See section that follows.
Laws 2021, ch. 65, § 35 [set out above], effective July 1, 2021, imposed a self-insured group tax, and made conforming amendments; in Subsection A, after "written by a taxpayer", deleted "as reported by March 1 of each year to the department in the appropriate schedule, as determined by the department, of the taxpayer's annual financial statement", after the next occurrence of "The", added "premium", and after "shall not be imposed on", added "self-insured groups or on"; and added Subsection F.